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Everything posted by JonnygATL

  1. This would be delicious. I don't really like my m8 at all and am getting either the iPhone 6 or the Nexus 6. Would prefer the Nexus though.
  2. Agreed. Screw that. I'm buying the Nexus 7 (2013) that I have so far held back on. No, thanks, HTC.
  3. Sprint has "slowed" deployment? I dunno...the industry loves to bash Sprint. I'm not buying it unless I hear it from Robert or AJ.
  4. Yes. Today I had to return to the tag office which is bathed in glorious band 41and again my phone showed lte (b25). I checked the engineering screen and it clearly showed band 41. Did a speed test and I was pulling 51mbps down. Definitely 41. So I wonder if there is anything that Mike can do to possibly address this issue with signal check as it pertains to the m8?
  5. Yeah I connected once to b41 and one time only.
  6. Update....over near Lindbergh in south buckhead just a few minutes ago I did pick up band 41. I also did the ##update# not 5 minutes prior and so it could very well be related. Whatever the case, I'm glad I was and am able to latch onto it.
  7. I'm just gonna give it time for now. I tried again last night, even drove right up to the building where the antenna is located. Nothing there or anywhere around there. In fact, my signal check pro app seems to invariably show that anytime I'm in a known band 41 coverage area that I am only connected to band 25. Is this possibily just a signal check error with the one?
  8. Damn thing was literally falling apart. Work accident. Plus only worked on speakerphone. And never ending connectivity issues. The m8 hasn't yet once been on 3g in areas where my nexus 5 always seemed to be. Except deep inside the work parking garage. But the scan time is greatly improved on the m8 v. The n5. It almost immediately jumps back on LTE upon exiting the garage where the n5 would take several, painful minutes. That said, the n5 would grab band 41 with ease where my m8 has yet to even do it once, even when in well known b41 coverage areas. Did profile update, prl update, the usual suspects. So far it hasn't helped.
  9. Guys.. I just received the m8 yesterday and have yet to see it connect to b41, even when standing just a few hundred feet from a known clear LTE converted site. It gets band 26 perfectly fine. In fact, it tends to park on it. But is band 41 connectivity a known m8 issue? If not then I suppose it's something else. Would definitely love to know.
  10. Because there are a lot of Sprint haters out there. Sprint did alienate and enanger a lot of people in the past and many of those people refuse to believe that anything good can ever come from Sprint. They are mostly unaware how much better Sprint and their network have both become. They take it oddly personally. It's truly bizarre. And so when some douche like S. Ali or one of his henchmen comes along with some negative Sprint nay-say, those old bitter souls I mentioned above are all too quick to jump on the Sprint bashing bandwagon, even if their "information" is wholly incorrect. And then you've got the media which until only very recently only served up negative Sprint commentary as well. But the tide is visibly turning and I think most everyone is beginning to see that, whether they want to believe it or not.
  11. When you say "he" are you referring to "S. Ali"? If so, that is as predictable as the changing tides, though not quite as interesting to bear witness to.
  12. How is band 41 in north Atlanta? I don't get up that way much..say north of Brookhaven on up into the burbs? Also I can't wait til they fire up the rest of any already installed b41 upgrades. That will be a glorious day!
  13. Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland, DC.....a ton of massive metro areas. Must be a fluke. Hopefully they get it fixed. Cincinnati was also a spark market as well and any negative misconceptions on the part of the customer based on this map would be very unfortunate! Sprint's PR battle is already very much uphill....no need for them to step on their own feet and make it worse. Sheesh.
  14. Yes absolutely. Do you use Signal Check? It is very prevalent downtown near the convention areas and hotels. Also available, though still somewhat spotty, in Midtown and Buckhead (especially around Piedmont Park and also around Lenox Mall).
  15. No, you're definitely not ranting. I asked you and you were just telling me. Well I hope/trust that it will improve in time. I will say this much - LTE is awesome here in Atlanta but it certainly isn't that fast. I typically get around 4 mbps in most instances and usually around 7 or 8 at the most on b41 here in town. But that is plenty fast enough for everything that I need to do on my phone, especially with pings that are very low - usually not above 55 or 60 ms. Very nice indeed. 3G is another story. It used to be moderately usable when NV was first listed as "substantially complete" a few months ago here. But, recently, whenever I do fall back to 3G (which is rare but happens at least once or twice daily), the phone is incapable of even properly loading facebook. The wheel just spins. A simple airplane toggle will re-establish an LTE connection but I'm not sure why the phone defaults to 3G in the first place, especially considering that, without fail, a decently strong LTE connection is most always available. Maybe it's the network shifting loads? if so, it needs to be tweaked. But, yeah, falling back to 3G is pretty awful now most of the time, even here in a very mature market.
  16. Really? I just don't see it, not at all. Where are you that Sprint service is so bad? I believe you, of course, but I just am curious. Is it that way all over your state (Connecticut)?
  17. Ha. Indeed. And now I have that Taylor Swift song stuck in my head. Maybe if I bash my head enough times against this granite countertop beneath my laptop, I might be able to get that song out of my head. Hmm...I wonder how many head bashings is enough. 150? 200? More?!
  18. Reading the comments over on CNET about Sprint's doubling of the data is an exercise in futility. Each negative, predictable comment lowered my intelligence quotient by 10-15 points. Sprint now covers well over 250M POPS with LTE 1900 and I would guess at least 115M with 800 LTE and, I dunno, some 40-60 million with 2.5 LTE. So why do people keep on saying how "horrible" Sprint's service is? I just do not experience this with Sprint. At all. My service is good to, at times, great. And it has been for a couple of years now. Not just here in Atlanta where I live but everywhere I go. I just find it so obnoxious and ridiculous that people just can't jump off the bashing Sprint bandwagon. Why can't they give credit where credit is due?
  19. I had to think twice on that one. I wanted to be certain there wasn't a deeper joke hidden in there. You never know with you!
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