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Everything posted by leozno1

  1. Nice post AJ. I definitely wanted to know what some possibilities were for Sprint with the increase in spectrum. I don't live in any of those markets but I'm still bummed that its gonna take upwards of 2 years for them to take advantage of that additional spectrum.
  2. Nice, If anyone gets the chance to do so, please map on Sensorly.
  3. That would be great, I would love to know more on the subject.
  4. Wait, so they also have to build into the devices the ability to connect to bands that wide? I thought as long as a device supported the correct frequency and type of technology they should be able to connect without a problem.
  5. http://www.engadget....-and-customers/ Anyone would like to chime in on how greatly this could affect the Midwest with their LTE rollout? Perhaps some 10mhz LTE deployments?
  6. Sorry I didn't listen in to the call. Did they specify what cities are launching around Thanksgiving?
  7. Add watching Sports to that and you got yourself a good Thursday night.
  8. Hey Digiblur, what is the best prl that you use for your Evo LTE, I'm using the stock 25009
  9. Great news and great speeds! From the looks of it, the entirety of York can probably be covered with LTE with probably like half a dozen towers.
  10. Unfortunately that means back to work today Albeit an hour later but I still would have liked to sleep in a bit more.
  11. Great updates, and just looking at your pictures reminds me of how much the gloomy gray sky sucked today. On a bright note things looking good in Harrisburg so far. Hopefully they progress this well in York soon. I've been keeping an eye open but haven't seen anything yet aside from the Water tower across the street from Chipotle.
  12. That saying seems familiar, I think I had asked you about that on an article a couple months ago.
  13. http://www.theverge.com/2012/10/18/3520500/sprint-majority-stake-clearwire And so it begins. Bring on the 100mbps LTE
  14. At the same time yea, but all in one day is definitely possible. But If you can't disclose your source that's all you had to say.
  15. Where do you get your info from? Do you go personally and check all these sites? Cuz it would take a lot of dedication to take that long ferry ride to Culebra to check the towers lol
  16. Its been noted on other parts of these forums that the upgrades you see listed on network.sprint.com are not Network Vision related. Unless they have changed that recently, that site is only outlining bandaid fixes.
  17. Go talk to them!! I'm sure we would all like to hear how much they have progressed around the city.
  18. I doubt it, I think it takes longer than a couple days to get from starting a tower to having 3G inspected and approved by Sprint. These towers have probably been worked on for quite some time.
  19. 30% is still a lot of difference in signal strength. The reason I say it is because I had an Evo 4G and an Evo 3D and while it was definitely fast enough to do whatever you want to with your smartphone, it was just unusable when I would be indoors, whether it be slow speeds or constantly disconnecting and reconnecting. It was more frustrating than anything. If you say it could be better than what it currently is then I'm all for it but from previous experience I'm a bit skeptical.
  20. Lol that would be pretty awesome but realistically, acquiring Metro or Leap would allow them to do a 10x10 or 15x15 1900 deployment in some of their major market. Lord knows Chicago needs the extra spectrum. And you can never have enough spectrum in NYC or CA
  21. The only negative to Clearwire is their frequency that their network runs on. It's almost unusable indoors and it would also require Sprint to add yet another band of support into their devices and adds complexity. It would probably be best for Sprint to acquire one of the regional carriers like Leap or Metro PCS that have PCS spectrum and strengthen Sprint's spectrum holdings.
  22. Sweet! That means that I will have better coverage, faster speeds and maybe even LTE the next time I go to the campo that is Cidra with my girlfriend.
  23. I totally agree Robert, I think that one of the biggest thing that people don't take into account are the cost savings that the Network Vision project entails. People keep saying that not long after its done that Sprint will remove unlimited data, but if Sprint can keep unlimited data while they are losing money quarterly for several years, why would they remove unlimited data when they will actually be saving over $1 billion per year?
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