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Everything posted by JonnygATL

  1. Because, AJ, it encourages laziness and irresponsibility. And if there are two things I personally find disdainful and socially nauseating, it's laziness and irresponsibility. These people had every opportunity, a year+ of advanced warning, yet they still want their free lunch served on a rather tarnished and aging silver plate. Absolutely not. Goodbye to that tired sense of entitlement. Again, I'm not pissed because it's affecting Sprint so profoundly (it may or may not be, depending on market). No, I'm pissed because I have a hard time with s#@tty, lazy people.
  2. Cells are much, much smaller and tighter in dense urban environments. If a Band 41-equipped tower attempted to cover a cell with a radius of 13 miles, centered on downtown Seattle, it would have a potential poulation to cover of several million people. That is clearly absurd and, not to mention, absolutely impossible. So the cells are tuned to cover manageable potential populations, translating into a very small geographic footprint in a highly populated area.
  3. No one over the age of 8 should find anything at all desirable about their "food." But I think we've had this discussion before Fried chicken? That's always in season.
  4. Jesus..that's, like,everybody. Well...that certainly blows, to put in the best technical terms that I can think of.
  5. "opening up a can of John Cena"?!!?! Now, that made me literally laugh out loud. I needed that.
  6. I really thought (hoped?) that we'd get more information on NGN on today's earnings call. Aside from that gripe, overall good news. Now, if Sprint can return to profitability, that is the elusive key. #daybyday
  7. You seem horribly argumentative and, I might add, quite unnecessarily. We don't have to agree. My goal isn't to make you agree. In fact, I don't care if you agree. So let's move along, shall we?
  8. That's what I've been hearing..that Project Fi devices seem to overwhelmingly prefer the Tmobile network over Sprint's. I wonder why this is?
  9. It's a known risk, sure. But if I'm on public wifi, I'm generally not doing anything that I would need to be terribly secure. Looking up cat videos or checking the weather or a flight arrival time are hardly things I need a great deal of privacy for. Personal things..finance and otherwise..I tend to leave for my home wifi connection.
  10. They don't have to like it for it to be true. Of course, they're always free to go elsewhere.
  11. If you're at work, just use the computer (while talking on the phone). That would be my actual initial reaction anyway. That said, yeah, WiFi can be horribly slow at times but for a simple query while on a phone call, it usually is more than sufficient. If it's more than a simple query you seek, then you should wait until the call is over anyway. I do understand your point though.
  12. I guess I'm just playing devil's advocate here but I think its utility is vastly overrated.
  13. People don't need to be told to vote with their pocketbooks; they do it by default.However, in 2015, how often are you out of WiFi range? Seriously. Even in a McDonald's in the middle of nowhere, you've got reasonably useful WiFi. And at your home, I'm sure you do. If you don't, you certainly should. That said, when would you not be able to use WiFi data while on a call? School..work...home....coffee shop? Nope! They all have WiFi. So I'm struggling to see a usage case where WiFi isn't available, aside from a small, insignificant portion of your day.
  14. I use simultaneous voice and data fairly often on my HTC One M8. What's that you say - that model doesn't support it? Sure it does; it's called WiFi.
  15. I like this idea, too. The two phones - from my limited understanding - seem to share the same image sensor as well as fingerprint scanner so there is at least some degree of continuity between the two devices, aside from simple Nexus branding.
  16. Oh. My. God. Your shortest post ever. I didn't even give you my first born (I'm gay, so, good luck with that). Short. Sweet. Effective (dare I even suggest it?) And to the point. You, my dear sir, are appropriately commended. #keepitup
  17. Gotta keep those plasma injectors in proper alignment.
  18. The issues of falling back to 3G in otherwise LTE rich areas could also heavily affect these scores (if it is indeed occurring on a wide enough scale). But should this still be happening this far into the game? Are there still areas on the Sprint network with eCSFB issues?
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