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Everything posted by centermedic

  1. Probably going to add two screens to my desktop. Anybody see any deals out there?
  2. Ahhhhh. So theoretically, if somebody is off contract they can cancel their line then rejoin Sprint and be eligible to join a framily plan?
  3. Lenovo has maintained and in some cases expanded its US employment. Hopefully this will be the same situation.
  4. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/simony The buying or selling of ecclesiastical pardons, offices, or emoluments. So you want a corrupt smartphone that takes payoffs? That may not be a bad idea
  5. DC is great around the Mall. Had LTE virtually the entire time is was in that area last year.
  6. Normally I would agree that perception trumps reality. In this case the perception is factual wrong and short sighted. Frankly, it is disappointing that the "tech journalist" have gotten this wrong.
  7. It was related to increasing access to affordable broadband.
  8. This is not a political post. Did anyone notice how Sprint and Verizon both got a nice mention in the State of the Union last night?
  9. I want to make sure I have this right. If I use my upgrade and then switch to a framily plan then I have to pay an extra $15 a month. I upgraded a phone last april and added a new line last month. Would either of these lines be subjected to the $15 fee? I can forgo my upgrade and goto easy pay. If a wanted to add an existing sprint account to my framily can we still do a transfer of liability?
  10. Because I end up paying more. But now that it is becoming apparent that the status quo wont stay that way for to much longer I need to figure out what is going to be the best situation. I also shudder to think about financing for three phones at one time. I think I may just end up buying my phones out right. Especially as "cheap" as the N5 is.
  11. So in other words, use your upgrade and have to pay $15 a month or finance your phone and pay it down each month? Bummer.
  12. That is true. However, it still creates a use it or lose it situation. Those of us with upgrades are faced with the decision to either use our upgrade in short order or opt for the easy pay route which increases the amount of money we pay on a month to month basis or you can just stay with your old phone.
  13. I am ok with going to the non subsidy model. What I don't like is losing my upgrade at the end of my contract or being forced to use it in short order.
  14. This is going to end up costing me way more than it is now. I may have to forgo the M8 and go with the Nexus 5 since I presently have an upgrade available.
  15. Which is why folk should preface their statements with a qualifier like in my experience or where I live/work.
  16. H-U-R-R-Y- U-P!
  17. Clear is a wholly own subsidiary of Sprint/Softbank. Long story short Clear is Sprint.
  18. You are probably already paying about $55 a month per line before taxes with unlimited data (assuming 1500 everything data).
  19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_CDMA2000_networks
  20. I apologize for making an assumption. Its just that the true GSM fanboys always use the line about GSM being the world standard.
  21. That may not be a bad idea. We always knew that there would be several periods where the stock may stall and devalue. We may be coming up on one.
  22. FYI http://www.av-test.org/en/tests/mobile-devices/android/nov-2013/
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