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Everything posted by thewezgrays

  1. I vouch for this totally... I mapped (using Sensory) as best I could a 4G site on the south end of Myrtle Beach and couldn't get more than a few miles away and last I looked all of a sudden there is two "spots" several MORE miles away (on Hwy 17) that I am guessing someone in passive mode on Sensorly just randomly picked up (since they are two simple dots on the map).... I still need to get my wife's S4 down that way to double check this, but haven't. If you were asking ME for advice my answer would be the same as it is for me -- just sit tight a bit longer and pick up your favorite tri-band device (I will be getting the Note 3 presuming the rumors come through on target)... you could run for the competition -- but hell, all of them have their own faults (even more limited high speed coverage on T-Mobile, higher prices on the duopoly, etc)...
  2. Well all is very quiet in our area... I had some major data issues in Conway this morning -- hoping that is a GOOD sign of things to come soon... I am so ready for 5 or 10 sites to light up at a time, just like in SC/GA Coast and SC markets...
  3. This is awesome... Go out and run some Sensorly (and if you see the Sprint people tell them to head back up to Myrtle Beach LOL)..... It is nice to see them finally rolling the ball ALL OVER South Carolina...
  4. Did they have to make the number 800? Couldn't they do 799 or 801? Everytime I see this headline today I think it has something to do with the SMR band... /Seriously though sucks for the employees and also sucks for the consumer -- you do not improve your customer service by eliminating a part of the front line.
  5. pretty sure it is a one and only thing at this time... My mapping on Sensorly centers it pretty well on the expected site in both cases...
  6. Awesome! Heck, at current pace they should be finished in the South Carolina market by 5am this morning, then they can work on us!!!
  7. The site in question upon looking at the maps was around 3 to 5 miles away from the nearby cell sites... So it still seems like to me there would be large spaces between each site without useable LTE reaching from one to the next... This seems to apply to both of the 4G locations I have been paying much attention to (I am able to play with only the two locations so far in the travels my job takes me in)... not nearly the coverage from the LTE at each one to make it to the next cell site's coverage. The next thing I will have to do is play with my wife's S4 and see how that does next time the two of us are on the south end of Myrtle Beach... I am really not to worried, it isn't like this forum is full of people in mature NV markets that are dealing with a bunch of small LTE islands, rather more just interested and curious. BTW, sorry OP for stealing your thread!!
  8. Thank you! What I get out of that is the lower number on the LTE is better than a lower 1X number... Very interesting read, thanks for having written it...
  9. I guess I am not... So if the Signalcheck Pro app was showing a -95dBm on LTE and -65dBm on 1X very close to the site in Hardeeville... And around 1 mile from the site in Myrtle Beach I was getting -117dBm on LTE right before I lost it and went to ehrpd (and around -96dBm on 1x) ... What numbers are these (rsrp and rssi)? What is the real world meaning of all of this? Bad phone, bad tilts, etc?
  10. Nope... Only 4G site for 200 miles... And sitting very near it..
  11. Oops... I see that now. My bad. Need to watch for the details better, I guess... SO.... How IS the One for LTE? And AM I seeing such lower strength readings when comparing the 1X and LTE because of my EVOLTE or is there a different down tilt on one or the other? (Both sites pretty rural)...
  12. I was sitting about 1/4 mile or less from the Hardeeville, SC cellular site today, and I was getting -65db on 1xRTT... And -95db on LTE.. I lose the LTE signal about two miles from it.. It is not an urban site at all... Same thing with the new Myrtle Beach, SC one... Notice that we both have the EVOLTE... Just sucks on LTE... Hope my Galaxy Note 3 will do better.
  13. I would guess that has to do more with horrible sales numbers of the One. And after trying to track down a repair solution for a broken screen on my sister's One, they can keep them...
  14. Well then, it is YOU I look forward to hearing from ahead of my purchase of a tri-band Note III.
  15. Is this from the 4G site that was approved several weeks ago near I26 and I77, or another site? Here's to hoping for a rash of upgrades going live all across the three major SC markets!
  16. The fact that they just release a brand NEW purple S4 and a brand new red ONE does NOT scream "we are clearing OLD stock to make room for a new tri-band device"... rather it screams business as usual with these two devices...
  17. You have it made now! Full voice and unlimited in home wifi... What I am hoping for if they ever upgrade my GMOs out here. As far as "using" your unlimited... Remember, your home Internet is unlimited, too... Only difference is the cellular data is more valuable as a shareable resource with your neighbors...
  18. My guess would be to a certain degree this will be the case, but that the 800LTE will mostly fix this problem.
  19. Myrtle beach is not exactly urban... They are more densely laid out in the higher population areas, but as you said the more rural areas are spread out pretty far. This site in question is kinda in the middle.. Not the 10 mile variety but a good 5 or so miles from the nearby sites. I hope it is an issue with optimization or simply my EVOLTE...
  20. That is my concern, with tower spacing of 5 - 10 miles... What good is a two mile radius of LTE.. Especially when mobile?
  21. I am hoping it is just my EVOLTE being really really bad, but I lose the LTE when I get just about 2 miles from the live site in Myrtle Beach... I was able to map a solid 2 mile circle around it -- then nothing (it drops off around -125). So basically with this EVO I will have little two mile radius islands of LTE when the light up more towers (I am going to eventually get my wife's GS4 out there and play with it to see how far I can make it away from the tower)...
  22. I think it would be cool to have an off-topic section in here (like right below or inside of General Topics).... Would be a good place to move some threads to that do not really quite fit into the whole cellular thing... (like the keep a word post, or maybe talk about the upcoming NFL season, etc etc etc)...
  23. Totally just playing... BUT it WOULD be awesome if Sensorly was able to work under iOS7.
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