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T-Mobile LTE & Network Discussion V2


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yea but I have NEVER seen Tmo have access fees..... have i just not looked hard enough???  even like a year ago when I switched.... in fact it was the MAIN reason I switched... I got my price for the multiple lines, and its THAT price....



They're hidden but still there. 

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Sprint already has the nonrestrictive audio/video streaming, just as a premium upgrade. Verizon already bakes in it, do you see what they did there?

I know its part of the Premium, but people looking at the plan still have to ask/know the difference between the two. The problem is many customers shopping at Sprint stores may not even be told of the difference, they get on the non-premium plan, then wonder why the video stream resolution looks weak, or their Tidal audio stream seems off, then they have to know what to look for in the plan details to get the answers.


Whereas, Verizon and AT&T are more upfront with their unlimited data plans. Are they perfect? No. Customers may wonder why after 22gb the speeds may be a bit off at times. Then they have to go find out why that is, and really these plans ought to be more simple. This is why I like the Cricket unlimited data plan so much and would have it myself, if not for all the discounts I'm getting on the AT&T unlimited data plan.

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Also in the buried lede department, no more HD Passes, BingeOn streaming is now HD, I'm assuming 720p.

What is odd about the chart showing the HD comparison, is that its made to appear equal between Verizon and T-Mobile, whereas Verizon is not restricting video streaming. If T-Mobile still is, even if to 720p which officially is HD, still isn't the same high standard as Verizon.


Legere ought to address this issue soon, before people sign up then get angry when they find out Legere still is up to his lying tricks. Then again, its a shame Verizon's new plan is even being associated with anything having to do with T-Mobile when this clearly was not a move made by Verizon addressing T-Mobile at all, but rather was a competitive move made to address the decision made by AT&T a few months ago to bring back unlimited data on AT&T. If AT&T hadn't done this, most certainly Verizon wouldn't either.

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I'm assuming 720p, I don't know for certain however. On the day passes that are now going away, T-Mobile went up to 1080p. We will have to see what the resolution is on BingeOn now, given that VZW is at 1080p, it makes sense for T-Mobile to get there as well.

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I'm assuming 720p, I don't know for certain however. On the day passes that are now going away, T-Mobile went up to 1080p. We will have to see what the resolution is on BingeOn now, given that VZW is at 1080p, it makes sense for T-Mobile to get there as well.

Well, one thing is for sure in that this has been a very interesting and unique day in wireless. While I wasn't quite as surprised as others by this Verizon decision, I certainly didn't think it was going to be so reasonably priced. I figured more along the lines of $150 for the first line, then $75 each additional line would be its pricing to compete with AT&T, more expensive than AT&T upfront, though without the television service requirement.


Hopefully we'll get some answers soon regarding the video streaming resolution...

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Also in the buried lede department, no more HD Passes, BingeOn streaming is now HD, I'm assuming 720p.


I really hope it is limited to 720p which to me is good enough.  I am glad that Legere decided to match Verizon's Unlimited plan with HD video offering but I don't want it to kill the network with 1080p streaming.  Also I am glad that Legere matched the 10 GB hotspot tethering which to me makes more sense and will take advantage of that for sure.


For once, I want to say thanks to Verizon for being "Uncarrier" and pushing Tmobile (and hopefully Sprint soon) to retract their non-HD video offering and up their high speed hotspot tether buckets.


This move really has me considering jumping to Tmobile or Verizon since Sprint has not been reacting fast enough in Los Angeles to provide better coverage and speeds.  It is simply taking way too long for Sprint to make progress. 

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Earnings just came out for T-Mobile.  Despite the many years of doom and gloom by some people here, T-Mobile continues to improve.


Profit rose to 45 cents a share, beating the estimates of 30 cents/share.


Sales climbed to 10.2 billion, looks like profit margins improved.



At the end of the day, this is still good for sprint as well, forces them to better themselves and be better competitors.

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Earnings just came out for T-Mobile.  Despite the many years of doom and gloom by some people here, T-Mobile continues to improve.


Profit rose to 45 cents a share, beating the estimates of 30 cents/share.


Sales climbed to 10.2 billion, looks like profit margins improved.



At the end of the day, this is still good for sprint as well, forces them to better themselves and be better competitors.



I think that, if anything, it only increases the urgency for Masa to get something done. We're going to see real quick if the smooching up to Trump is worth it or not. 

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I think that, if anything, it only increases the urgency for Masa to get something done. We're going to see real quick if the smooching up to Trump is worth it or not. 


If I was Masa, yes.


Just goes against what a lot of people on this forum say.


Underdog can't compete with big wireless company

Underdog can't be profitable


Time and time again, this has proven to be incorrect.  I still believe that four national carriers are the best for consumers - hence why we are getting all this competition and even the little guys can be profitable if they so choose.

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If I was Masa, yes.


Just goes against what a lot of people on this forum say.


Underdog can't compete with big wireless company

Underdog can't be profitable


Time and time again, this has proven to be incorrect.  I still believe that four national carriers are the best for consumers - hence why we are getting all this competition and even the little guys can be profitable if they so choose.



I think a lot of what scares people on here is Masa having both, seeing TMUS is better run, and then taking a flamethrower through Overhead Park. Heck, I'd bet John would get sadistic pleasure on taking a flamethrower through Overhead Park. At the end of the day, this is a relentlessly competitive business and I think more drastic measures are needed to get the job done. 

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T-Mobile just reported 2/3 of their customers on VoLTE. Adds to their spectrum efficiency. Voice calls aren't really that important any more but they aren't dedicating lots of spectrum to old crappy technologies any more. Good move for them.


Small cells are starting en masse for T-Mobile for 5G and 5 GHz LTE-LAA spectrum. 1000+ in field. B66 starting deployment as well. 


Imagine what they could do with spectrum, oh, who has that?  B)

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I noticed that John keeps saying that they have the more spectrum per user than Verizon. Isn't that false?


Don't they have the least amount of spectrum than any of the three other carriers?

Verizon has more spectrum,but they also have twice the amount of customers. This is why John is correct they have more capacity per customer than Verizon. 

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If I was Masa, yes.


Just goes against what a lot of people on this forum say.


Underdog can't compete with big wireless company

Underdog can't be profitable


Time and time again, this has proven to be incorrect.  I still believe that four national carriers are the best for consumers - hence why we are getting all this competition and even the little guys can be profitable if they so choose.


I agree I dont want to see a Sprint/Tmobile merger.  If a merger did occur it just seems like it would take the goodness of the Tmobile brand and have it tainted with the Sprint brand.   Sprint needs to learn to compete instead of just trying to buy its way out.  Its not that freakin hard to compete with the news that came out of Verizon and Tmobile.  5 lines/$90 temporarily is utter crap especially since it is only for new customers.  I am sorry but its true.  Why can't Sprint just make it HD video and 15 GB of high speed hotspot tether and bam that should instantly put them back into the game.  

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I agree I dont want to see a Sprint/Tmobile merger.  If a merger did occur it just seems like it would take the goodness of the Tmobile brand and have it tainted with the Sprint brand.   Sprint needs to learn to compete instead of just trying to buy its way out.  Its not that freakin hard to compete with the news that came out of Verizon and Tmobile.  5 lines/$90 temporarily is utter crap especially since it is only for new customers.  I am sorry but its true.  Why can't Sprint just make it HD video and 15 GB of high speed hotspot tether and bam that should instantly put them back into the game.  



I'm not sure that's what I'm arguing for here. If anything, I'd say I'm arguing for T-Mobile branding and core network being paired with Sprint spectrum. I'm aware it's probably the end of a lot of the Sprint bureaucracy, but if the current trends in the market keep up, that won't be around anyway. 

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I'm not sure that's what I'm arguing for here. If anything, I'd say I'm arguing for T-Mobile branding and core network being paired with Sprint spectrum. I'm aware it's probably the end of a lot of the Sprint bureaucracy, but if the current trends in the market keep up, that won't be around anyway.

If Sprint and T-Mobile merge, Son would be wise to shut down the Kansas City HQ campus and let Bellevue take over management operations. The Sprint name should also be tossed into the same trash bin that houses Nextel.
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If Sprint and T-Mobile merge, Son would be wise to shut down the Kansas City HQ campus and let Bellevue take over management operations. The Sprint name should also be tossed into the same trash bin that houses Nextel.

While T-Mobile has gotten really far, Tmo's brand is still far from perfect a completely new name would probably be in order.
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If Sprint and T-Mobile merge, Son would be wise to shut down the Kansas City HQ campus and let Bellevue take over management operations. The Sprint name should also be tossed into the same trash bin that houses Nextel.

If Sprint ever did merge with anyone the Sprint name is dead. No questions asked or debated. The name is too damaged.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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