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Everything posted by JonnygATL

  1. Yeah i saw that utter horse shit and chose to ignore it. Same goes for that click bait article.
  2. No one is talking because the network has gotten that good. Same goes for most market threads.
  3. The fact that you just wasted so much of your free time explaining this is riduculous. You shouldn't have to. It should be glaringly apparent. Everything you've said is of complete veracity. The problem - at least for me - is that you've had to explain yourself at all.
  4. Whoa...I understood, like, fully half of this. And i'm gonna go out on a limb and say that's doing far better than most. Like, huh? ; o )
  5. Oh here in Atlanta it is major soccer country, for an American city anyway. So many immigrants from Mexico and Central and South America, Europe and Africa..all of whom are deeply passionate about what they might term true "football." Moving here to the A from Cincinnati and having been born and bred in Kentucky, i was very surprised to see the strong support and affinity for soccer here. I guess that is part and parcel of being a rapidly rising global city.
  6. I have alwaya been a big believer in Sprint but outside of 20 or 30 major metros in which their service is great, everything else seems to have slowed tremendously or stopped altogether. I am worried Marcelo bit off more than he can readily chew. I want to be wrong, however.
  7. That wasn't saying you were a trailer dweller. LOL. It was meant to make a point that they may not be planning to include area x or area y in their coverage area this year or anytime in the near future. It isn't personal; it's business. It is what it is. But just because you (or person X) wants coverage does not at all mean that Sprint owes anyone shit. Especially when they are trying to pay off so much debt. That was my point. Nothing personal..at all.
  8. Incorrect. Reliability is a measure - withing a given geographic footprint - of how often one can connect to said network on the first try and, more importantly, to remain connected to it. Apples and oranges. What's more, Sprint isn't claiming those things; Rootmetrics is.
  9. True but you are missing my point. Covering a specific # of POPS simply because magenta is doing it is not necessarily a good reason to do so. There may be many arguments for moving to cover that many POPS but doing it to simply keep up with the Jones' is NOT a valid reason. Yes, increasing coverage would cover more people, by simple virtue of the definition. However, analyzing the ROI of a rural tower covering three toothless trailer dwellers and a hog farm might lead the good folks at Sprint to simply skip over trying to match POPs #s and, perhaps more smartly, focus on getting their financial house in order first.
  10. Why is that so important? I do not think that is one of Sprint's current goals, plain and simple.
  11. 100% correct, start to finish. Hindsight can be a real bitch, eh? Not as big of a bitch as my boss. But, still.
  12. I just hope they still plan to make "nearly all" cell sites triband. There are many urban areas and mid size cities without any band 41 at all. Those areas could seriously use that band's congestion relief.
  13. 3 months? No, this has been a product of years of hard work by Sprint and we have been reaping the rewards for a couple of years. The two channel CA? Well, about 7 months. But great speeds even on one 20x20 b 41 channel have been present for around 18 months. 3? No. Again, i just do not understand your experience. I ran multiple speed tests in the area tonight and kept my eyes peeled to SCP even more closely than usual just because of our conversation and can only further confirm that my Sprint experience is pretty fantastic and, at times, exemplary. Especially in and around Midtown, West Midtown and Atlantic Station. I'm sorry you have, oddly enough, not been able to successfully replicate my experience.
  14. Sprint does have a tower directly across from the development on 16th street adjacent to the fire station. One sector points directly at Atlantic Station, which is why their service is so awesome here. Several of my coworkers have Sprint triband phones as well and report nothing but fantastic service in this area. Even 2 floors down in the massive parking structure that Atlantic Station sits atop, i am consistently on LTE (band 26, of course). So i am just having a great deal of difficulty wrapping my head around your negative experience in this immediate area. Bizarre.
  15. I am in Meehan's at Atlantic Station right now, in fact and this is my speed. Granted i am deep inside the building, in the restroom, which is why i dropped to band 26. But if this is as "bad" as it gets, then we here in the A are in phenomenal shape! Edit: photo would not load. Said file was "too large." But download speed was 4.75 mbps.
  16. Whoa! Absolutely incorrect. I have worked in Atlantic Station for 5 years and am, literally on band 41 almost all the time, and have been for over a year. Even more, i am nearly always on band 41 2nd carrier (2x CA) wherever I go in Atlanta and ESPECIALLY in Atlantic Station. Is something wrong with your phone? I pretty much never, ever fall to 3G.
  17. Yea, it is confusing. So many claims, so many twisted numbers. Ain't nobody got time! But, in all seriousness, you have to take each claim with a generous helping of sodium chloride. The truth lies somewhere in between, usually.
  18. Yeah, this report definitely was a thorn in Sprint's side today. And, of course, the tech media went rabid with it. With the recent report coming out less than one month ago that Sprint's LTE Plus network is faster on the download than the other 3, I can see how some people might be confused as well. This open signal report said Sprint's average download speed was less than 7 mbps and that isn't entirely true, depending on the exact metric being employed. Whereas the Nielsen report measured the download speeds encountered when actively connected to the LTE plus network (thereby removing from the equation any 3G data whatsoever), the Open Signal report sought to identify average download speeds across all technologies across each of the 4 major networks. I think that is an important distinction that I am sure most of us here are aware of but that the average American certainly does not get. That said, I can understand how many might say that the Open Signal report is more indicative of the true state of the Sprint network as a whole, and they might well be correct. However, the data speaks for itself from the Nielsen report as well: when connected to a 2xCA enabled site, the Sprint network is faster than the competition. And that's still a huge deal. #STILLgettingbettereveryday
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