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Everything posted by BenChase7

  1. When will S4GRU auto-pay become available for effortless monthly contributions?
  2. Just to keep the mystery LG device rumor stirring: http://www.engadget....-att-halloween/ Edit: And here's some more. http://phandroid.com/2012/06/14/lg-eclipse-with-quad-core-s4-cpu-gets-bluetooth-certified-benchmarked-expected-launch-date-revealed/
  3. is it just one beep? I thought it "beeped" once if you were connected to the airave.. like a confirmation or something. At least I thought thats what I read somewhere.
  4. I apologize for the disruption. I only wanted to clarify because I thought it was rather impressive that Sprint has planned to complete as many upgrades in one month as they did in the first 5 months. Hopefully from that perspective you can see how one may be in question. Thank you for the clarification. I must say.. this is pretty impressive then. Thanks for the maps, for me this really shows the rate at which Sprint wants to roll-out Network Vision.
  5. Robert got what he had coming, IMO. Thats what he gets for complaining all the time.
  6. +1 I've really come to like ACSyndicate. Also, check out qbking77 (hes a contributor to ACSyndicate) on YouTube... hes always got great reviews of all things Android.. and he usually uses Sprints latest phones. http://www.youtube.c...7?feature=chclk
  7. Just to make sure I got this straight (and, sorry if its already been asked), the towers on these maps are in addition to what has already be upgraded to Network Vision?
  8. By using the paypal donation button in the top right, you dont have to have a paypal account to donate... its just "powered by paypal." I've have made several donations this way to S4GRU without using a paypal account.
  9. Here is ACSyndicate's overview of the Sprint/Samsung event http://www.acsyndicate.net/reflections-on-sprints-next-big-thing-event-samsung-galaxy-s-3-pre-release-party/
  10. One of Sprints SGSIII training videos http://phandroid.com...ctile-nfc-tags/ More on the TecTiles http://www.engadget.com/2012/06/13/tectiles-programmable-nfc-stickers-for-select-members-of-samsun/
  11. Looks like crApple lost this time around and the SGSIII will launch as scheduled. http://www.androidcentral.com/samsung-galaxy-s-iii-will-launch-time-push-early-judgement-denied http://phandroid.com...ne-21st-launch/
  12. This sums up which iPhone is capable of running what nicely. And, again, according to this, iPhones before the 4s are not capable of turn-by-turn nav... at least if this article/table is correct. http://www.engadget....-my-device-run/
  13. Thats exactly what she said.
  14. Really? As an iPhone user, you may know more about it then I do, but this article from Engadget leads me to believe otherwise. "Update: Several of our readers scoured the fine print on Apple's freshly launched iOS 6 Maps page, and informed us that the Flyover and turn-by-turn features will only be available to folks with an iPhone 4S or iPad 2 or later. Guess that's just one more reason to upgrade, eh?" http://www.engadget.com/2012/06/11/apple-officially-gives-google-maps-the-boot-launches-own-maps-a/
  15. Thats a little too specific for me to answer... from what I've seen, the deployment is rather random in some of the markets that have started, IMO. So, I really cannot answer that part with certainty. However, The schedule maps in the premier sponsor area do give dates of when each individual tower is expected to be upgraded.
  16. It will take several months to complete many of the markets, as it is not uncommon for a single given market to have over 1000 towers. However, even without all the towers being complete, Network Vision/LTE should be pretty usable across the market. And, Many second round markets are scheduled to start before the first round markets are complete.
  17. I see they're finally bringing turn-by-turn nav to iOS 6... sucks you have to have at least an iPhone 4s to use it, though. Guess its just Apples way to sell more phones.
  18. LOL No worries. No, that was my way of saying I don't have one (but want one!).
  19. I'm starting to think it may come sooner then later, myself. I noticed Sprint no longer has the Photon for purchase on their website. Additionally, this leaves only two WiMax devices available for purchase through their online channel. Also, I have a feeling that the only reason the OG Epic is still there is so they have a halfway decent Android-QWERTY phone... I'll bet that thing gets dropped like a bad habit when Sprints next Android-QWERTY shows up... Photon Q LTE??
  20. BenChase7

    EVO LTE Heat

    Don't forget to consider the mass of the ass
  21. I would gladly trade you spots. lol In other words, I could deal with some dropped calls for a bit in order to get what is heading your way. Guess everyone has different views on it though.
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