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Everything posted by JonnygATL

  1. This just tells you that all 4 networks are really kicking ass here in the A, something that benfits all 5.5 million of us in the metro area. It's called choice, and they're all doing very well here. Here's to competition! That said, I'd like to see Sprint continue to improve in data speed, which they are continually doing (but so is everyone else). All said, Sprint rocks in the A!
  2. The ramp up: it has begun..mu ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaa! *evil laughs into the midnight sky
  3. He very likely is. However, this (Roswell) is quite a wealthy Atlanta suburb and one would expect decent to good service from all tier 1 carriers in the area.In other news, I was all over Roswell, Alpharetta and Johns Creek yesterday (northern Atlanta suburbs) and I can tell you that I was quite surprised to experience very strong Sprint band 41 coverage with speedtests all over 30mbps. It was delicious!
  4. I had a Nexus 5 on the Sprint network here in Atlanta and it absolutely drove me bonkers. In areas where there was a very strong b25 signal it would kick me back to 3g very, very often. It was ridiculous. So I had it replaced with another n5. Same problem. I switched to the one m8 and I rarely ever fall to 3G, like anywhere, including those same areas where my n5 would invariably be parked on 3G. That said, I am definitely upgrading to the nexus 6 as the m8 - despite its relative RF prowess - has never really impressed me.
  5. Then tell Sprint. Posting that here won't at all help your situation.
  6. Nope. Certainly not for non-GPE devices though likely not for anyone at all!
  7. That would make sense. Perhaps it will be addressed in the medium to long term.
  8. Why does Sprint struggle so badly in Louisiana? There must be a reason or 2. But no provider is best for everyone, everywhere. If the glass slipper doesn't fit, it just doesn't fit!
  9. Come to Atlanta and experience what a mature market feels like. It's as good as VZW or ATT on a local level in the city. It's pretty awesome.
  10. Virtually all metro Atlanta sites have been band 26 active for at least 6 months, many as far back as a year. It's the massive rollout of Sprint b41 8t8rs that will really elevate our market to a new level (like Chicago and Indianapolis already are).
  11. True. T-Mobile has done an EXCELLENT job in its marketing the past few years. Absolutely fantastic ads and branding, to the point it is already being discussed in college classrooms. I hope Sprint can pull off something even half as successful. I truly do!
  12. Atlanta proper is far too global and busy to have a rural accent. Not even in the least. The metro area, however - which is vast and makes up most of what people incorrectly term "Atlanta" - does have a moderate twang.
  13. Sprint seems to really shine in certain, key areas like Atlanta, Indianapolis, Chicago and Kansas City. I can't wait till most areas function as efficiently. It'll be super nice!
  14. That was only a joke. Simply and totally. Nothing more. I really wasn't even referring to the subject matter.
  15. You said "she." And there's your answer. Women only tend to see what they wanna see. Not hatin', just sayin'.
  16. And, of course Sprint can't move terribly quickly on the band 41 rollout outside of Samsung areas due to thirsty ass China Mobile. Which really, really blows. But once that supply constraint is eliminated the pace will pick up. I just really hate to see Sprint giving naysayers fuel for their diarrhea-at-the-mouth accusations. Their day of reckoning is coming though.
  17. This is frustrating. Sprint has done so much but in some key places, it seems to still just not be enough. When nationwide b41 is complete and the network is densified a bit, I really hope to see Sprint move closer toward the top. #istillbelieve!
  18. After the signal check pro update the app still has trouble identifying band 41 with this phone. Signal check indicates band 25 but speedtests and the engineering screen indicate band 41.
  19. Yes! This made me incredibly proud this morning! You should see my fb post about it. Find me on fb.. Jonathan Gaines
  20. The good Lord above knows this boy loves a good drinking game, especially when for a good cause! ; o )
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