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Everything posted by BenChase7

  1. Was hoping you'd chime in on this one. Thanks!
  2. I like the sound of that! Thanks, Man!
  3. Thanks Scott! Can you explain what that means to me as the the user, and why I would want this feature?
  4. There are many LTE speed tests on the site from Sprint Galaxy Nexi. Its LTE capable. Edit: looks like it worked out to be a HUGE advantage to you though, since you're getting the SGSIII now. I'd be ecstatic! I assume you have to send the Nexus back when you get the SGSIII??
  5. Sorry for the slightly off topic and probably previously answered question but, what is(are) the advantage(s) of of the dual Rx antennas we're seeing in the new Sprint phones?
  6. Oh, so Sprint gives you that nice 25% discount, too.
  7. My understanding was the final (last of round 4) markets were supposed to be started (not completed) by Q4 13.
  8. either way, even the lowest numbers you get are pretty decent for 3G.
  9. In 2012 Read this: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-80-seattle-grand-rapids-are-scheduled-to-be-in-the-second-round-of-sprint-network-visionlte-deployment-in-2012/
  10. agreed on all accounts.. I'm doing the same
  11. I like your other way better because it shows a great speed test result, too.
  12. I don't really see it significantly improving until NV is is complete.. or at least 50%+.
  13. It amazes me how much time some people will spend ranting and raving about how unhappy they are, but fail to put any constructive effort into improving their current situation. (I say this in regards to all facets of life. Some people just like to bitch and moan.) If one is that unhappy about something, wouldn't the time spent complaining be more effectively used by doing something to improve the situation? Serious question!
  14. Well, when the market as a hole is down over 100 points, that can happen. Don't forget the big picture. But I see that even with the DJI having a bad day, Sprints still up a over a percent, as of now. They've had a stellar couple of weeks here.
  15. Apple iPhone 5 to put the SGSIII to shame!! http://phandroid.com...xy-s3-to-shame/ Pretty bold statement. Put the SGSIII to shame? In regards to what, how many lives it took to build?
  16. Happens to the best of us. Hell, one time I posted an article that I thought was groundbreaking, turns out I didnt read the date and it was published 9 mos prior. Talk about embarrassing!
  17. I have to agree with what Scotts been saying. Yes, It totally sucks that Sprint got behind the ball in regards to network capacity. Obviously, all the EVO's and iPhones on the current network were/are overburdening. Not only are they spending a ridiculous amount of money with the "band-aid" fixes (money that will, in a sense, have gone to waste post NV), they are practically betting the farm with a complete network overall that costs billions.. several times over. All while continuing to bring out some very nice devices and maintain the best customer service in the industry. The fact of the matter is, Sprint, at this time, is doing everything in their power to fix the network. This should be obvious to anyone one who has put even a half-ass effort into researching on this site.
  18. SGSIII launch info, straight from Sprint: http://phandroid.com/2012/06/20/sprints-official-reasoning-for-galaxy-s3-delays-demand-is-outweighing-supply/
  19. +1... and with Beano, there'll be no gas.
  20. Isn't that the truth. I like your brief, yet complete response here. Maybe you should type something like this up and save it, so you can just copy and paste it throughout the site, as needed... kinda like an auto-reply type thing.
  21. BenChase7

    EVO LTE Heat

    Hopefully the EVO doesn't start getting this hot. http://www.engadget.com/2012/06/20/samsung-galaxy-s-iii-melts/
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