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Sprint to end 2 Year Contracts


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I was also told that once you pay off the phone then you can get subsidized back.  I asked that point blank.  I had to get a new phone early for my son about  months back.


Yes were in the same boat.


My sister lost her iphone (she says stolen) and shes leasing now at some loyalty promo rate. We were told by multiple reps that once the lease ends she can get her 2 year upgrade that would have become available around that time.

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I found the answer here guys


Do I have to return the device at the end of the lease term?

At the end of your lease as a customer in good standing, here are your options:

  • Turn in the current leased device and upgrade to another device with your choice of purchase method (Lease, Easy Pay, 2-year agreement, or full price purchase) or Bring-Your-Own Device.


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  • 2 weeks later...

My sprint rep called a couple of days ago and while i am keeping the plan i have grandfathered in the ability to have the subsidized phones goes away jan 1.  I have two upgrades available on a use it or lose it basis by jan 1 so i am grabbing two new phones while i still can on a subsidy.  The contracts will be in effect until their terms in then the subsidies go away.

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My sprint rep called a couple of days ago and while i am keeping the plan i have grandfathered in the ability to have the subsidized phones goes away jan 1.  I have two upgrades available on a use it or lose it basis by jan 1 so i am grabbing two new phones while i still can on a subsidy.  The contracts will be in effect until their terms in then the subsidies go away.

I doubt it.  Marcelo has said customers on legacy plans will be able to upgrade via 2yr contracts.  I really doubt he'd say that then take it away Jan 1st.  Either your rep is shady and looking to close a sale, or he was misinformed.

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My sprint rep called a couple of days ago and while i am keeping the plan i have grandfathered in the ability to have the subsidized phones goes away jan 1. I have two upgrades available on a use it or lose it basis by jan 1 so i am grabbing two new phones while i still can on a subsidy. The contracts will be in effect until their terms in then the subsidies go away.

Guess this means i should upgrade the one line while i can


Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

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My sprint rep called a couple of days ago and while i am keeping the plan i have grandfathered in the ability to have the subsidized phones goes away jan 1.  I have two upgrades available on a use it or lose it basis by jan 1 so i am grabbing two new phones while i still can on a subsidy.  The contracts will be in effect until their terms in then the subsidies go away.



I have noticed that I have not been able to see subsidized phones on the Sprint store since Thanksgiving with my Everything Datashare 1500 with 300MB roaming per line.  Of course without subsidized phones, this plan becomes significantly more expensive.  I was hoping to get at least to CAx3 phones. 


I have watched the wording carefully used by Marcello Claure.  While he promised to continue these plans, there was no mention of the phone subsidies. 


Of course we have heard about the end of these plans before so I am attempting verification from a credible source.  


These subsidized phone plans make upgrading a "no brainer" with full phone choice and you have a backup phone to cover you when your phone breaks (even with insurance).  Without them I would upgrade less often/consider other carriers.

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I have noticed that I have not been able to see subsidized phones on the Sprint store since Thanksgiving with my Everything Datashare 1500 with 300MB roaming per line.  Of course without subsidized phones, this plan becomes significantly more expensive.  I was hoping to get at least to CAx3 phones. 


I have watched the wording carefully used by Marcello Claure.  While he promised to continue these plans, there was no mention of the phone subsidies. 


Of course we have heard about the end of these plans before so I am attempting verification from a credible source.  


These subsidized phone plans make upgrading a "no brainer" with full phone choice and you have a backup phone to cover you when your phone breaks (even with insurance).  Without them I would upgrade less often/consider other carriers.

This was 4 months ago.  Not sure if things have changed since.





Long term customer who wants to buy Samsung Note & doesn't want to lease? You don’t reward them & lose them on the backside?


long Term Customers can choose any way they want to buy a phone, lease,subsidy or installment billing. We believe in choice

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My sprint rep called a couple of days ago and while i am keeping the plan i have grandfathered in the ability to have the subsidized phones goes away jan 1.  I have two upgrades available on a use it or lose it basis by jan 1 so i am grabbing two new phones while i still can on a subsidy.  The contracts will be in effect until their terms in then the subsidies go away.


My Sprint contacts a bit  higher up said they found nothing internally to validate these claims.


Verizon and AT&T still have grandfathered unlimited customers.  In the case of Verizon, grandfathered users I know watch for an unannounced subsidized phone upgrade period, typically over a weekend that lasts for just a few days.  They occur every six months to a year.  Both of the duopoly attempt to terrify grandfathered users into new plans.

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I can now see subsidized phones and prices through Sprint zone.


Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk

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My sprint rep called a couple of days ago and while i am keeping the plan i have grandfathered in the ability to have the subsidized phones goes away jan 1. I have two upgrades available on a use it or lose it basis by jan 1 so i am grabbing two new phones while i still can on a subsidy. The contracts will be in effect until their terms in then the subsidies go away.

Strange. This is a first!


Take it with a grain of salt when it hasn't been made official through normal channels.

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I have noticed that I have not been able to see subsidized phones on the Sprint store since Thanksgiving with my Everything Datashare 1500 with 300MB roaming per line. Of course without subsidized phones, this plan becomes significantly more expensive. I was hoping to get at least to CAx3 phones.


I have watched the wording carefully used by Marcello Claure. While he promised to continue these plans, there was no mention of the phone subsidies.


Of course we have heard about the end of these plans before so I am attempting verification from a credible source.


These subsidized phone plans make upgrading a "no brainer" with full phone choice and you have a backup phone to cover you when your phone breaks (even with insurance). Without them I would upgrade less often/consider other carriers.

I've noticed the greyed area as well but at the same time took notice at the same time that the system identifies with the account and if its subsidy qualified ( meaning out of contract) it will be available and if not ( still in contract) it will be greyed out, not accessible however if you qualify for the other two financial programs you'll have access to use them.


Btw. Don't forget legacy customers get loyality credits towards the new finance programs so it offsets the additional monthly costs. I have 3 lines this year on lease and for each line I get $15 credit monthly bringing the billing the same as if I used subsidy except of course I don't keep the devices. Yes its an option to buy out at the end but would you!?


It's most definitely debatable.

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If they kill contracts for existing customers, goodbye. Leasing/easy pay will cost me more every month unless I keep the phone I have now forever.

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If they kill contracts for existing customers, goodbye. Leasing/easy pay will cost me more every month unless I keep the phone I have now forever.


What cut rate contract subsidy plan are you on?  And where else are you going to go?  Costs may go up for you with Sprint.  But can you get lower costs elsewhere?


Many of these threats come across as idle threats...



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What cut rate contract subsidy plan are you on?  And where else are you going to go?  Costs may go up for you with Sprint.  But can you get lower costs elsewhere?


Many of these come across as idle threats...





Not an idle threat at all from me.


SERO Premium 500. With a $200 phone, I pay just under $60 a month ($200/24 plus $36/24 for the upgrade fee) for my 2 lines.


I use about 2-5GB of data a month (varies slightly, has been trending upward lately due to the network being usable again lately). Cricket's $35 2.5GB plan is fine for me. When you add the cost of a phone ($650/24), I'm at $62 per line per month if I switched to Cricket. Far fewer taxes and fees with Cricket as well, adding to the savings.


This is opposed to Sprint's new SERO Unlimited, which is $45 plus lease. Most previously $200 phones are $19 a month, amounting to $65.50.


Sure, you may say Sprint makes no money on SERO. That may be true, but they gave us YEARLY upgrades with Premier when Sprint was in comparatively poorer financial shape (before the Japanese bailed them out). They're giving away the farm to new customers is what's wrong.


More money for less coverage than AT&T, is this really the direction Sprint wants to go?

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SERO Premium 500.

If SERO, buh bye. Why did you warrant SERO in the first place?  Practically all SERO subs have been frauds -- but Sprint has looked the other way.  That does not make it right.


More money for less coverage than AT&T, is this really the direction Sprint wants to go?

Then, go to AT&T. You can not care about Net Neutrality. You can not care about wireless competition. I have stopped caring about what other people do. Ignorance is bliss.  Because most other people are ignorant on these matters.



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If SERO, buh bye. Why did you warrant SERO in the first place?  Practically all SERO subs have been frauds -- but Sprint has looked the other way.  That does not make it right.


Then, go to AT&T. You can not care about Net Neutrality. You can not care about wireless competition. I have stopped caring about what other people do. Ignorance is bliss.  Because most other people are ignorant on these matters.





I got SERO because I was a Sprint employee that left the company voluntarily - hence the title, Separating Employee Retention Officer. I got SERO fair and square, not that it should matter for this discussion.


At the end of the day, what matters the most to me is value for my money. If Sprint no longer gives me the most value for money (which means if they stop subsidizing my phones), I will no longer give them my money. I am not in a financial position to be charitable with my money to corporations just because of "net neutrality." They'll have to go spend however much it costs for them to acquire 2 new customers.

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WiWavelength, on 22 Dec 2015 - 8:56 PM, said:


What cut rate contract subsidy plan are you on? And where else are you going to go? Costs may go up for you with Sprint. But can you get lower costs elsewhere?


Many of these threats come across as idle threats...



Many of us are holding onto our legacy plans because they're so cheap. Basically someone on ED1500 pays the same price, per line, as someone on SERO. (given that the plan has 5 or more lines.)


I've already shopped around for other carriers in the past and the main thing keeping us with Sprint is the value. If Sprint removes subsidy, they're no longer cheaper than other carriers on plans with the same data allowances, which, if I'm already paying as much as I would with a competitor, it would have me take a second look at the options.

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I got SERO because I was a Sprint employee that left the company voluntarily - hence the title, Separating Employee Retention Officer. I got SERO fair and square, not that it should matter for this discussion.


At the end of the day, what matters the most to me is value for my money. If Sprint no longer gives me the most value for money (which means if they stop subsidizing my phones), I will no longer give them my money. I am not in a financial position to be charitable with my money to corporations just because of "net neutrality." They'll have to go spend however much it costs for them to acquire 2 new customers.

Hey, newsflash. SERO is locked in. Cricket can raise their prices tomorrow.


But go ahead and churn. SERO is still the best deal going...anywhere. You're grandfathered. Get subsidized upgrades. Unlimited, and not throttled to 8Mbps. You can roam. No roaming on Cricket. Which is a big deal around here.


But if you think Cricket is better for you, then go. We don't accept SERO whining here. SERO customers have NOTHING to complain about. But once you give it up, it's gone forever.


Sent from OnePlus 2 using Tapatalk

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More dark clouds: http://www.engadget.com/2015/12/30/att-ditch-contracts-jan-8/ , but so long as Sprint keeps two year subsidies I am golden :)

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Just heads up.


This a prelude of things to come so it be best to prepare yourself.


Subsidy is the thing of the past so do it now or add a line before years end. Come Jan 2016 I forsee Sprint killing subsidy financing in favor of Easy Pay and Lease.


Ebrace it or simply buy out the device retail either through Sprint, Amazon or Swappa & eBay.

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Just heads up.


This a prelude of things to come so it be best to prepare yourself.


Subsidy is the thing of the past so do it now or add a line before years end. Come Jan 2016 I forsee Sprint killing subsidy financing in favor of Easy Pay and Lease.


Ebrace it or simply buy out the device retail either through Sprint, Amazon or Swappa & eBay.

Litterally every promo and plan has an end datebof jan 7. I expect changes jan 8.


Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

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So does Sprint lower their monthly rates for existing customers if the 2yr contract subsidy goes away? If not then this hurts existing customers. Or are we thought of as loss leaders who should be forced to switch to limited data plans? I'm not bashing and I really don't use much data these days. I just want to know where I stand.

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So does Sprint lower their monthly rates for existing customers if the 2yr contract subsidy goes away? If not then this hurts existing customers. Or are we thought of as loss leaders who should be forced to switch to limited data plans? I'm not bashing and I really don't use much data these days. I just want to know where I stand.

What they'll do is what they're currently doing. Giving loyalty monthly lease credits for those of us on older plans. But I sincerely hope they continue offering 2yr contracts.


Sent from my Nexus 5X

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