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Everything posted by DaQue

  1. Well crud... They only got one panel with RRU's up today. They moved the pulley system to another corner of the tower and left it up and 2 more panels are in plain site from the rec center side. They are inside the fence so don't go looking to grab a panel for your self. I took the picture through the gap in the gate. If anyone is close and would check it out during the week that would be great. I can't get back over there again until next Saturday.
  2. I don't follow Pittsburgh, try asking in their forum http://s4gru.com/ind...tsburgh-market/ and/or read some of the latest posts there. This thread is more for talking about the technology and network. You will get better answers in the proper thread.
  3. I don't follow Cleveland, try asking in their forum. http://s4gru.com/ind...ne-ohio-market/ and/or read some of the latest posts there. This thread is more for talking about the technology and network. You will get better answers in the proper thread.
  4. I always try to save a couple billion when I can too.
  5. Sorry its fixed now. At least it looks fixed from my pc. if you can't see the pictures in post #664 http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/975-network-visionlte-missouri-market-includes-st-louis/page__view__findpost__p__121804 let me know and I will try again.
  6. Pictures taken earlier today at theDellwood Recreation center area tower just off I-270 on W. Florissant a few blocks south. ST23XC292 (permission to use the ID was obtained from the S4GRU Administrator. Thanks Robert) I asked one of the guys if it was for Sprint just to be sure and he said "yup!" Only one antenna panel with RRUS is on the tower but I think more are going up today as someone on the ground was complaining that jumpers were not color coded. The ones on the RRUs clearly are.
  7. Watching now a NV panel with rru going up at the Dellwood rec center tower. I will post a couple pictures when I get home.
  8. Last night I took home a friends Sprint Dell Inspiron mini to remove a Trojan that hijacked it. After getting it back to normal I I noticed it would only connect 1x. Signal strength 8s pretty much maxed maxed out at my apartment as its about 100 yards from the tower. I asked her about it and she said it never gets 3g. Is this a hardware issue or maybe it it needs reprovisioned? She says Sprint won't work on it it anymore. Thanks.
  9. try looking here http://s4gru.com/ind...dpost__p__26483 Also if you want to know about SID etc mean try reading this http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-338-what-is-a-prl/
  10. How do they get the tower ids short of looking at stuff in the sponsors section?
  11. Nothing new to see at the Dellwood rec center site but the service is the best I have ever gotten there by at least double the data of the next highest test and 10-20x normal. 1.23 mbps down/.52 up. The ping was 172 ms. What's the normal ping for a 3G site with NV level backhaul? Does the ping further improve with new cabinets and gear?
  12. Nice set of reference pictures. They will help when new panels ans stuff start going in.
  13. Thanks for running over there and checking it out whenever you can.
  14. You show as a sponsor see if you can see the maps. I dont think that one us sprint
  15. Nice. Sound like at least the NV level backhaul is in place. I may wonder around the area on night this week and see what I can find too.
  16. You have a cross street near there? I looked at a map and didn't see any towers right there. I work in Cottleville and might run over there sometime after work. Did you happen to notice if you ping times improved to 120ms or better?
  17. It's a nice bump up but the Note 2 I have is a nice phone too and I have no real choice but to wait till the contract is up. When the FCC filings start being reported and we know for sure which bands I could get a lot more interested. If it does 800 and/or 2500 (2600?) mhz LTE I would be excited and bummed I have to wait.
  18. Off to the Dellwood Rec Center area tower to look for green beer... I mean new NV activity. Update. Nothing of note to report. No beer either <mumble>
  19. The weakest link determines the ping. Usually its the backhaul but I think if you had upgraded backhaul and over loaded RF spectrum you would still have a bad ping. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  20. You were right, just wish it was more sites showing more progress, but it is what it is and will come when it comes.
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