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Everything posted by thewezgrays

  1. If I was AJ I would totally have a Youtube clip of Big Bang Theory making fun of the Apple Genius Bar attached to this reply...
  2. I like to think I remain contructive in all posts, hope I am anyways... On the other hand, iOS is totally not viable for the S4GRU community... NO SENSORLY!
  3. Of course all speculation, but without rumors and speculation it would be no fun. I read somewhere this morning that the thinking would be the 5C would have inexpensive insides -- but in keeping with Apple's way, it would likely be something like 4S stuff (keep using existing supply chains and lines etc).... That would likely make it a 5C budget, 5 value, and 5S high-performance three tier system... which makes total sense (and gets all the phones on one 4" size screen). Which to me is a mistake... I think rather than one-size different performances, they would be better to have a 4S size, 5S size and a larger 5" or so size...
  4. I think they will.. It will be the 5S and the 5C.. Maybe a 4S for the third category though...
  5. I had the 4 and my wife had the 4S -- very VERY little difference (other than Siri, which other than to find where to bury a dead body was not very useful).... I have only played with a 5 a bit in the store -- but other than an extra row of icons seemed nearly identical to my wife's 4S... Don't get me wrong -- great phone. Better in some ways than Android and worse in others. Biggest deal is Apple has stalled while Android has really picked up on many of it's shortcomings. (Wife went from EVO to 4S to GS4 and has seen this evolution 1st hand)...
  6. BUT BUT BUT... you will not be able to help me map on Sensorly all over South Carolina!!!
  7. I will be watching this closely... I am almost for sure going with the Galaxy Note 3 on my Sprint line (or maybe a ONE MAX)... but I might port my Net10 Nexus4 line to the in-laws Verizon plan onto a new iPhone. But Apple will have to impress (I have been very disappointed with the 4S and 5 -- almost no improvement on the 4...)
  8. Last time I have seen (noticed) EVDO besides roaming was when I was on a small "partner" network (Carolina Wireless) in the Lake Lure NC area... That whole situation confused me because the Sprint maps showed either weak roaming or NO signal -- yet I was in "home" coverage. (Makes me wonder how many more dead/roaming zones are actually "home" coverage out there)..
  9. It is hard to tell where things will settle at (as mentioned above the 1.5 to 2.0 is what makes sense) but with so many live NV sites without backhaul -- current performance is not a sign of future performance. (I regularly still get low speeds out of NV 3G sites here..)
  10. It is funny I came across the thread at the same time I was checking my usage... (maybe I checked my usage because of this thread, don't remember)... In 1/2 of a month... I have used 123mb on 4G and 180mb on 3G... I have only had 4G three times and that was basically driving through the one tower we have in town! I did a few (like 3) speed tests -- but everytime I look down it seems like it starts app updates or something when I hit 4G (no idle time like mentioned above???)...
  11. Been an HTC guy thru most of the smartphone history -- but that has come with the removable card (keep all my music on it)... If Sprint gets SOLID 4G coverage in the boonies, I am fine with the cloud -- but not before. Samsung's willingness to keep the card will probably make me a Samsung user soon... I care less about the battery though.
  12. Very disappointed... Like the 5.2 screen but will NEVER buy a 16 or 32 gb phone with no SD card. I wasn't planning on buying this, so my night is not ruined... I was also disappointed in MANY aspects of the Moto X... Hope this isn't setting a trend. /REALLY looking forward to the GN3 or 1MAX -- hoping for: microSD, 5.3 to 6.0 screen, tri-band... is that too much to ask?
  13. Well, with around 39000 sites in total -- if in the 2nd Q call they were in progress of some kind on 30000+ sites, that must mean we are now in progress on 30001 or more sites at this point... which seems like good new to me (less than 9000 to start on still)... real progress IMHO...
  14. Before getting locked yesterday, I read in that that there were over 30,000 sites in some sort of NV progress (if it is the same article)... THAT seems like good news to me..
  15. As a phone geek I SOOO bad wanna buy this and play with it... but I really have no use for a hot spot.. between my work iPad and my two phones I got all the data I need. NOW, if we start getting the 3 bands of LTE out here and I do not have a tri-band phone yet, I might throw the $150 at it...
  16. I do not believe the FCC doc exists yet, so it is all rumors at this point. The fact that it has been said that tri-band is coming soon and Samsung has been mentioned, makes it very likely. /if it s NOT tri-band I don't know what I will do....
  17. Everyone is getting ALL the bands... It was talked about this week... I also can not wait to see the Note 3 -- I totally can not wait to get rid of this EVOLTE and it's weak LTE... especially that we are now getting LTE all over the state...
  18. So would that imply that a transistion from FD-LTE 800 to FD-LTE 1900 might not include that break then, that only the TD to FD would have this "break" in it? That would be a good thing. Being pretty rural out here the biggest thing I am worrying about is now that they say they will have all three bands on all sites I could see a phone bouncing from TD2600 near to the site onto FD1900 then FD800 then to the next site back up to 2600 and so on... could be annoying when streaming... EDIT: Replace "tower" with "site"
  19. Hopefully as the technology matures is there a chance that less of a "pause" would be possible? It is great to know that the "break" is minimal -- but it would be nice to know that one could listen/watch to a streaming audio/video feed without this happening one day (or on a voip call/video feed, etc)...
  20. I snuck back over that way and mapped up a path down SC31 as well... So I have that tower colored in pretty well now. It isn't completely showing on Sensorly yet, only at a mid zoom and a very close up zoom. Now I am ready to map the NEXT tower
  21. Just mapped out a bunch of LTE at our first LTE site today! Check out the area near hwy 544 and 31 going into Socastee! I will add some more to it shortly as I forgot to turn on my Sensorly heading north on Hwy 707... Too worried about the finicky-ness of the EVOLTE..
  22. It ain't much - but I will throw $5 your way toward your roadtrip in memory of our first LTE site going live here at the beach (which will make an appearance on Sensorly tomorrow morning thanks to my crappy EVOLTE!)
  23. This would be nice... It would be nice to know that when they are activating a tower to know that we are getting SMR, PCS, BRS as well as LTE, CDMA, 1X *and* cream and sugar! Not just the random mixes we are getting now (3G only, 4G only, GMOs, etc).
  24. Passengers? Carpools? Trains? Airplanes I am happy for today's news mostly because it points to a quicker upgrade to the GMOs that I am 4 to 8 miles from (quicker 800mhz to hopefully stop relying on an airrave)...
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