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Everything posted by JonnygATL

  1. I haven't heard that song since I lost my "Hell Freezes Over" CD about 12 years ago. I used to play it to annoy one of my friends. Come to think of it, I'm sure he knows what happened to that CD!
  2. Oh, wow I meant to type "nerd" porn, not "need" porn. Geez.
  3. Yassssss! That SWEET, ultra low ping and high DL speeds.....need porn all the way! Schwing!
  4. Well that's a very odd response. Why would you even say that unless you are deliberately trying to incite an inflammatory response? If you wanna leave Sprint and hate them so much, f$cking do it. If you already have, stop worrying about it. End of story. #overit
  5. Good point. And, yes, Salt Lake seems more in line with what I was hoping for (expecting?) this time around.
  6. So I kinda ignored the rootmetrics reports for a while but revisited them today. I'm surprised Sprint isn't scoring better, I really am. Las Vegas aside (we know that story), I would expect Sprint to score better in cities like Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, where we know carrier aggregation is alive and well. Does anyone think Sprint is having issues with CA or perhaps some other technical reason that is holding them back a bit?
  7. I'm from Lexington, Kentucky and am, in fact heading to town later this week for a quick, 2 day trip. I never lose signal whatsoever the whole way from Atlanta to my mom's place on the South side of Lexington. In fact, I am on LTE the entire trip except for a short 15 mile stretch in Southern Kentucky but even then I find myself on usable 3G. Lexington and surrounding towns are in desperate need of band 41, however, as speeds are often 2 to 5 mbps at best. Not terrible but living in Atlanta, we know that Sprint can certainly do better.
  8. Since you made the joke, where in Atlanta are you getting poor LTE speeds? Everyone I know with Sprint here in Atlanta - including myself - is blown away by how exponentially improved Sprint is today versus 3 years ago. Not perfect but damn good.
  9. Damn, I was really hoping for 3XCA. And I need strong b41 abilities. We all do as that band is already a somewhat difficult one. Now I'm torn....remain a loyal Android fan and get the much anticipated N5X or go with the 6S with stronger RF characteristics (on band 41)? Decisions, decisions!
  10. But we should stop talking about that bottom dwelling creature entirely. If it knew we spoke of it so often, it would no doubt be stroking its chin, giggling in evil ecstasy in its lair. After all, it feeds on attention.
  11. Oh, Miami. It's either the South American gangsters or the Colombian booger sugar (or said gangsters on said disco dust). Either way, you're dead.
  12. I'm glad that you had a positive experience, especially in a heavy use area like an airport. And I do know it is getting better. I'm a huge Sprint supporter - trust me, I defend them every single day to at least one or two people (I'm sure we all do). I suppose maybe I've been wording this wrong. Let me try again - I firmly believe that Sprint's largest opportunity lies in Southern California. As soon as they can get rebanding complete with SBC and bring their SoCal network up to par with the efficiency and speed with which it functions in areas like Indianapolis, Atlanta, Denver and Chicago, a new door will open up for them. The tens of millions of people who call Southern California home are not currently getting the full Sprint experience and that's a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths. Stopping that potential customer hemorrhaging should be - and no doubt is - a priority for them. I just look forward to my next trip to visit friends and family in Los Angeles and San Diego being a greatly improved experience.
  13. I wasn't slamming Sprint. If you read between the lines, you'll infer that I was slamming SBC for taking so damn long to get their flipping job done. But, for that reason, I would never, ever consider Sprint in the areas like San Diego and Los Angeles that the IBEZ issues affect. I have spent a lot of time there and the performance versus the other three is so lacking compared to how Sprint performs here in the East. As soon as they can get 800 up and running, that will no longer be an issue. But, for the moment, I stand by my assertion that Sprint coverage, absent 800, is too far behind the competition in Southern California.
  14. And they definitely SHOULD NOT be in the home ISP business, nor should any wireless carrier. However, should they try and offer incentives to keep those hundreds of thousands of users on the Sprint network? Absolutely. Just not in a "I'm gonna tether my phone to your network to drag it to its knees" kind of way. They need all the subscribers they can get.
  15. It's all good for competition. And Sprint is definitely, finally now able to compete as well. Even if Sprint doesn't win there in speeds, improvements of any sort are welcome and are sure to come to pass.
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