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Everything posted by BenChase7

  1. BenChase7

    GPS on S3

    This seems hard to believe to me, there are only 24 GPS satellites in orbit (plus a few spares that are offline and will come online if another satellite fails). I just don't see how a GPS receiver could be in view of so many satellites at one time. But IDK.
  2. LOL! I dunno, AJ, this rap video makes me think the "OG" is indeed Original Gangster. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJsDhnKg1Gg
  3. Speed isn't everything.
  4. In 20 months you'll be eligible for a new upgrade.
  5. Funny you say that... that's what came to my mind too! Land Down Under, I believe. Edit: its at the 1:10 mark
  6. When I was in flight school (ERAU), there was a lot of Hawaiian's around... They loved the stuff! In fact, they considered Spam a delicacy. Me and my roommate (both "mainlanders") would raise hell every time they "cooked" it because it would stink the suite up. Never could understand the Hawaiian love for Spam. But they loved it!
  7. If they're listed on the link below, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/212-network-visionlte-deployment-running-list/
  8. SGSIII. period. (But, I wouldn't be so quick to rule out the EVO, either. I can't figure out why you haven't considered the EVO over the G-Nex.)
  9. Not an Airvana/Airave user myself (my signal is always more then sufficient), but thought this post in another forum was interesting, especially for those in this thread. http://androidforums...tml#post4627391 I wonder if Sprint has an even newer/better device on the way....
  10. I got mine still, too. I fired it up yesterday for the heck of it. Wow.. things have come a long way! I sure loved it at the time, though. The Moto Q9c was my first real smartPhone. Well, I had the Samsung N400 back in 2002.. although it was impressive at the time, being 3G and all... not really a SmartPhone
  11. Welcome Aboard!! From what I've seen, you're looking at 2013 for your Network Vision and 4G LTE upgrades. Although, you might get some minor 3G upgrades before then. Bookmark the following link for the latest Network Vision deployment info. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/212-network-visionlte-deployment-running-list/
  12. If you now decide to get the S3.. would you sell you Viper? (if so, PM me.)
  13. This is exactly what I would do, too!.. IMO, the benefit of this is that it allows you to share the data connection with any other devices you would like.
  14. BenChase7

    Nexus 7

    Scott, My parents really want a tablet. I recommended the Nexus7. They are in their 60's, so my only concern is they may need something with a larger screen, and I think they would like that, to be honest. But, the Nexus7 is by far the best value (IMO). Do you think the rumors of a Nexus tablet with a larger screen (10inch) are true, or should I just suggest they jump on the Nex7 now?
  15. BenChase7


    LOL! Nice catch, Scott. That is pretty funny! Comments like that, and (mostly) fanboys are why I stopped reading blog comments quite sometime ago.
  16. BenChase7


    White EVO LTE on the 15th? (and SGSII/Epic Touch buy one, get one free) http://www.technobuf...ource=pulsenews
  17. haha... Trust me, I give my best efforts to resist.
  18. No kidding! Heck, give me about 1/5 of that with unlimited data, and I'll be happy!
  19. I may be way off here, but Sprint did start launching devices that support 1x 800 well in advance of its deployment (such as the EVO 3D, SGSII, and even a couple others, I believe). So, I am hoping they do the same with LTE 800.
  20. Nice! I've seen them going on craigslist 'round PHX at a steal. So, you (will) have every Sprint LTE device now, Don't yea?
  21. BenChase7

    Gs3 ban

    Oh, I see. I didn't realize that. Thanks! Edit: However, "I'm too busy," is exactly what every Judge should say when crApple brings this to court.
  22. Dayuuummmn! Usually I remove the media when quoting for the sake of space... not this time!
  23. BenChase7

    Gs3 ban

    I thought crApple already tried to block the SGSIII... and the Judge threw it out. Wouldn't surprise me if the scum bags tried it again, though.
  24. Pretty Much! Here is my response to a similar situation in another thread, where someone in LA said a CSR told them that an LTE tower would be going live near him next month: http://androidforums...20-post378.html Edit: I think they gave him an exact date.. like 7/25, or something.
  25. so you want him to start wearing is weekend attire to the office?
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