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Everything posted by JonnygATL

  1. The results aren't really that bad. Just need to densify and improve those speeds. Everything else is good. Hey, we beat team Legere. Lol
  2. It really is completely ridiculous. Sprint really isn't even an option for those folks in SoCal compared to the other big 3. Just too many holes without 800. And until that changes there is no way I'd use Sprint if I lived there. The times I've been in Los Angeles and San Diego, I was appalled at how inferior the Sprint network was out there compared to here in the Southeast.
  3. Are 3x carrier aggregation devices coming out this year? I'm secretly hoping that the N5X supports this technology.
  4. I agree with the article but find it poorly written. It rambles needlessly and suffers numerous grammatical errors. But I am glad to see some positive press, no matter how poorly written.
  5. "Until I couldn't find it for 10 minutes"...That part is almost cute until I remind myself that we're talking about a robot!
  6. Omg..I hope they release a software update to enable this feature on the iphone 3G S!
  7. Ok, ok. Cheesy biscuits; this I will allow.
  8. That looks like one gigantic, messy pile of pure deliciousness. I usually stay with friends near Wrigley Field when I'm in town. I'll have to check out one of your recommendations next time I'm up that way - likely around Halloween.
  9. The Snapdragon 808 is only capable of 2xCA, correct? Like so many others, I am either buying this phone or the Nexus 5X. Since both phones are apparently starting at $399 and ship with essentially pure Android, the only other big selling point for me to differentiate between the two would be if one were to support 3XCA and the other were not. I'm hoping the Nexus 5X does. We shall see.
  10. It really made precious little sense and looked sort of, well, cheap. At a time when all carriers are using multiple bands of LTE, branding Sprint's as something unique is no longer valid. Hence, in my mind at least, the reason for the change. It's no longer a selling point (as in, it is no longer unique, I mean). Band 41, however, is (especially with CA).
  11. Red lobster?? Oh, wow. I can't even respond to that. It's barely even "food." But that Verizon logo...seriously..WTF? What, exactly, are they going for? This is a questionable move, to be sure. If not straight up bizarre.
  12. True....because it's the only thing natural and fresh on the menu.
  13. Well if anything reminds one of a godforsaken Olive Garden then said thing is, by definition, horrendous.
  14. It's a good thing, then, that we've got widespread CA here in Atlanta because one thing we certainly lack are virgins. Like, at all. Come to think of it, I haven't seen any volcanoes in the region, either. Of course, unless, Stone Mountain is simply sleeping lol.
  15. I really wish I had a CA capable phone. I am holding off, however,for the only phone I will even consider - the 2015 Nexus 5. Though many have praised the HTC One M8 I can tell you that I absolutely do not like this phone nor any non Nexus (or GPE variant) phone. Oh, how sweet CA will be!
  16. The locations of those super fast speed tests (clearly with carrier aggregation live) are clearly shown in each case. You just have to look. Hebron, KY (CVG area), Florence, KY (mall area) and Fairfield, OH on the northern side of metro Cincinnati.
  17. Awesome. I didn't realize CA was live anywhere in Kentucky outside of the southern metro Cincinnati area. Good to know.
  18. Exactly. It should be a last resort,a testament to its superior propagation characteristics. Only in that situation (as few users as possible) would b26's small slice of spectrum produce decent speeds.
  19. So I was entertaining myself the other day by debating on the comments section of a fiercewireless article with (wait for it......)...."Fabian," whatever that thing even is....and it was arguing that tmobile has a larger native footprint (nevermind LTE, we're talking total coverage of ANY kind) than Sprint. Is this true? To my limited knowledge, it is not. But I need to know...am I wrong?
  20. The fact that we are even able to discuss band 25 becoming under utilized due to the prevalence of a higher capacity band shows just how far Sprint has really come.
  21. The two years I spent living in Cincinnati were like a torture test that was out of control. But Columbus? Very nice and politically more my speed. Slow compared to Atlanta but I could definitely live there.
  22. And Cincinnati. Omg I hated it. I spent 2 long years there and it felt like a jail sentence. Never again. The Midwest, aside from Chicago and the Twin Cities, is far too boring. As a gay man, that will not do. But I'm also a gay man who has mostly straight friends and dislikes most gay men, so maybe I'm not the best to speak from a gay perspective, whatever that is even supposed to be.Edit: Atlanta is awesome. A true, global city. I have friends from all across the earth's face and I celebrate every day of it. I couldn't be happier. And...it's affordable as hell. We just need an ocean!
  23. Can you PLEASE work on parsing down your posts? The on and on is excessively tiresome. It truly is. Please, by all means, make your point. But clearly and CONCISELY. And then move on about your day.
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