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Everything posted by JonnygATL

  1. Can you clarify one thing about DAS systems for me, AJ? DAS systems are put into placed by third parties, who then lease space on them to the carriers or do the carriers install the systems themselves? Reading over several pages of comments on them on this and other forums I find myself confused as to how these systems work. It would be fantastic if Sprint were able to get band 41 deployed on some of these systems. Or any band, for that matter, just so long as they get themselves set up on these systems.
  2. I actually did realize that after the fact, while taking with others on another forum about this. And I haven't seen any graph. I viewed and responded in the comments section on that article from my personal mobile device, so that math lesson at the end of your post was complete nonsense to me as I had no idea what you were even referring to. In fact, I still don't because I still haven't seen it. I will go revisit the page from my laptop so I will know what you mean. The language was a bit vague but now I do see how I misinterpreted that. I get it now, you can cancel the APB. Nevertheless, it is embarrassing to have such a greatly improved network elsewhere but be so lacking when it comes to airports. And, yes, I know they're difficult to serve and I know the reasons. It still stands that they trail the other big 4 and I only want to see them improve in that regard. Clearly, improving the service at airports will go a long way toward improving the greater Sprint public image.
  3. This is shocking to me. I wonder why this is the case? Sprint service isn't even AVAILABLE at 19 of the nation's top 50 airports? That's a problem. I hope they address this expeditiously. I'm sure Marcelo and upper management are already aware of and have read this article.
  4. Personally, I think this is absolutely hilarious! ..totally stealing and posting on my fb wall!
  5. Is it? I'll have to revisit it tomorrow. I have some coworkers in from L.A. that I'm currently entertaining. This Bombay Sapphire may be going to my brain.
  6. Yeah. Band 26 absolutely permeates this city (Atlanta). I pretty much only see band 41 or 26 (indoors). I rarely ever see 25.
  7. My favorite SNL character of the past two decades, just ahead of Kristen Wiig's "Penelope" or, perhaps, the surprise lady.
  8. He doesn't always walk on water. But when He does, He carries a T-Mobile, band 12 equipped cell phone.
  9. To clarify, when I said "gives far greater capacity," I was referring to vs. Sprint's own 5mhz carriers on bands 25 and 26.
  10. Precisely, and with band 41, Sprint uses a 20x20 configuration, which gives far greater capacity and, generally, speeds. And that's without carrier aggregation initially. So things will only get better and better.
  11. What is the advantage in having this Apple watch when your phone does the same thing (mostly)? A cell phone on my wrist? Just doesn't seem like something I would ever even at all want, let alone need. But...I'm open to being wrong. I'm curious..do you really find it useful? Do you enjoy it? I wanna know!
  12. When do you think...ballpark educated guess, of course...that band 41 may begin to appear in Lexington? I was there last week and they really need it badly downtown and on the UK campus.
  13. Understood. But metro Birmingham is over 1 million people. The Lexington, KY metro? Just under half a million. So these aren't one horse towns. Granted, most of Lexington has bands 25 and 26 enabled, with just the far flung significantly smaller towns awaiting fiber backhaul to enable LTE. And I think Alabama had some sort of issue with LTE on 800 that caused a huge delay. Right, Robert? What were the details on that?
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