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Everything posted by leozno1

  1. But does your EVO have any issues connecting to LTE? I feel like I have to jump through a lot of hoops just to get mine to connect to LTE. Perhaps I should consider getting a replacement?
  2. Here you go sir http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1195-information-about-s4gru-sponsorship-levels-and-how-to-become-a-sponsor/ Like the post says, there is a large orange button on the right hand side of the main forum page where you can donate.
  3. I'm gonna hang on to it and see if it gets better with the Jelly Bean update. Also I'm sure that it won't be much of an issue once we have no more gaps in LTE coverage.
  4. No worries. It doesn't have to be much either. But remember that your donations are what keep this website running so just keep that in mind when you donate... If you decide to do so that is.
  5. I think that is my main issue. Since my phone is so bad at connecting to and maintaining an LTE signal, if i just let sensorly run and do not actively try to connect to LTE may never switch over.
  6. Ahh okay, I thought I saw someone mention in one of the forums that in new york there are hundreds of completed sites so I thought it was more like there are a bunch of sites that are complete as well but haven't been inspected by Sprint so they aren't on the maps yet.
  7. Thanks, this takes a lot of dedication. I actually think scanning for 4G and launching Sensorly is almost worse than texting and driving. Ahh I totally forgot, I actually managed to connect to 4G for a few seconds near the intersection of Route 30 and Bowman Road.
  8. I was able to stay connected to LTE going south on Roosevelt Ave almost all the way down to Philadelphia street. Thats the farthest into the city I've been able to stay connected to 4G.
  9. I took this picture on my way to work about 2 days ago but it might be a bit to far to see. I'll try again tomorrow morning since it'll practically be night time by the time I pass by the tower and I can't take a pic today.
  10. Darn. Well now I have no idea if this is a Sprint tower.
  11. Is Sprint the only carrier placing the RRU's behind the antennas or are other carriers doing this as well? If they are the only ones doing this then Shentel is definitely upgrading a tower near the York Fairgrounds on West Market Street and South Richland Ave http://goo.gl/maps/7tCMh
  12. I'm getting ehrpd all over York, PA as well as New Oxford, PA
  13. To find out just go to your speed test app, go to results and just tap on that individual test. It will then show you some more details about that test including whether you are on ehrpd or not
  14. You know as a person that actually follows this site and knows that there are upgrades taking place, let alone someone who has connected to LTE and see how fast it is, I am pretty disappointed at this sudden desperation post. Knowing that upgrades are coming should help you cope, not make your frustration worse. I would expect that from people that don't follow this site and don't know that upgrades are on the way. Don't get me wrong, I'm not scolding you because I'm not your dad, but just wanna say that if anything knowing upgrades are under way in your area should make you excited. But it doesn't help that this website elevates excitement and anticipation into obsession. But I ain't mad, I'm obsessed and I love it. Can't wait for LTE!
  15. I hear ya, on the way home I took 234 East but my phone refused to connect to LTE. Either they blocked it or my EVO was not in the mood for some sweet LTE lovin.
  16. You do know that Sprint is rolling out their LTE just as fast, if not faster than any of the other carriers? You are very impressed with Verizon's LTE coverage but you gotta remember that they first launched their LTE in December 2010 vs July 2012 for Sprint. Now considering that Verizon had a year and a half head start over Sprint and Sprint is only gonna be finishing about 6 months after Verizon, I think Sprint's moving at a very fast pace and you need to just stop being impatient.
  17. This morning on my way to work I was able to connect to 4G in York, on the west side of 30 where it merges with PA 462. It's now mapped on Sensorly.
  18. Hey Robert, Does that mean that there are upgraded towers all over new york city but users aren't allowed to connect to them? If so that is definitely great news because all they need to do is flip the switch. For some reason I felt like only the ones that appear on your Sites Complete maps are the ones that are done. And everything else is still under construction.
  19. Just went on Sensorly and saw a minor blip of LTE in Hanover, Pa. Looks like Shentel means business.
  20. I hope you intend to tether your smartphone via one of sprint mobile hotspot plans.
  21. Another detail is that Puerto Rico has a lot of mountainous terrain there are tall hills everywhere. 800 would definitely have helped in the coverage department.
  22. Unfortunately you cannot map your coverage with the iPhone 5, only with Android LTE Devices.
  23. Now that you mention it, there is a water tower on the corner of Carlisle and Locust Lane that has some Large antennae and RRU's installed. I haven't passed there in about a week or so I haven't been able to check if it is a Sprint tower but if you say its a tower near the mall that's 1 potential suspect.
  24. There is definitely another site transmitting LTE somewhere in the West side of York. I was driving home from work this evening and I picked up a 4G signal out West where Route 30 meets PA 462/ W Market Street. I tried to launch Sensorly but I panicked and I couldn't turn on my GPS and launch sensorly fast enough It was one of the few times where I was both happy and sad at the same time. I was connected for about 10 seconds heading eastbound towards York. Will definitely keep an eye out for some 4G out there and try to map it next time I'm heading to work.
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