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Everything posted by BenChase7

  1. BenChase7

    Nexus 7

    LOL! I was going to click the "like this" button, but I cannot associate my name with that video.
  2. BenChase7

    Nexus 7

    Don't worry, you can get some pills online that will add a 3 inches in only 4 weeks if you conclude your 7in device is inadequate. Sorry, couldn't resist.. its Friday
  3. I agree.. but I think I saw that Falcone is under investigation fraud now.. not sure if thats going to help LS much. lol Edit: Yup: http://www.investorp...aud/?cc=msnfeed
  4. Did you ever read this: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-166-sprint-battling-network-vision-deployment-woes-in-the-windy-city/ Might explain your problems.
  5. Virgin HTC One V http://www.engadget.com/2012/06/28/htc-one-v-quietly-pops-up-at-virgin-mobile-usa/ Virgin's own retail stores: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-06-28/virgin-mobile-will-open-retail-stores-to-capitalize-on-iphone.html?cmpid=msnmoney
  6. I'm wondering if on 7/15 if Sprint will allow access to LTE on all available towers, or just those in the first/official markets. I was under the impression that LTE would be useable on upgraded towers even before the market officially launched. Will the LTE towers be usable as they go live?
  7. It amazes me how so many people have problems with the Airave, yet, on the other hand, so many people have no issues at all.
  8. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1195-information-about-s4gru-sponsorship-levels-and-how-to-become-a-sponsor/
  9. S4GRU maps, located in the Sponsors thread.
  10. Since this is ATL, isn't there a possibility that he could connect to a Network Vision tower, thus rendering the PCMag tests irrelevant?
  11. This is probably a stupid question by your standards, but I was wondering.... If there is a nearby site that only has 3G, but a distant site that has been upgraded to LTE, does the phone take the weak LTE site or the strong EVDO site?
  12. LOL!! We're on the same boat, man! 38's sound Great... just dont know if its gonna happen.
  13. I'm interested in this myself. I have not heard anything regarding the update other then the fact that HTC confirmed it. Considering the EVO V was launched on Virgin with Android 4.0 just recently, I would suspect that it wont be too much longer for the EVO 3D.
  14. I would never have bought a phone like that. However, I'd kill for a McDouble right now.
  15. Your upgrade is still the same, they are just promoting the fact that they will pay you for your old phone... up to 300 bucks. Or, maybe your eligible now? lol
  16. Cool.. I'm just happy to be "in the know." And that is thanks to S4GRU. So is Dec - Feb still a safe estimate for those markets that "may be moving into round two?"
  17. Robert, You're the Man! Thanks for keeping us so up-to-date! This is why your site is so great. Can you answer me this? Is there any word/hint of those 3rd round markets getting moved into round 2?
  18. you can bet there would be a huge step up in Sprints employee education budget the weeks prior to this event.
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