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Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite Beta (Formerly iOS 8 Beta/Mac OS 10.10 Beta)

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Installed the Gold Master last night. Remember Apple recommends erasing all content and settings after updating. I erased everything and restored from iCloud with ease.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I just did shift+update on my 5s from beta 5 and on my Dad's 5s from 7.1.2. Working oretty well.



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Anthony..you might know this. Does the apple store do the "upgrade now" fee. Or, better yet, can they do the upgrade now fee like sprint has.

I'm not entirely sure, but I don't think the Apple stores will do it. It's kind of like how Framily was, where it's mostly a Sprint store only thing.



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I'm reading about this new feature where an iPad can get data though an iPhone hotspot. How is this different than purchasing a hotspot plan and tethering? Will the new feature allow a Mac or iDevice internet access without a tethering plan?

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I'm reading about this new feature where an iPad can get data though an iPhone hotspot. How is this different than purchasing a hotspot plan and tethering? Will the new feature allow a Mac or iDevice internet access without a tethering plan?

iOS8 just makes the process of connecting easier.  You are still required to have a hot-spot plan. 

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I'm reading about this new feature where an iPad can get data though an iPhone hotspot. How is this different than purchasing a hotspot plan and tethering? Will the new feature allow a Mac or iDevice internet access without a tethering plan?


It lets you tap on something on your iPad to share your iPhone connection.  Handy when your iPhone is across the room and you need to turn your hotspot on.


Here's details on all the Continuity features.  Continuity and the new Messaging features are what I'm looking forward to the most in iOS 8.

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Shift update worked for my phone as well. No glitches on my end yet.


Anyone planning on getting the 6?

January will be my 12th month on Easy Pay. That's when I plan on getting my 6 plus. Can't wait to have me some Band 41 goodness!



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post-27164-141051581441_thumb.jpg Crazy battery drain in iOS 8 GM. Unplugged around 11:00 because it was at 100%, locked it completely and then went to bed. When my alarm went off I was shocked to see 29%, apparently Siri ran all night long? Yes, I understand it's a beta, just pointing it out. Hope it's worked out by Wednesday.
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attachicon.gifImageUploadedByTapatalk1410515814.842988.jpg Crazy battery drain in iOS 8 GM. Unplugged around 11:00 because it was at 100%, locked it completely and then went to bed. When my alarm went off I was shocked to see 29%, apparently Siri ran all night long? Yes, I understand it's a beta, just pointing it out. Hope it's worked out by Wednesday.

Well, it actually isn't considered a beta. It's the full version of iOS 8. From what I see, you have 2 problems. 1. You have Bluetooth on, and 2. Like you said, Siri ran all night for whatever reason. Now, you probably have Bluetooth on all the time, if I assume correctly, so lets eliminate that from the equation. If I were you, I would do a soft reset of the device (Home button+Sleep/Wake until the Apple logo comes up) and see if that helps. Could have been a little glitch.


I have actually seen much better battery life in 8 GM than I did on Beta 5, so I'm satisfied with it so far.



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Well, it actually isn't considered a beta. It's the full version of iOS 8. From what I see, you have 2 problems. 1. You have Bluetooth on


I have actually seen much better battery life in 8 GM than I did on Beta 5, so I'm satisfied with it so far.



I keep Bluetooth on all the time for my car, it's easier to leave it on than to turn it on whenever I go out. And my experience running it since Tuesday is about the same. Not much difference better or worse. I've even went though almost every setting to try and optimize the usage as much as possible and not have it fetch or refresh things I don't need.

I thought it may have been the "Raise to Speak" feature, but that seems to have been removed from the Siri panel?

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I keep Bluetooth on all the time for my car, it's easier to leave it on than to turn it on whenever I go out. And my experience running it since Tuesday is about the same. Not much difference better or worse. I've even went though almost every setting to try and optimize the usage as much as possible and not have it fetch or refresh things I don't need.

I thought it may have been the "Raise to Speak" feature, but that seems to have been removed from the Siri panel?

It does appear that the raise to speak feature gas disappeared. I've always had it off so I didn't notice. Hmm..



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