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Everything posted by leozno1

  1. Its all psychological. Have you ever been driving home from somewhere and you have to pee but you can def hold it, and suddenly as soon as you open the door to your house you have to run to the bathroom or else you feel like you're gonna piss yourself. That's because you know you're so close. Hence the impatience with LTE.
  2. Definitely not. AT&T is barely starting to pick up speed on their LTE deployment now.
  3. I get what you mean. In many cases it will be overkill to have so much bandwidth to 1 cell site when the tower is only capable of transmitting only a fraction of the total backhaul capacity. But in the instances where a cell site is connected via microwave link, would it make sense at that point to scale up the bandwidth of the fiber line to that specific tower since it will probably be serving the backhaul to multiple sites?
  4. Looks like tower NY25XC331 in NYC has just had LTE turned on. Good job to the new yorkers that have been mapping on sensorly! I've been waiting for that tower to go live for months as I have family that live right off the Baychester Ave. exit.
  5. At the rate PR is moving, it should be complete in a few months. Soo just keep your eye on this site and then you'll know.
  6. But even in areas where you aren't able to pick up Sprint LTE, their upgraded 3G should provide enough speed to do almost anything you need it to.
  7. I rather have that than have my phone connect to and disconnect from LTE at will despite still having pretty decent signal strength.
  8. Its better to have some left over than to not have enough. Not having enough backhaul is part of what has Sprint in this mess to begin with.
  9. Wow that is pretty ridiculous. I have seen on this site that for Sprint devices they need to have the capability built into them in order to support 10x10 MHz LTE since they are only made to support 5x5 MHz right now. How much work is required to have a device support multiple channel widths like that and will it make it that much more of a headache for device manufacturers to make devices that support 15-20 MHz, 10 MHz and 5 MHz all at the same time?
  10. Thanks for the clarification. So will they have enough spectrum on the 1900 band to deploy HSPA+ 42 or will their entire network just stick to HSPA+ 21 and LTE from that point on? Also is the reason for them not expanding their 3G areas due to lack of spectrum in those areas or lack of money or desire to do so?
  11. So I know this is a Sprint vs AT&T deployment thread but I will go ahead and ask about another carrier since they're all competition. With the current T-Mobile Spectrum refarming plan if they are transitioning all their HSPA+ data service from AWS 1700 to PCS 1900 spectrum, wouldn't that decrease their already relatively weak HSPA+ data coverage area and increase the area where you will only have EDGE coverage?
  12. Ahhh now I'm seeing what you meant. It's a little confusing because of the order its in. If the statement read "The main savings from NV will be incurred due to much cheaper backhaul, i.e. fiber/microwave/AAV vs many T1's." But either way, thanks for taking the time to clarify, and 2 thumbs up for cheaper backhaul!
  13. I know its cheaper, but your post reads as if Sprint was looking to save money by deploying multiple T1's.
  14. I really don't wanna believe that Sprint would make the same mistake deploying T1 backhaul just to save money. Especially if the point of NV is to future proof their network. I wouldn't touch T1 with a 150 ft cell tower pole if I were them. Unless they want to have another situation like now where everyone complains about their speed and they have to go back and upgrade their network again.
  15. I usually get my best speeds from the Washington, DC server. Would you be able to try that one?
  16. Great news! Thanks for the update Robert! Do you think that on either on Black Friday or soon afterwards Sprint will release a statement where they add all these cities to their official LTE Market count list?
  17. The tower on South Richland Ave and W Market Street has LTE turned on. I drove by today and managed to hold an LTE signal pretty deep into the city. Did a couple speed tests while mapping on sensorly and got 69ms ping, 23.93mbps down / 10.34 up
  18. Yea Wrightsville is on the York County side of the Susquehanna river. Its impossible for it to be a tower in Lancaster county because Robert said the Central PA market isn't slated to begin until 2013 probably even mid 2013. Seems like Shentel is expanding within their coverage area rapidly. Just waiting for a tower or 2 to light up in York City and cover the inner city.
  19. I was just navigating though sensorly and I saw a new patch of LTE across the bridge on Route 30. Seems like there is a tower that just lit up near Wrightsville.
  20. Awesome. This guy should be lighting up soon then. Luckily I drive passed it on a daily basis so I'll report back when it goes live.
  21. Ahh so its the opposite of what I thought. What about my other question about capacity? If everyone is defaulting to LTE 1900 and it starts to get congested, would any new connections connect automatically to LTE 800 instead?
  22. I was able to get closer to the tower but I only had my LTEVO to take the picture with. What do you think? Sprint/Shentel? or other?
  23. So I have been wondering, next year if you buy a device that supports LTE 800 what would be the process for which the network decides whether you are connected to LTE 800 or 1900? I would imagine your device will want to connect to the stronger 800mhz signal but if every device is connecting to the stronger 800mhz signal it would start to slow down. So will the network decide to accept any new connections and put them on 1900 by default once 800mhz LTE reaches a certain number of connections?
  24. Ugh iPhone (not hatin, just bummed that you can't map it on sensorly)
  25. Well I know Shentel covers Hershey. But Elizabethtown might start cross over into Alcatel coverage and be part of the Central PA market with Lancaster.
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