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Announcing...Honored Premier Sponsor


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We appreciate all the generosity that our members provide to pay to keep S4GRU online.  All of your donations are wonderful and contribute to the bottom line.  And I have always wanted to honor the folks who have carried the largest burdens.

We know that even to become a Premier Sponsor is a significant financial commitment, and we thank you all who have given so generously.  Below are the Top financial contributors to S4GRU.  Many of these members are quiet and keep to themselves, rarely posting.  Some never posting at all.  And many of you probably didn't even realize that our Staff are among the biggest contributors.

Hopefully one day, many more of you will be on the list.  I will keep this list updated, and as each new donation gets logged in the database, it will be updated.  We are starting with the Top 20 donaters for now (we expanded to 40).  But once you earn the title Honored Premier Sponsor, you will keep it.  Even if you get bumped off the list.

Honored Premier Sponsors will get a new title under their avatar.  We may in the future add some additional perks, but that's it for now.  Thanks again to all of you who generously support S4GRU.  You make it all possible, and I couldn't do it without you guys (and a few gals)!


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The list, as of December 3, 2019:

  1. blinky847
  2. mikejeep
  3. Steve Dean
  4. Justen
  5. bakedc4
  6. grapkoski
  7. WiWavelength
  8. jlbattagli
  9. C.A.R
  10. Trip
  11. Dkoellerwx
  12. runagun
  13. bucdenny
  14. mdob07
  15. ohdevilguy
  16. twospirits
  17. savageman13
  18. PDXmike
  19. PythonFanPA
  20. hankbear
  21. anthony.spina97
  22. radem
  23. saywhatman
  24. ballman
  25. JohnHovah
  26. spike331
  27. mooeydj
  28. brockeb1
  29. cdk
  30. tongboy
  31. lb124
  32. belusnecropolis
  33. chamb
  34. bigmachine
  35. tommym65
  36. Wiley_11
  37. Turas
  38. Rawvega
  39. gr8nuguy
  40. ITK79

For historical view see History List.

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Got to give props to s4gru, if it wasn't for this site I would have left sprint over two years ago putting myself in a situation where my monthly cellular service would have increased significantly due to having multiple lines.  Knowing that lte was right around the corner helped me to make the decision to continue to stay with sprint just a little bit longer which is a decision I glad I made.  Now I get lte every where I go while not having to pay higher rates for the same services.  S4GRU did what sprint couldn't, which was give me the answers I was looking for. 

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Robert, are the finances of the site still lookin OK?


I'd love to give more, but with being a college student, the cash flow situation during the school year is a little...erm...low.


Right now, we are meeting expense projections.  We are not desperate.  But we always need a steady cash flow to keep things moving.  Donations are very cyclical though, so people should continue to donate though as they can afford to.



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Wow, I am humbled, thank you. But I think you deserve to be #1 on that list Robert.. no matter what the rest of us do, S4GRU is what it is because of everything you put into it.


So.. do the standings get updated over time? i.e. do I see a potential competition brewing? ;)



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The list, as of April 1, 2014:


  1. WiWavelength
  2. PDXmike
  3. PythonFanTN
  4. themuffinman
  5. mikejeep
  6. mdob07
  7. leerage
  8. blinky847
  9. tongboy
  10. twospirits
  11. mooeydj
  12. Wiley_11
  13. ballman
  14. runagun
  15. aackman
  16. lynyrd65
  17. BenChase7
  18. Denny
  19. bucdenny
  20. hankbear
  21. chapagetti


You are all now on my other list.

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So.. do the standings get updated over time? i.e. do I see a potential competition brewing? ;)



Every donation that I log in our database that adds a new honoree or changes the standings, I will immediately come in here and make the modifications.  There have already been a few changes.  But it will be hard for anyone to knock AJ off the top.  He is the king of the sponsors.



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Although every donating S4GRU member deserves a "Thank You,"  I give extra appreciation to those on this list.  S4GRU is such an awesome website; It's been a great place for me to learn about wireless communication and watch Sprint excel in their network upgrades.  I remember back in the day when Robert would hold "meetings" in The Lounge once or twice a week and give info on the next market Sprint was planning on upgrading to 4G LTE.  I loved it!  I would actually cook popcorn and watch the comments scroll down my monitor. It was my Movie Night... Great memories!


I also remember the previous  S4GRU websites, before IPBoard.  One had the top 3 donating members listed on the side of the screen. The top 3 donations at the time was $20.  My plan was to donate $20.01 just to be the "king." (yea, I'm a nerd.)  We switched to IPBaord before I had the chance to do so.  Wish I would have made the jump and donated sooner! ;)


I give so much credit to Robert and the awesome staff members here at S4GRU for creating a one-of-a-kind environment for wireless education and Sprint's network upgrades. Sprint has really done a lot lately!! Go S4GRU and Go Sprint!  Thank You S4GRU Administrators, Staff and, Donators! 

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I've hesitated to even post in this thread because, as I told Robert in a reply to a PM I received, I was surprised to begin with to even be on the initial list at all, but even more than that, I was frankly floored/speechless when I saw I was #3---I never in my wildest dreams would have, if asked beforehand, thought I'd have even ranked on that list much less so high.


I 100% echo Ben's comments, and will further state when playing off mike's about stirring up competition (though I'm sure he said it in jest), I for one actually will be extremely proud if/when people bypass me on the ranking of the list, because that will mean more people are stepping up to the plate to help Robert keep the S4GRU ship afloat.  I don't remember now how long it took me from my join date to submit my first donation, but I can tell you as a member here for a year a half now, once I felt compelled to do so, I've never felt compelled to stop supporting the efforts of this place nor never regretted continuing being able to help out in ,what I always thought at the time, was only a small drop in the bucket.   And as I've seen and experienced firsthand the gradual improvements of Network Vision, that certainly has only further bolstered confidence in not only my continual decision to stick with Sprint, but my pride in having found and becoming a member of this place.  


I've said it before and it still rings true, because compared to many other parts of my day, I don't always have alot of time to try and keep up with everything posted here on a day to day basis, much less try and memorize or worse try and retain the things I learn here at any given moment of perusing the forums.  So, I still often time feel in many ways like an uneducated idiot within these virtual walls even after a year and a half.  But even with that said, I have learned an immeasurable amount of information and insight about things that I had literally a blank slate by comparison with prior to coming here.  And the thanks for that are totally a result of what Robert, AJ, and so many others who were regulars/vets here long before I came around have posted and contributed here.

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I've hesitated to even post in this thread because, as I told Robert in a reply to a PM I received, I was surprised to begin with to even be on the initial list at all, but even more than that, I was frankly floored/speechless when I saw I was #3---I never in my wildest dreams would have, if asked beforehand, thought I'd have even ranked on that list much less so high.


I 100% echo Ben's comments, and will further state when playing off mike's about stirring up competition (though I'm sure he said it in jest), I for one actually will be extremely proud if/when people bypass me on the ranking of the list, because that will mean more people are stepping up to the plate to help Robert keep the S4GRU ship afloat.  I don't remember now how long it took me from my join date to submit my first donation, but I can tell you as a member here for a year a half now, once I felt compelled to do so, I've never felt compelled to stop supporting the efforts of this place nor never regretted continuing being able to help out in ,what I always thought at the time, was only a small drop in the bucket.   And as I've seen and experienced firsthand the gradual improvements of Network Vision, that certainly has only further bolstered confidence in not only my continual decision to stick with Sprint, but my pride in having found and becoming a member of this place.  


I've said it before and it still rings true, because compared to many other parts of my day, I don't always have alot of time to try and keep up with everything posted here on a day to day basis, much less try and memorize or worse try and retain the things I learn here at any given moment of perusing the forums.  So, I still often time feel in many ways like an uneducated idiot within these virtual walls even after a year and a half.  But even with that said, I have learned an immeasurable amount of information and insight about things that I had literally a blank slate by comparison with prior to coming here.  And the thanks for that are totally a result of what Robert, AJ, and so many others who were regulars/vets here long before I came around have posted and contributed here.

Here here!


This sums up my thoughts and sentiments pretty well, so I won't bore you all by posting something similar. Also, I don't feel like writing a lengthy post from my Note II, which is what I use for 99% of my S4GRU reading and posting and for 100% of my donating. Mobile phones, FTW!


However, I will once again thank Robert for creating this amazing site and also thank the great staff for keeping things running as smoothly as they do. You all are truly appreciated. As I have told Robert via PM, since I do not have a lot of knowledge or background on the subject matter discussed in many areas on this site, contributing on the financial front is the least I can do. While I don't feel like I deserve any special recognition, it truly is an honor! :tu:

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The list, as of April 7, 2014:


  1. WiWavelength
  2. PDXmike
  3. PythonFanTN
  4. leerage
  5. themuffinman
  6. blinky847
  7. bakedc4
  8. mikejeep
  9. mdob07
  10. tongboy
  11. twospirits
  12. mooeydj
  13. Wiley_11
  14. hankbear
  15. ballman
  16. BenChase7
  17. runagun
  18. aackman
  19. lynyrd65
  20. Denny
  21. yuhfhrh
  22. bucdenny
  23. chapagetti



Is this the AP, coaches' poll, or computer rankings?


Regardless, it looks like I am locked in for the S4GRU Championship Game.


But who will secure that second spot?  PDXmike, PythonFanTN, Alabama, Florida State, or Oregon?





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Is this the AP, coaches' poll, or computer rankings?


Regardless, it looks like I am locked in for the S4GRU Championship Game.


But who will secure that second spot?  PDXmike, PythonFanTN, Alabama, Florida State, or Oregon?






I'll defer my spot to Alabama.

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Updated today, with a few minor place changes.  I'm always amazed by the generosity of our Honored Premier Sponsors!



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Joe Lunardi says that Denny, yuhfhrh, bucdenny, and chapagetti are all on "the bubble."





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Added a new member to the list, ohdevilguy.  Thank you to all our Honored Premier Sponsors!



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