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Everything posted by centermedic

  1. centermedic


    Is HTC synch manager needed?
  2. centermedic


    I recall reading that you need a windows 7 machine.
  3. Time to send some emails!!!!! http://www.newsobserver.com/2014/02/19/3635956/google-fiber-eyes-triangle-for.html
  4. If you are off contract with Sprint are you still considered a sprint customer as far as the Framily plans are concerned?
  5. If you add more lines the price per line goes down. Plus its unlimited text and talk if IIRC.
  6. centermedic


    Did your wifi settings and passwords back up also?
  7. That was correct until recently in North Carolina. The state took franchising power away from the counties. Now a cable entity has to apply to the state for a franchise. https://www.secretary.state.nc.us/cable/ThePage.aspx
  8. This! While I will agree to using overly dramatic language gnoj put the situation in the perfect perspective. To use your example of the ambulance in the parking lot. There are ways to mitigate that situation. It is all in the planning. From the outside looking in it seems that Sprint did a better job on the voice planning than AT&T. I think they deserved the win on this one versus another blatantly biased opinion.
  9. A smartphone is still a phone. Even at the Superbowl you may have an emergency requiring the use of your phone. IMO an 80% completion rate is a fail.
  10. Found this on the exact same site....http://www.telecomlead.com/telecom-services/sprint-offer-wireless-broadband-50000-low-income-k-12-students-76381/
  11. I always know what I'm talking about sometimes.
  12. I think you may have two chances. Once this month as investors react to the potential impacts of AT&T price cuts and once again in a month or two when the impact is realized. Probably right after the earnings call.
  13. The HTC logo served as a recall button. But yeah, it was a bit different.
  14. What was odd about it?
  15. I will go one further. Sprint should have been crowned the winner. Usable data AND excellent voice coverage should win out over excellent data speeds and an 80% chance of completing your call.
  16. I have a sell target of $25. When I started buying Sprint shares I figured on a minimum of two years which would put me at summer of 2015. I am still firm on that price and time frame so i think you are in decent shape to hit your target.
  17. I suppose it depends on the revenue model that Sprint adopts for retailers. Years ago Sprint was the only company that did not pay retailers a percentage for each contract that they established ( I think it was a flat fee). Don't know if that changed in later years. In any case I'm sure Best Buy will do its best to negotiate a deal with Sprint where they won't lose money on the deal. The wild card is if Sprint is willing to cut the retailers out of the equation.
  18. Exactly. Verizon is using an old map but the print in the ad states10/13 I believe. Even so, this was a great post. Thanks for putting the work in.
  19. Ended up getting a 27 inch AOC from Tiger Direct for $190. Thanks for the suggestion. This is great. Now I have to get a bigger desk so i can sit three feet away from the monitor!
  20. https://www-ssl.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?id=pcat17413&type=page&promoCode=RESERVE3&DCMP=rdr118150 I promised a member that I would post this as soon as Best Buy announced it but I cant remember which thread that was. This literally takes about 5 minutes to do. Even if you don't intend on upgrading this year I would still recommend registering for it. The deadline for registration is Feb 15!
  21. Been using Chrome almost exclusively for a couple of years now. I keep IE as a backup as not every web site is compatible with Chrome.
  22. Because this way everybody gets to share in the savings. On paper that's a more effective recruitment tool than "Dude, come on over so I can get $10 off of my bill".
  23. 17 inch w/ 16:10 ratio. I can go up to 300 total.
  24. 4K monitors are way out of my price range. The only reason I want to goto a dual display is so when I am doing my school work I can view multiple windows at a time.
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