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Everything posted by centermedic

  1. It might be interesting to keep track of these issues. I wonder if there is a hardware difference. I have hardware version 0005. Anybody have something different?
  2. It was stated in another thread that these issues seem to be concentrated on those early online sales and since most M8 users here ordered off the internet early the problem probably seems bigger than it actually is.
  3. centermedic


    Interesting. Have you ever met a phone that you did like?
  4. This can end up being an interesting experiment. Will this booster change peoples behaviors in favor of or against t-mobile? Its possible that folk may defer downloading big files until they have wifi. I think the biggest danger for t-mobile is if the booster does not change behavior at all. This would mean that traffic that would go over wifi will now be shared between wifi and the network.
  5. The N5 is a fine phone. I almost picked one up myself. I was just trying to paint the picture that sometimes these things happen with early adoption. As far as I can tell everybody who had connection issues with the M8 resolved them by trading in for another unit. This has been mentioned numerous times in other threads.
  6. The lesson here is that some phones have growing pains and in the case of the N5 those pains may be lengthy because of a variety f issues. Before you decide to go another route I suggest you check out AJ's work on the rf characteristics of the M8.
  7. I really think you have a bum unit. Just another pitfall of early adoption. The earlier suggestion of taking it back for another unit is probably your best bet.
  8. Phandroid has a nice video set up showing tips and tricks for the M8.
  9. Sprint buying Clear was likely inevitable. Even if it was avoidable Sprint would have likely maintained its influence over Clear.
  10. Make sure you have the most recent update. Should be on version 1.54.651.8
  11. Heck, the phone was half his already. That boy coerced me into downloading all types of apps!
  12. So my EVO LTE has been passed down to my seven year old with a wifi only connection. I noticed the other day that he was receiving my emails. I have disabled the sync function. My question is how do I totally disassociate the phone with my gmail account without wiping the phone?
  13. centermedic

    Wifi calling

    You can make a video call via hangouts if that helps.
  14. Coming from the EVO LTE I don't think you will be disappointed in either phones rf performance.
  15. I don't agree with the malware part. One of the greatest strengths of the iphones is the shear amount of quality accessories available for it along with built in integration with peripherals.
  16. I have not had an issue with that and I work around alot of emergency/heavy vehicles.
  17. There is already a google version. Does the app work across different platforms?
  18. I can say that I have made a bunch of calls on the M-8 but the few that i have were very crisp and clear. Best clarity for me too date and that includes the iphones which are quite good.
  19. Have not had a chance to really put her through the paces yet. My initial imperessions: much better reception than my EVOLTE and the OGONE (see what I did there?) The phone is smoother and the data speeds seem faster on average The boomsound is friggin AWESOME!!!!! It seems significantly heavier than any of my other phones. I'm sure I will get used to it. Low light pics are great. Over the next couple of days I will perform speed test and take some pics in the daylight to see if I can duplicate the "wash out" that the reviewers are complaining about.
  20. Best Buy actually let me down this time. I had pre ordered and was waiting for my notification. I then read that some people had picked theirs up at Best Buy on April 4. I checked on line and saw that some stores had gotten their inventory. I called my Best Buy and they said they had no record of any pre orders! But they did have a Sprint M8 in Gun metal gray and they said they would hold it for me so at least they made good.
  21. I have to find the article but apparently Google broke off talks with Sprint after the Softbank purchase. Makes you wonder why.
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