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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. Midnight madness (which is what I've experienced that last few days with this damn cold) TS
  2. Wow, I did not notice that. originally May 2013 now August 2014. Wow. Well at least the anticipated launch hasn't change from Nov 2012. By that time the Note 2 will be here too. TS
  3. Not possibly coming, but coming to sprint. btw, I posted this in androidforums, but might as well post it here too. You can see what the Galaxy Note II looks like in your own hands using this app. -->HandsonAR TS
  4. Nope, the sad thing is that if one wants to get an answer for a question, then they need to actually make a question that can be answered. instead of stating location x and location y which for all intent and purposes can mean anything, anywhere to a whole bunch of folks, just state the names of the locations and then an answer may be forthcoming. As posted, the question cannot be answered properly and therefore the thread is of no use to anyone. As for the post of the First Amendment, Freedom of Speech may work out in the political arena or the media at large, in a democracy. but here this is a forum owned and operated by Robert. It is not a democracy, It is a run and operated by him and maintained and overlooked by moderators that carry out his wishes and mission statement. Such postings make no sense (especially as written without actual locales) even in the off-topic section, and therefore has no purpose. Thread Closed.
  5. You learn quickly young skywalker. Vader is pleased. btw, Just think of that post over there as a Corbert report type of post. But don't feel bad, although I got the post the first time, I did not notice the image link at the end until I re-read it the second time. But that image is not of the hands on phone. That image only has 3 trace tags, the phone in question had way more. But the pics will never be shown since it will be traced and get the source into problems. And no, I don't have the pics and even if I had them, I won't upload them just for that reason alone. We need to keep these guys secret, otherwise leaks like this won't happen in the future. TS
  6. So true, either way, this phone ate its wheaties and grew taller yet got on a diet and stayed slim. Best make over ever. lol and looking over those comments of what could have happened, make me want it even more. It will be mine. (regardless of spouses' insistence that I get no more new devices) TS
  7. Well I have the Note 10.1 for about a week and i freaking love it. out of the countless online reviewers out there that hated it and gave bad reviews, only 3 of them gave it a positive standing. I would have to agree with the positive reviewers. This tablet kicks major booty. No lag, light, good looking, and although some complain about the screen resolution, they fail to realize that no wiacom screen goes up higher and certainly not at that price. The S-Pen works well (although I still have to figure out some of the stuff the S-pen apps can do now compared to the Note 5.3) Even multiview (which I think should be on all Android tablets) is awesome. True its only their apps, but i see that going far. i wanted to get the 32 gb one but they don't have it in white. So i settled for the 16GB version. Then again, there is a script on xda that swaps the internal memory with the sdcard, so i can get a 64GB sdcard and go that route. As for my Lenovo Thinkpad (Android) tablet, no contest, the Note 10.1 beats it by a mile. It is now in the drawer along side my Notion Ink Adam tablet. TS
  8. I know it has, (by the xda members), that post you quoted of mine was way before yesterdays' discovery and all based on rumors only. But I suggest you read this thread, it may be enlightening. TS out
  9. Its funny, reading this thread reminds me of that water story that a member posted in another blog elsewhere. It reminds me of what the other carriers (AT&T and Verizon) are doing as opposed to what Sprint does by offering unlimited but using water as the data coming in The Water Story... I have an interesting situation. My water utility sells me metered water for washing dishes, watering the lawn, showering, and other limited purposes. The utility offers a Tasting plan for an additional monthly charge. Under this plan, I am allowed to use the water also for cooking and drinking. (Even though my water use is metered, and each gallon of water for cooking and drinking is delivered by the same pipes!). Dear Customer: Our records indicate that you have been using water for cooking and or drinking. Please upgrade your water rater plan to our convenient Tasting plan that allows for this usage. If you continue to use water for cooking and drinking, you will be signed up for the Tasting plan automatically. I think the Tasting plan is just a fee that they made up. It isn't a service they provide. They just want more money from me. I've got a workaround of using a container to obtain water from another room for the purpose of cooking and drinking. Some people shout: Theft of Service! But what service? They're already delivering water to me, and metering it, and I'm paying for it, and its delivered by the same pipes! Some people shout: But you signed an agreement and using water for cooking and drinking is a breach of that agreement! Ask a lawyer about the term "unconscionable contract". Nobody in their right mind would agree to this if they had any actual choice in the matter. Just because they have the power and can force you into paying this ridiculous fee or doing without doesn't make it right. I say that this Tasting "service" is no service at all, its just a fee for delivering nothing at all extra to me. It's a case of the utility wanting something for nothing. Yet people seem to think it is somehow wrong to use the water I'm paying for , for drinking or cooking unless i sign up for the more expensive Tasting plan. In order to add legitimacy to their Tasting plan, the water company says that the Tasting plan is actually delivering something" it includes an additional 2 Gigabytes of water per month, giving you 4 total Gigabytes of water. But what if I only needs 2 Gigabytes of water and therefore my existing monthly 2 Gigabytes plan is plenty? the water company already charges $10 per extra Gigabyte of water I use over the limit. So if I used excess water, it's not like they wouldn't get paid. Furthermore, once I sign up for the Tasting plan, they don't make any distinction between water used for drinking/cooking and water used for other purposes. I could use 3/4 of it for tasting, and 1/4 for bathing/dishwashing. Or any other split. Or all of it purely for tasting. So then if I paid for tasting and used only 2 Gigabytes of water, which I already paid for, then why did I need the Tasting plan? TS
  10. Check out the article. lol I know its not true but it would be funny as hell if it was. Need help counting the coins Apple? There's an app for that. lol TS out
  11. Thanks for the update Tomas. TS
  12. I find it interesting that you are using my signature of my phones as a basis for your point of view. Now,lets take it a bit further. In this image here you can see some other phones that existed before 2007 and its only the natural evolution of design that is taken place. TS
  13. The verdict of Korea based Samsung corp having to pay over a billion dollars to US based Apple is nothing since Samsung is a 18+ billion dollar company. It was ruled as them copying and so be it, i can live with that even though I really feel that it wasn't. But the part that really pisses me off is the short amount of time the verdict came and the reasons as per the jurys own words for the verdict. With over 700 questions and numerous devices to go through, 21 hours was not enough time unless they wanted to cast down a vote without deliberating properly. This article says it best and I tend to agree with it. Between the jury having to come back to fix their mistakes on the amount of the judgement for awarding money to phones that were not in violation to coming to a decision that Samsung was wrong on day one thus possibly invaliding any further testimony makes me feel that the verdict was totally wrong. Now knowing the courts, such things would not amount to anything in an appeal especially since the damage has been done to Samsungs reputation. They are now labeled as copiers/stealers. That to me is the worst thing to have over your head, worse than paying any huge amount. Case in point, another Korean company, Hyundai, is still fighting the reputation they received from the 80's Excel fiasco. Even though today, they make excellent cars and are quite durable, there are quite a few folks that refuse to buy one due to that past reputation. Reputation that are tarnished is very hard to get over. i just hope Samsung comes out of this stronger and not repeat the mistakes and comes out with killer products. Personally i wish Google would just gather all these manufacturers up and sit them down and tell them to incorporate many of their designs into one killer product to compete directly against the iphone / ipad. TS
  14. Well, he does not mention any source, while over in android Forums there is one member that does have a Samsung source that says otherwise. But we will see this week for sure, since Samsung would let most know whether they plan on doing the multi-carrier deployment like they did with the S3 for the Note. TS
  15. I am assuming that he is thinking that since Samsung is unveiling the International version this week that naturally AT&T being an International company will get it first (which makes sense) and possibly T-Mobile as well since they EOL'ed the current Note this week past and their parent company is overseas. The Sprint and Verizon and or Metro PCS US versions will most likely come later. TS
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