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Everything posted by leozno1

  1. Anyone else notice that they put the microUSB port on the bottom again?!?! I think I'm happier about that than a person should be. On another note, I will be getting this on launch day if it gets LTE 800, HD Voice and there are no serious bugs or issues when the tech blogs post their reviews.
  2. Ahhhhh sorry for misunderstanding what you meant, that makes me feel tons better =) I am very optimistic for GMO sites since they will bring enhanced 3G to market much faster! If I had fast 3G it would make the wait for LTE so much easier. In the meantime I'm doing my best sales rep impression trying to convince my cousin to not leave Sprint.
  3. I didn't know exactly what a GMO site was when you posted this but now that you posted that article about GMOs I understand what it means. Its unfortunate that they won't get 800Mhz initially since I get absolutely TERRIBLE signal in my girlfriends neighborhood on Eden Road in Lancaster where I only get 1-2 bars outside and in her house I jump between 1 bar of signal and roaming. I was greatly looking forward to the increase in signal strength from the RRUs as well as 800Mhz voice and LTE but heck I'll take improved 3G over nothing at all. Good thing is that we will eventually get those upgrades sometime in the future.
  4. In the Shentel thread Robert mentions that the entire Central PA market will initially be GMO sites.
  5. Absolutely! I'll keep an eye out for tower SH00PA000 since I can literally see it from my house. Also it is at the top of a huge hill and about 300 feet above the rest of the the city of York, and with the proper downtilt it can potentially cover the entire south east part of the city. Also gonna keep an eye out in Lancaster, PA since I drive there every weekend and it seems like the Central PA market is getting started.
  6. Good news gentlemen (and ladies) I was driving down George Street a couple minutes ago and at the intersection of South George Street and King Street in York and I looked at my phone and saw the 4G icon was on. I launched Sensorly but for some reason it absolutely refuses to map my trip. I tried turning on and off the gps, closing and reopening the app and nothing. But I managed to hold a connection all the way down to George street and Cottage place where it dropped back down to 3G.
  7. I think this update is a step backwards in terms of LTE connectivity. In areas where I used to automatically connect to LTE I no longer do, i have to use the Airplane mode toggle again. This really sucks, is there a way to roll back to the previous update?
  8. That's strange, I've been having a problem that I'm trying to sleep and my alarm goes off and wakes me up.
  9. I don't think its incorrect. I think what they are doing is also including the android OS and all the processes in that total. Before that 4GB partition was not included so if you had a 16 GB device it would show that you had 2GB of app storage and 10GB of Phone storage. People were probably asking "If I have a 16GB phone why am I only seeing 12GB?" At least that is how I took it. But heck I don't work at HTC or Sprint so I could be wrong.
  10. Spoke too soon. Seems like we're not out of the water just yet. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/01/us-cearwire-sprint-dish-idUSBRE9100IG20130201
  11. Good News, It appears that Clearwire is prepared to reject Dish's offer and move forward with Sprint. http://newsroom.sprint.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=2509
  12. Awesome news!!! Downloading as we speak!! Thanks
  13. Jeez I read through that thing like 3 times looking for the reason for him needing to be rescued and it was only one word near the very end =/. My B I missed it.
  14. So what did he need to be rescued from? Did he get tangled in the cables or something?
  15. Four score and 7 minutes ago (I know it was def longer than that but I tried).
  16. Apparently there isn't much to be seen at all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AN0WqSeCKW8
  17. Thats awesome news. What is the difference you are noticing in low signal strength areas? For example in areas where you used to have a weak signal and indoors?
  18. So I guess my questions for all the Boricuas in the thread is if you guys have noticed an overall improvement around the island? Clearer calls, less dropped calls, faster and more consistent/reliable data speeds, improved cell signal?
  19. Especially since this year's devices will have next generation LTE chips which will further increase energy efficiency. Looking forward to the next EVO with a Snapdragon 800 chip in it If you guys are lucky enough to be in the same situation as me or if you have the ability to do so I would highly recommend it. What I did was that I got the EVO 3D when it came out in 2011 then last year I added my mom to my plan and with that new line got the EVO LTE. I then transferred the numbers between the 2 phones so then my line was on the EVO LTE and she got my old EVO 3D. So now since I got my EVO 3D 2 years ago my line is due for its normal scheduled upgrade this April. Then I can use her upgrade next year and with each time I upgrade I would just hand down my previous phone to her and she would not mind since she would be getting new phone every year too. So its a win-win for both of us
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