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Daylight Savings time


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I was wondering if anyone else was experiencing their phones jumping between daylight savings time and standard time since Sunday because my iPhone has been switching at least a couple times a day mostly when I'm using Sprints data 3G and now LTE. Is this a network problem or something with my phone? I don't really mind but it's kinda annoying to keep switching it to the correct time. Also I don't want to restore because iOS 7.1 just came out and I would lose my jailbreak.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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My phone changed time zones and my friends did too, so I turned off auto date and time and manually set them both to Cupertino. (I'm on pacific time)



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

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The time issues seem to be network related, the n5 thread has a bunch of posts of people having similar issues.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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My phone changed time zones and my friends did too, so I turned off auto date and time and manually set them both to Cupertino. (I'm on pacific time)



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

Are your friends also on Sprint because I asked a couple of other friends with iPhones and theirs were the right time but they have AT&T so that's why I assumed it was a network problem. Also my Dad's S3 was messed up too but I believe it fixed itself.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Are your friends also on Sprint because I asked a couple of other friends with iPhones and theirs were the right time but they have AT&T so that's why I assumed it was a network problem. Also my Dad's S3 was messed up too but I believe it fixed itself.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

My friends are both on Sprint.


Wow a lot of issues with everyone with jail broke iPhones today. That's odd....

One of the 3 iPhones I manage is not jailbroke yet, and still suffered from the time change issue.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

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I too have had an issue with my iPhone5 not holding the correct time.  It will jump to EDT (on CDT).  I did the same as Josh and turn off the automatic setting.  My phone did update when the time change happened Sunday morning.

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I posted on this in the N5 thread, but I'm not so sure this is 'daylight savings' related.   I've noticed this issue off and on in LTE live areas over the past year, and while most of the time when its happened it falls back an hour, I've also seen a few times where I've warped forward an hour even as well.


What seems (so far, knocking on wood as I type this) to have fixed the issue for me for now is to manually set the time zone only by going into Settings--->Date & Time and unchecking Automatic time zone and manually setting it to whatever is appropriate.  I still have auto date/time checked.

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I posted on this in the N5 thread, but I'm not so sure this is 'daylight savings' related. I've noticed this issue off and on in LTE live areas over the past year, and while most of the time when its happened it falls back an hour, I've also seen a few times where I've warped forward an hour even as well.


What seems (so far, knocking on wood as I type this) to have fixed the issue for me for now is to manually set the time zone only by going into Settings--->Date & Time and unchecking Automatic time zone and manually setting it to whatever is appropriate. I still have auto date/time checked.

At first it would only switch back when I was on 3G and then would correct itself on LTE but then LTE started the same so I just manually set the time.



Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk

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I was wondering if anyone else was experiencing their phones jumping between daylight savings time and standard time since Sunday because my iPhone has been switching at least a couple times a day mostly when I'm using Sprints data 3G and now LTE. Is this a network problem or something with my phone? I don't really mind but it's kinda annoying to keep switching it to the correct time.

My Iphone switched to the wrong time overnight.  I woke up this morning and looked at the clock and tried to figure out what was going on as the clock was one hour behind.  It confused me for a while until I realized that the timezone had changed automatically.  I manually set the timezone and all is fine now.  If I change it back to "Set Automatically", it changes within 5 minutes to the time before the "Spring Forward" and shows GMT+6 rather than Chicago time.  Either Sprint's NV infrastructure is experiencing a Daylight Saving Time bug or Apple's IOS has a bug.

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Thank you, I will do that. Problems did start occurring after the time change took place. I watched it flip over at 2:03, then back, reset phone, repeat ad nauseaum. Thanks again for the advice. 



No problem, although you kind of threw me for a loop at first with your post, you quoted me but then wiped out my quote and put in your reply such that it appears like I'm the one that said that.  :dazed:

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