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Everything posted by BenChase7

  1. just out of curiosity, why would Apple have Sprint LTE at their facilities if there are currently no Apple devices that support Sprint LTE?
  2. He may be thinking of Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS). I really don't know much about it, but its growing in aviation. Essentially, this system uses ground based reference stations to measure variation/deviation in GPS signals, as a result making GPS more accurate. It will allow aircraft to make precision approaches with GPS, which, before, GPS was limited to non-precision approaches.
  3. ^^ I agree, Scott. They did a really good job with this video.
  4. Here is the Photon Q LTE video from Motorola
  5. I do similar functions on my Evo LTE all the time. I'm 100% stock with No problems either.
  6. Exactly what I was thinking, but I didn't bother posting. lol Glad you did.
  7. My EVO is multi-tasking like a champ. No problems at all.
  8. Found a post with some good photos of some NV equipment on G+.
  9. That's probably a good sign, at least in the Chicago market.
  10. Doubt it... I don't think LS had anything to do with Sprint's NetworkVision roll out. That was a common misconception in many forums. Some people even jumped to the conclusion that Sprints LTE plans were doomed. lol After looking around this forum, It doesn't appear those fallacious conclusions have much merit now. However, the cash that LS would have given Sprint for hosting would be nice.
  11. I'm guessing 2 years as well. Hopefully its 5GB for the same price... and throttled (not overage) and I'll be able to deal with it... so long as the Network Vision upgrades are complete, or at least the final markets in progress.
  12. http://www.technolog.msnbc.msn.com/technology/technolog/sprint-first-carrier-offer-wireless-emergency-alerts-119034
  13. Damn, I hate being the guy who repeats a post. Glad it worked out this time, though. lol Just with all the growth here lately, its hard for me to keep up with everything.
  14. Pretty sure Sprint is deploying it now in some markets.
  15. I was bored and came across this, thought I'd share. Pretty impressive speeds on numerous tests.
  16. "Dust Storm Warning in this area til 6:00 PM MST. Avoid travel. Check local media. -NSW" Expired: 6:00PM Recieved: 4:51PM Just got my first Severe Alert on my new EVO LTE a few moments ago.
  17. I assume the upgrades you are referring to are based off the network.sprint.com site, in which case, those have nothing to do with Network Vision. Those are "band-aid" fixes which will give (minor) relief to legacy equipment before the true Network Vision upgrades occur. In regards to the Nextel equipment, as far as I know, it has nothing to do with the Sprint side of things until Network Vision is done and that decommissioned iDen spectrum can be used on the Sprint side of the network.
  18. There are no known Network Vision upgrades going on in PHX. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/212-network-visionlte-deployment-running-list/ NV will not likely begin untill early 2013 in PHX.
  19. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/212-network-visionlte-deployment-running-list/
  20. Maybe my thinking is off but, Why would Sprint want to deploy rev. b? That would only promote people to stay on the 3G network in a world that is clearly moving to LTE.
  21. Looks like DirecTV will be losing Comedy Central. Hope you're not with them and missing out all over again! Edit: http://money.msn.com/business-news/article.aspx?feed=OBR&Date=20120711&ID=15320004&industry=IND_MEDIA&isub=
  22. Some people may call it a problem.. but, I call it a gift.
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