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Everything posted by greenbastard

  1. Your price stays the same if you are a current customer and unless you upgrade through lease, 2 year or installment, you won't be subject to the cap. This only applies to new customers or customers who get a new phone. So for now, you are not being capped. Besides, Unlimited =/= high-speed. You can continue to have all the data you can possibly have...but at 2G speeds. Unlimited is unlimited, no matter how it is served. Does it suck? Yeah, but the only two times I have ever been close to reaching 20 GB was when I first got a smartphone and when 4G was turned on. Both occasions were just me being in awe. If you're constantly going over 23 GB, then you're the reason why we can't have nice things.
  2. http://device.sprintpcs.com/Samsung/SM-G900P-SPRINT/OJ2.rdf Seriously, I don't know if it is Samsung or Sprint trolling us at this point. 5 POINT 0. This has got to stop. Does anyone at Sprint even realize that 5.0 is bugged with memory leaks? T-Mobile sits at 5.1 while we keep getting the same 5.0. update over and over with some minor patchwork (which brings more inconvenience than help btw). Yet, every update fails to address the same 5.0 bugs over and over again (Massive memory leaks, phantom screen wakes, unresponsive fingerprint scanner, slow touchwiz, bluetooth glitches, and more.) Greatest trolling job ever, and I don't even know who to blame. My next phone will either be an iPhone or a Nexus.
  3. Go to your Application Manager, and under 'All' look for TouchWiz Home. I would recommend trying to clear Data and cache. (Warning; you may lose your home screen settings/set up and would have to add all shortcuts manually again)
  4. First of, theres no need for the defensive attitude. I don't know where you get this idea that I don't like you, but that's not the case. I value all the data and resources that you, and especially Robert, have brought to the site, which is why I've made a donation in the past. My issue is that a mod should be above name calling other users. You provided them with the Best Buy option, and that was great. But you could have stopped there. Instead you proceeded to insult a lot of the members by calling them 'cheapstakes'. As a mod and a representative of a site that is dependent on donations, you should be above that. Plain and simple. But hey, this is Roberts site and if that attitude is fine by him then I guess it'll fly, hopefully not at the cost of donations. Trust me, I have no dog in this race. I have zero vested interest in Sprint, or any other wireless carrier for that matter. If I want to see people complain endlessly about their wireless provider, I can log onto Twitter. Last thing I want to do is derail this thread (which i realize we have now done). I understand your job as a mod is to keep complaining to a minimum, and that's not only acceptable, but should be expected (and you guys do a good job). But the name calling? That's a bit too far. Especially since most users who use Sprint came to Sprint for their cheaper pricing models than the Big 2 (and T-Mobile at the moment). I know I, and every user here, appreciate the information about Best Buy. But I'm sure I'm not alone in taking slight to the bully-ish and 'I'm almighty' behavior. I'll leave it at that. Back to topic folks.
  5. I dont know what your problem is, but if people want to look out for their wallets then let them. The condescending comments/name calling is just inappropriate, especially coming from a mod.
  6. Anyone else experiencing delayed SMS messages over the LTE network (triband devices)? I can tell because I get 3-4 messages at a time at random times or when I fallback to 1x for a phone call. I also check the time stamps of when they are sent from the sender and when they are received by me and theres usually a ~30 minute gap at a minimum.
  7. That may not be the case with U.S. Cellular and C-Spire. They definitely aren't boarding licenses (with a few exceptions in which they'll probably end up selling instead of expanding). Count Nashvile, Birmingham, and Memphis as some of the markets where T-Mobkle will probably miss out on block A 700 Mhz spectrum.
  8. 3rd Saturday in October must be an interesting week for you. Hide your trees!
  9. I missed a couple too 2 weeks ago. The SEC has gotten me pretty bad. Ole Miss is cursed for life.
  10. Exactly, but they don't build. I have a couple of friends in Highway construction & maintenance companies and I can tell you its not irrelevant. They submit their bids and the only way to make money is to win those bids and stick strictly to the plan they submitted. The margin of error is extremely low. Having worked in the public sector, I can tell you that when employees do mistakes, it hardly results in termination. Some of the most incompetent co-workers I have ever worked with were public sector workers. Had those people been in the highway construction industry, they'd be unemployed. Are you seriously saying that African Americans bring a lot of the police harassment to themselves just by being black?! Social injustices by cops is just the tip of the iceberg. Corruption along the U.S. border is about as rampant as fleas on a stray dog. The U.S. Border Patrol is the BIGGEST example of bureaucracy. Their budget has grown by the billions per year, with zero effectiveness. We can only speculate on how some of today's government sectors would thrive or fail under private sector management. But you can't deny that in the current form, law enforcement and education is broken. I won't advocate for selling them to the highest bidder, but major reforms are needed.
  11. Governments do not build highways and roads. They contract private sector companies to do that (or at least in Texas). A lot of our local public school districts have failed us so miserably. With the ongoing law enforcement injustices that have been highlighted over the past few years (I.e. #blacklivesmatter), this is not a good argument at all for government. As a matter of fact, the current climate in all 3 of those sectors just further antagonise your stance. I'm no anti government but, but you definitely used the wrong examples to prove a point.
  12. T-Mobile also got 5.1, yet the rest of the carriers are sitting on 5.0. At this point, I'm no longer getting my hopes up. Google/manufacturers need to find a better way to get these updates pushed more efficiently. Nexus is looking pretty damn good right now.
  13. I'm ok with it as long as Sprint isn't getting any kickbacks from Clear Channel, Pandora, or Slacker. Now as far as network management, I sure do hope this doesn't bite Sprint in the butt and cause network congestion for post-paid Sprint customers. Music streaming may not be as big of a burden on a network like videos, but it's definitely something to keep an eye on.
  14. If you buy the iPhone and sell after those 2 years, you actually make a profit (or fund your next phone subsidy, depends on how you see it)
  15. Just a caution, I was told by a rep that once you get into a lease with a legacy plan, you CAN'T go back to subsidies. I don't know how long that customer loyalty credit will last.
  16. I'm hopeful too, but its doubtful. The way Samsung treats its outdated phones, we will probably top at Lollipop 5.1.1. I have been tempted to upgrade to the Note 5, but with their track record, I may just wait out until next year to see what HTC and LG have to offer. Worse comes to worse, I'll just use my upgrade on an iPhone and sell it in order to buy the Moto X. There has been articles about Samsung starting to push providers to release 5.1 before the release of Marshmallow, so any time now expect for 5.1 to drop in either Verizon, At&t or Sprint.
  17. Because people take this crap too seriously. If everyone realised that both companies don't care about their users as much as they claim and only cared about the $, then they would stop being fanboys. To Sprint, T-Mobile and every wireless company, we are just another dollar. Wireless fanboys remind me a lot to NFL fans. They spend so much money and time into a team they don't own or profit from, yet take pride in that. Personally, I hold no loyalty to any wireless provider. Sprint currently gives me the most bang for my dollar, but the moment that stops, I'll move on.
  18. For the S6, try this. Go to phone dialer and dial ##DATA#. Go to edit and enter your MSL code (if you don't have it, check your phone activation email; should be 6 numbers) Then go to Advanced. Scroll down to 1xAdvanced Then disable it, Exit menu and reboot phone.
  19. First off, these are opinions. How can they be wrong when the amount of RAM needed depends on each individual user? And that tool CAN be a smartphone. Just add RAM. There are phones out there with 3 GB of RAM already in mass production. It's not 'too soon' to hope for those specs if they are already available in the market. Hate to break it to you, but they aren't very well reasoned. You are saying that because you can get by on a 2 GB phone, then so can everyone else. That's like saying that if I can get by with a $50k/year salary, then no one should expect to be paid more than that. It's not a wrong opinion, its just a very backwards way of thinking.
  20. With your way of thinking, the smartphone would have never made it to where it is today. Just because you think 2 GB of RAM are enough for you doesn't mean it is for everyone else.
  21. It wouldn't matter. I've tried B41 in Houston with the iPhone 6s and it doesn't fare much better than the S5. Maybe slightly better, but by the time the S5 is on B25, it has better speeds than the weak B41 the iPhone is holding on to.
  22. Sounds about right. T-Mobile does very well in Houston. Sprint on the other hand is hurt in Houston by the vast number of Clear LTE radios and antennas in the area. They put out poor coverage and performance drops off dramatically when you lose a clear line of sight to the tower. I've noticed the same problems in Dallas and San Antonio. Hopefully once wimax is killed off, Sprint is able to optimize B41 to reach farther and penetrate better by installing 8t8r equipment everywhere. In a city as hot and humid as Houston, most data activity will be done indoors and B41 is pretty much non-existent unless you're 1000 feet from a tower. B26 could surely need the help right about now.
  23. That could very well be a single B41 carrier. My S5 has seen similar speeds from an empty single B41 carrier. Have you compared it to another B41 phone?
  24. It's not that its overdone, the problem is that it is completely wrong. Spark no longer shows much 'fair' areas when in reality ALL of Clear LTE is fair once you get past 1000 ft. from a tower. This is some T-Mobile style deception and should be fixed.
  25. Sprint hasn't fixed their LTE or Spark coverage yet. Ever since they added Roaming+, they made the rest of their data maps a mess. The older maps were accurate, these updated ones are just flat out wrong and deceiving.
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