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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. Maybe, maybe not. It wouldn't surprise me to see Charlie try something outlandish. I wish he'd just go play with T-Mo and leave Sprint/Clearwire alone. See how quickly the Clearwire special board endorsed Sprint's new offer? Why keep messing with two entities that obviously want no part of him? The funny part is that Deutsche Telekom would be a willing seller.
  2. Well if we're being technical, the ITU revised their standards to allow WiMAX and LTE to be designated as "4G". http://www.itu.int/net/pressoffice/press_releases/2010/48.aspx#.UcDCar3HVlM
  3. From the article: Moreover, in markets where T-Mobile has 10x10 LTE deployed, it's obviously going to have faster speeds than Sprint's current 5x5 LTE deployment.
  4. Yep, which is exactly which why I didn't even bother linking. Her insulting the citizens of an entire state for no other reason than the fact that Sprint is headquartered there really kind of stuck in my craw and I've never even been to Kansas. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  5. Well that is kind of the answer to your query. T-mobile already had enhanced backhaul i.e. fiber, microwave run to a lot of their urban cell sites when they began deploying HSPA/HSPA+. Therefore, when they add LTE the backhaul is already in place. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  6. Well of course Lappin didn't respond; she couldn't. She's put out another Sprint hit piece which I won't even bother to link and she's all over the place from the New York Yankees to calling out ARod as a doper to basically calling everyone in the state of Kansas a moron . She is a real piece of work and has little to no integrity either. In her previous blog piece she claims that she had cashed out of Clearwire. Fair enough. Then she writes this latest piece of drivel without disclosing that she's acquired a position in Clearwire again until she's called out on it in the comments section. For the life of me I don't understand why Forbes continues giving this idiot a platform to spew her garbage.
  7. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2420333,00.asp Sprint finished in last place though there are clear and definite signs of improvement from PC Mag's 2012 article.
  8. Interesting indeed and already being discussed in the Dish/Clearwire thread.
  9. Besides Charlie and his confidants, nobody can say with any certainty. We'll just have to wait and see. He could try and file some kind of bogus lawsuit to stall as revenge for Sprint suing Dish over the Clearwire deal.
  10. Maybe they'll throw everyone for a loop and turn on STJ first.
  11. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/stay-connected-summer-sprint-4g-120000718.html;_ylt=At5RULZv9iB41rSBqg73llwIuodG;_ylu=X3oDMTIxdmYzYjNrBG1pdANXaWRlIFF1b3RlcyBNb2R1bGUEcG9zAzMzBHNlYwNNZWRpYVJlY2VudFF1b3Rlc1BvcnRmb2xpb3NXaWRl;_ylg=X3oDMTJuZjRucmNmBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDZmEwYjk2YjAtMWM5MC0zOTE3LWFjMDUtMmY3YTlhODRiY2M5BHBzdGNhdANuZXdzBHB0A3N0b3J5cGFnZQ--;_ylv=3
  12. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/verizon-eyeing-wireless-business-canada-114557556.html
  13. http://blogs.wsj.com/moneybeat/2013/06/14/dealpolitik-how-sprint-can-defeat-dish-on-clearwire-at-less-than-4-40-per-share/?mod=yahoo_hs
  14. Here's a link to a video about the Dish/nTelos trial: http://about.dish.com/video/fixed-wireless-broadband-pilot
  15. Except for the fact that they erroneously describe Sprint as the nation's fourth largest carrier, pretty good article by PCWorld. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  16. Yeah I got an email from Amazon this morning informing me that I'll have my PS4 on launch day whenever that may be.
  17. The thing is Dish, Crest and maybe some other entity have all offered financing to Clearwire as well. There's no guarantee that they would necessarily tap Sprint again when their piggy bank gets low which is why Sprint and/or SoftBank's next move needs to be decisive.
  18. Exactly. The cable companies trying to make a few bucks here really makes no sense if it gives a strategic edge to a direct competitor.
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