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Everything posted by Boosted20V

  1. Correct, which is why over time I don't see how you don't impose usage caps. Albeit higher than what ATT/VZ offer. Unless users are forced to keep in mind some semblance of usage, they waste the bandwidth. I suppose if you put Clear's holdings to full use it would put it off for a while but on a long enough timeline I still think caps are necessary.
  2. While the 5x5 1900mhz LTE carrier currently used offers 37.5mb/s per sector, remember you have 3G to support for EVDO and calls and you also will be adding another 5x5 carrier with 800mhz. So it's a function of the number of sectors (usually 3), but not every sector may be fully utilized. That still wouldn't need 1gb/s however. Regarding legacy backhaul, not ALL sites have 3 T1's, there are varying numbers, as well as some sites with AAV connections.
  3. If the backhaul is faster than the theoretical airlink connection, it is wasted speed. Now if Sprint acquires additional spectrum or hosts Clear's spectrum I understand that can change, but for the most part, having 1gb/s backhaul when your airlink can only support 300mb/s is a waste.
  4. Well based on timelines that's not going to happen. If Sprint wanted anything to do with Rev. B you would have heard it by now. 800mhz isn't that far off.
  5. Hopefully 800mhz LTE will reach anywhere the EVDO 1900mhz signal reaches.
  6. I imagine battery life plays a part in why they don't just increase the frequency of LTE scans.
  7. I agree, it was known pre-launch and is still an issue. Nothing is going to change going forward or it would have been already.
  8. That is most likely due to you not having a 100% usable signal. As you move further away/increase obstructions between you and a tower, the speeds will taper off.
  9. The Indianapolis area Sensorly LTE map is filling in nicely.
  10. You have 2 posts here and yet I'm a troll. You add no value to the discussion so please stop, why is that so hard?
  11. I was just noticing this when comparing my EVO vs. my wife's SIII. The signal bounces around ALOT on the EVO.
  12. Haha, I just found the same article. Looks like Samsung/Qualcomm and Intel have solid portfolios. Intel did a good job acquiring patents from other players it looks like.
  13. I've been curious about that. Do you know exactly what patents they control?
  14. I agree they've done a good job diversifying... also picking up ATI's mobile graphics division was excellent. I don't think the margin on the processors is near as nice as on licensing tech though!
  15. It's unfortunate for Sprint that with Ericsson not converting 3G to the new backhaul they must continue to pay for legacy T1's.
  16. So realistically then the "last mile" would commonly be coax?
  17. I know Qualcomm's licensing revenues are doing very nicely seeing as 3G EVDO/CDMA tech is still heavily used and will be around for quite a while (especially in other parts of the world) but... in the future it must hurt them that they have no 4G tech to collect licensing revenue from.
  18. I disagree.... The main savings from NV will be incurred due to much cheaper backhaul, i.e. many T1's vs fiber/microwave/AAV. Many T1's cost > Fiber/Microwave/AAV...?
  19. I was stating that Fiber/AAV/Microwave is multitudes cheaper than T1's. Not that they were being cheap by keeping T1's.
  20. Thanks, furthering the point though that Clearwire could have deployed many more carriers if they had chosen.
  21. Thanks for pointing this out. I had only gathered that from what I read in the PR/VI market thread.
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