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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. Here's a flashback... I first read this thread title to say, "Morton Downey, Jr." Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  2. There has been no mention of increasing density via macro cells. However, micro cells (aka small cells and pico cells) are going to be all the rage in 2014. Sprint says they are endorsing small cell deployment in a big way. And with the projected increase in cash capex expected in 2014 and 2015, it should be a pretty strong push. This is where I expect the backing of SoftBank to push the Sprint network into a fully competitive carrier. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  3. EBay has been very frustrating to deal with. They put my account on restriction and pulled the auction until I could call and verify. I was on hold for two hours last night, finally got them to reinstate my account and my listing. However, as of this morning, it still had not been reinstated. So I called back. They gave me an hour of talking around and around, asking me to reverify all the information all over again. I asked the service rep if they had the notes saying they were going to reinstate my account last night. He found them. So I asked if this was not sufficient to reinstate my account. He said no, and now he would need to reverify all my account information and go back over what an iDEN countdown clock is. *sigh* I advised him that I would not go back over and do again what was already noted on my account and that I wanted to speak to a supervisor. A supervisor came on the line and informed me my account has been closed now because I am a risk to EBay members and disconnected the call. Nice. EBay sucks. I guess they know they virtually have a monopoly for online auctions. So I guess we will have to do an auction online here at S4GRU. Unless anyone else has any better ideas. *sigh* Robert
  4. I'm trying to imagine on what grounds. Sprint always had the better hand as a majority shareholder, and the pool of minority shareholders for DISH kept shrinking. Now the pool is too small. All a lawsuit would do is delay, I don't think it has any chance of going his way. It would waste time and money for DISH, which would be wasted if they have a Plan B...like T-Mobile. I guess we will know shortly if Charlie has a plan that does not involve Sprint or Clearwire. Robert
  5. Ding, ding, ding!!! Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  6. Why is the OP inundating our pages with AT&T threads and posts? Please stop. You're derailing our forum. Find an AT&T forum if all your discussions are going to be about AT&T. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  7. I will not allow AT&T discussions of this caliber at S4GRU. Please do not post another one. We will not allow anything that encourages AT&T to grow and ruin competition in the long run. Anyone who gives AT&T their money are fools. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  8. Some Contractors are really good, some not so good. The Contractor there is probably hit harder by wireless installer shortages. That's my guess. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  9. Announcements don't matter. Right now, Sprint is deploying full build sites in every California market except North LA and Lower Central Valley. These two will begin this Summer. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  10. What? I think he's trying to say that there are some Sprint techs at a hotel in fern creek. He has talked to them and they stated that LTE system testing was starting over the next two weeks. I think at night or something like that. Just trying to translate. ..I not very good at translation. Hey Robert, does this sound like a typical scenario? Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2 No. Although I'm not exactly sure what was said. Did someone channel Boomhauer? Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  11. Listing removed? Sent from my EVO I fought it out with EBay last night. They said they were going to restore it last night. Looks like I may have to call them again. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  12. This thread has been run off topic and off course. AIO needs to pay S4GRU to advertise on our pages. Robert
  13. Sprint is already developing Small Cells for FIT deployment this year. Small Cells should be a big part of capex starting in 2014. Robert
  14. Same in Albuquerque. Outdoor coverage is pretty good already. On approximately 60% of their sites. Average speeds are 15-20Mbps Download, and 10Mbps upload. Peaks are approaching 50Mbps on some sites. Speeds seem backhaul limited, not capacity limited. On some sites I will get less than 10Mbps with full signal. If I jump over to HSPA+, the speed is pretty similiar. So I've concluded that all sites are likely running 50-60Mbps on the airlink, but is limited to what the backhaul at the site currently can handle. However, walking indoors I lose the AWS LTE signal unless I'm within half mile of the site. So typical crummy indoor Tmo coverage is not changed by LTE. It really is the achilles heel of Tmo. Indoor coverage seems worse on Tmo than Sprint on equitable networks. And when LTE 800 gets going, Tmo is really going to start being at a disadvantage. However, another advatange of Tmo here in ABQ, is that they are deploying 10MHz channels here. So even if you go indoors and get a really weak signal, with 10MHz, speeds stay pretty good. I once got a 20Mbps download speed even with a -110dBm RSRP. Not shabby at all. As good as Tmo is, I'm still more bullish on Sprint for the mid and long term. Especially when you consider SoftBank and Clearwire. But over all, I want Tmo and Sprint both to be viable competitors to the duopoly. Robert
  15. That went out nationwide, unfortunately. It was not specific to any region. Robert
  16. The seller has provided registrations to all payers and is now withdrawing any additional activations. Robert
  17. parachute pants Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  18. Yep. Sponsor only. Work is beginning all over that region. Possibly that area had backhaul available first so contractors began to work there. The roseville galleria mall I believe has a DAS system or repeaters inside. It is literally a giant concrete and steel block which isn't that conducive to exterior wireless signals... I can't think of the Galleria without drooling. Ruth's Chris and Il Fornaio. Two of some of my favorite restaurants. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  19. In my anecdotal observations, during hard handoff it seemed like I was more likely to be dropped if I was talking at the time. It's almost as if the MSC can handle the transfer if it's not receiving voice from the handset at the time. It may be all in my head, but I have noticed this often in suspected hard handoff drops. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  20. "Let me go out!! Like I blister in the sun?" Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  21. I'm an eternal optimist myself. My optimism believes the first Utah LTE site will be accepted in the next 7-10 days. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  22. Yes, there is one site live in Auburn. Technically it's in the Georgia market. Go figure. We announced it in the Sponsor maps and threads yesterday. Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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