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Everything posted by JonnygATL

  1. Yeah just stopping the bleeding (i.e., NOT losing subscribers at all) would be a huge gain. And so any gains in subs beyond that would be absolutely awesome. But the vast majority of that quarter did not fall under the changes that Marcelo made. The $60 unlimited plan for individuals is still very new and in its infancy and the $50 unlimited iphone plan is even more new and so the effect of both will only grow over time, beyond the reach of Q3. So I expect Q4 to really be the point at which Sprint truly begins to pull away from the mess that, by that time, they will have decidedly left behind them.
  2. Guys, I dug up this old article because I was offered the Note 3 today as a replacement for my damanged Nexus 5 by asurion on the phone. I am not really keen on returning to the lumbering performance of a Samsung, Touchwiz "graced" phone after using the sly and nimble Nexus 5 for the past 8 months. The N5 apparently is out of stock indefinitely from Asurion and they tried quite hard to push the Note 3 on me. I declined. I declined because I seemed to remember that this was a single band LTE device. This article confirms as much. However, was a tri band Note 3 ever released a la the Galaxy S4T? I didn't see anything performing a simple Google search and this site - as ususal - seems to be far and away the best source of information when looking for technical details such as this. Thanks in advance! JG
  3. Wow, then this is big. Nerd porn to the nth degree! So far, I've only connected to b41 on old converted clear sites here in Atlanta but the speeds were not terribly exciting. I'm definitely looking forward to new Sprint b41 installs here in the A.
  4. Robert, as Indy was not a wimax market, does this mean that Sprint b41 8t8r installs are now being turned on? Or was this a former wimax protection site?
  5. It's funny you say this. At my apartment at Sydney Marcus @ GA 400, I just logged off wifi to check out what you said. Sure enough, instead of being connected to band 26 (which is the band I'm on basically all the time since late last spring), I was idling on band 25 which, after running a speedtest, I found to be nearly entirely unusable. So I toggled airplane mode. My N5 instantly reconnected to LTE, but this time on band 26, pulling down around 8 mbps. Maybe band 41 is now being rolled out hot and heavy to non-clear sites (and these symptoms your're experience are directly related)? I would find it nearly impossible to imagine that Atlanta is not a key focus city for NSN in deploying those alleged "Tokyo-like" speeds and coverage with 2.5.
  6. This sounds like a heck of a lot of fun. All the way around! But, regarding the phone, I'd just leave it at home or in the car in that case. Too much risk vs very little benefit. Sometimes it's not only good - but mentally refreshing - to entirely cut yourself off!
  7. Don't tell that d-bag S. Ali from those fiercwireless.com comments..he'd counter that T-mobile has EXCELLENT coverage not just in Jakarta, but across the entire Indonesian archipelago.
  8. What, exactly, is your point with this post? Are you attempting to be an a-hole? If so, you've failed miserably, and here's why. A.) I was making the point that an ETF is the exact same thing as charging the balance of the phone due upon leaving the contract. I don't care if you call it a contract or not, it's the same thing. You leave early, you pay. Your overuse of CAPS is entirely pointless and does nothing to help you make your point. B.) I was actually sorta kidding though you clearly didn't pick up on that. C.) I am definitely not in the mood for your basic, snarky attitude. But thanks for your cheerful input.
  9. That's precisely what a contract is. Lol. A
  10. I think NYC is a no brainer. Same for LA and Chicago. Beyond those near certainties, I'd wager Atlanta, Miami, Dallas, Houston and maybe DC, Boston or Philly. Yes, that's more than 3-5 but I think that it will still come to pass.
  11. interesting that they have yet to announce Atlanta but of course we all here know that official launches are just marketing speak for what's already there.
  12. "Tokyo like coverage"....now THAT would be awesome. So these model cities, of sorts, will be the star shining examples of where the network is ultimately headed but we all still get our lovely 2.5, replete with 8t8r radios, beamforming and all? I can get with that.
  13. I was excited about this change until I read that Bloomberg article. Only 3-5 cities....by 2016? I thought the previously conceived deployment strategy would have seen the vast majority of Sprint's entire footprint blanketed with 2.5 by that distant date. If anything, I was hoping for even an acceleration to that timeline. I understand targeting dense population centers first, if for no other reason than seeking a proper ROI but that pace does seem surprisingly slow to me and I'm a huge Sprint supporter. It will be interesting to see which cities are selected.
  14. Hmm. Then the website must have incorrectly listed my phone as something else during all previous views of their online coverage tool. But it seems odd as I've had this phone since March and always saw Spark coverage prior to last week. Oh well.
  15. So I noticed something odd on Sprint's website a few days ago that still seems to be going on today as it pertains to the N5. When looking up coverage specific to the N5, Sprint's coverage maps do not show any Spark markets, seeming to indicate that someone at Sprint thinks the N5 isn't a tri-band device when, clearly, it is. But toggle the device selection to, say, the LG G3 and, VOILA! Spark markets appear on the coverage tool. This hasn't always been the case and I just thought I'd share. I wonder why the change?
  16. Glad to see Cincinnati no longer mired in unusable 3G hell. I used to live there. I recall it well.
  17. This ^^. But the NSN Sprint band 41 rollout is now underway and through those 8T8R radios and also with beamforming, I am hoping to see 2.5LTE become nearly just as ubiquitous as PCS LTE (here in the A and across the nation as well).
  18. Bands 25 and 26 are both now essentially ubiquitous all over the entire metro Atlanta area. There aare - and will always be - key problem areas. But this is RF we're talking about. Nothing is perfect but the Sprint network in Atlanta is strong. My only problem really is my Nexus 5. It seems to have issues sticking with connections and unnecessarily reverting to 3g when strong LTE connections are otherwise available.
  19. My first thought was "oh my God, those Samsung folks are NUTS!!" But then, really, there are a lot of people (like my elderly mother) who could use a relatively inexpensive, yet rather capable, smartphone. And as this would be her first smartphone, we wouldn't want to jump head first into the high end pool, especially when she barely even understands what an "app" is to begin with. For people like her, this could possibly find a niche home.
  20. But why would you want to be on 1x800 if you don't NEED to be? There is no point if the phone is performing fine on 1xRTT.
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