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New Sprint Plans...Unlimited, My Way, My All-In


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For some reason, I read the notes to mean that ONLY the data add on was discountable and not the main plan.  Getting my discount on all lines and the unlimited data add on would work out well for my 4 lines.  However, I liked that I could add a line for only $30 per month on my existing plan.  I have two kids I will be adding over the next 2-3 years.  $50 per additional line would be too much.  But with the discounts applied, that's not too bad.





On the other hand, Sprint could continue to screw with everyone and keep their current discounting rate where it applies only to the primary line. Following the current discounting policy (for a 23% discount) wouldn't it look like

2 lines $131.60

3 lines $191.60

4 lines $241.60


Line 1 $50 x(1-.23)= $38.50

Line 2 $40 x1          = 40

Line 3 $30 x1           =30

Line 4 $20 x1           =20


Line 1 $30 x(1-.23)= $23.10

Line 2 $30 x1          = $30

Line 3 $30 x1          = $30

Line 4 $30 x1          = $30



I agree. It reads as if discounts will only apply to the $30 data charges. Definitely not a good deal for me as the discount currently applies to the $110 portion of my family plan.


Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



well, after running some numbers, it looks like the savings comes after 4 lines, so anyone with say two accounts with more then 5 lines plus a discount would save quite a bit.

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I must be missing something as it looks ok to me and everyone doesn't think so. Anyone see my omission?


Right now I have 450 minutes and unlimted  text and data for $79.99 a month new plan looks like $50 + $30 for unlimited data so I'm still at a bout $80 and now have unlimited minutes.


With insurance and misc bountiful fees and charges its 


 a month.

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Does it mean that video streaming speeds can be limited to 1 mbps or will be... i don't get what the point of all this lte speed is... when what you need to do with it most is being throttled... remember that sprint commercial NO THROTTLES!


That Sprint commercial was when Sprint was desperate and hemorrhaging money.

The point of the LTE is for CAPACITY, not so each person's speed is higher.


Higher average download speed is a side-effect of the higher capacity i.e. more bits/sec/Hz that LTE offers. 


If you don't want your video limited, use a VPN on your phone.

VPN basically encrypts your data so Sprint can't tell what you're doing.


The way video streaming throttling works is that their network - basestation or whatever - looks at the packets and if it's video, they downsample it so it's a lower resolution.

If they can't read your packets cause they're encrypted, it's IMPOSSIBLE for them to throttle your video, audio or anything else.

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Yeah after looking over these plan sI think they should have held off until NV was largely completed. If I did not know NV was occurring, I would have had a tough time staying with Sprint. Now that my local towers have been upgraded it is awesome, but my parents were furious when their tower was down for over two weeks because as Sprint put it 'the contractor had to wait for backordered supplies'. NV is worth the wait and the current price, however the vast majority of Sprint territories are in the painful buildout phase. These prices put a family plan right up there with AT&T and Verizon, but the network quality is not right up there with the big two yet. If they waited, then these plans would probably lure more people in. When commuting via train the constant handoffs from LTE to 3G and back again make even web browsing difficult.



I hope Sprint introduces these plans very, very, very soon. :devil:

Like tomorrow.

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I also received this from a source this morning.  It goes into effect 7/17.  The biggest draw back to me is the reduction of roaming to 100MB from 300MB.  That alone will keep me with my current plan.


Additionally, once you get to 4 lines, this is more expensive than existing plans.  Above three lines, each additional smartphone line is $29 per month now for unlimited data.  Above three lines, each additional smartphone line is $50 per month for unlimited data on the new plan.


Probably a necessary step.  But I will keep my plan as long as I can.




Yeah, roaming is reduced...but post-NV, won't there be less roaming needed, anyway?

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It's called business. Softbank isn't here to bring down ATT and Verizon's prices but to raise Sprint's prices to match them.


Disagreed.  Sprint/Softbank's objective is to add subscribers, which will automatically increase revenue without significantly adding to costs.  Softbank has a bewildering array of plans and prices in Japan, but their success so far has been achieved by creating more attractive price plans than their Japanese competitors, within a framework of improved technology.  Thus, they have been able to convince customers to jump from the Japanese "duopoly".


To argue that Sprint plans to "raise . . . prices to match [AT&T & VZW] " contradicts Softbank's visible Japanese strategy.  Even if that argument somehow were to ultimately prove correct, Sprint is certainly at least years away from major price increases, just as they are likely years away from abandoning unlimited data -- if they increase prices/abandon unlimited at all.


Particularly in light of Sprint's currently challenged (and challenging) technical coverage, Son's and Hesse's missions are to rapidly improve technology and rapidly increase subscriber counts, so that they can begin recovering the massive costs of implementing NV, finally completing the Clearwire deal, and cementing the "merger".

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Yeah, roaming is reduced...but post-NV, won't there be less roaming needed, anyway?


They have recently removed native areas in Western states. So it looks like the coverage area is shrinking, at least in WA.


They should have waited until they almost completed NV before trying to raise prices on people who have put up with poor network performance for years. They are trying to count their chickens before they hatch.

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If so, there's not much reason left to stay with Sprint.


Same here.   These plans wouldn't work for us either especially with the 100mb roaming.  One of my lines rarely leaves the city yet they rack up 100-200 mb of roaming a month.  I also vary from 100-200 mb a month sometimes more if I go out of town.  This may go down a bit with 800SMR but it's not going to fix 100% of the issues due to poor site spacing that should have been corrected with NV.


The main reasons I stay with Sprint are due to the cheaper costs and unlimited data.  I definitely get what I pay for, I pay less a month so I understand I don't get a solid network like AT&T and VZW have in my area.  If the network isn't there and the costs go up then it makes no sense to stay with Sprint at that point.  And even if 100% of the sites in my area were PCS and 800SMR LTE enabled this would still not satisfy this requirement.  No sites have been added in the last 8 years or so and the city has expanded quite a bit since then.  So here's hoping that I can hang on to my plan as I know the timeline and probability of getting new sites.

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Yeah, roaming is reduced...but post-NV, won't there be less roaming needed, anyway?


Less roaming, yes, but that's only in areas where 800 MHz voice will obliterate need for roaming. But it areas where there's still no Sprint native service, you'll still roam.


Now that I think about it, the fact that they decreased roaming alotment has nothing to do with anything except making more money!

If 800 voice really were to decrease roaming so much, they wouldn't need to explicitly decrease roaming alotment because 800 MHz should decrease it enough by itself, right?

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If so, there's not much reason left to stay with Sprint.

This is why we NEED TMUS to exist.

Even if they stop their LTE at 228 mil - their current HSPA+ coverage - that's enough coverage to keep the other three honest.


Look what's happening in Canada. Three carriers control 90%+ of market and government is desperate - kinda - for a fourth national competitor.

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so employee discounts only on data not on base per line... hmmmm.  i have only two lines so it isn't bad... (but i do have 2 voice only lines which will kill me it seems) 


not sure if I want to come back to Sprint now.  I was all into with SoftBank and Sprint getting kick ass LTE.  BUT don't know - my area has had semi stable lte for a few weeks (been stopping at the store in town) speed tests peak at 5-6mbps which is more than I need, but I am worried once its official in my area more users will slow it down.  And most town near by have no LTE and might not for over a year - 3g evdo at about 100kbps is not worth $150 a month.   


TMO is only edge 2g speeds in my area

VZW is LTE at about 15-20mbps

AT&T only HSPA+ at about 8-9mbps (LTE near my office is about 35mbps) 


this is a tough one.... Robert flip the coin for me kind sir :-) 

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If they do video throttling based on cell congestion, I think it would be a good thing overall...streaming video might be the largest driver of data (lots of music streaming would be my second guess)  If it helps the overall network out, still allows unlimited - and is made clear, i'd say it's a good thing.


the change in roaming coverage is annoying because native coverage is dropping like flies in kansas - there appears to be very few partnering agreements left.

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Have you been reading any of the posts in this thread? So many people, including contributing authors, have shown that THIS IS A PRICE INCREASE.


Look at page one of this thread.


No, I haven't been reading any of the 89 91 (so far) posts, I just make random comments.


OF COURSE I have been reading them.


What we have seen so far is a single, not formally released, sales slick.  What will be the exact price impact? The jury is out -- some types of new subs will pay more, some less.  At this moment, not a single current sub is demonstrably affected by this yet-unannounced "plan", because it doesn't force any current sub to change plans.


Will this stay the same?  I have no idea.


But be sure of this: If Son & company plan to increase Sprint's US market share, they know that they can't do it with big price increases.  Son is not a dummy, and didn't get to be a billionaire by pissing off his customers.  It is not reasonable to think he spent billions more so that he could be just like AT&T or VZW: That road leads only to ruin.

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No, I haven't been reading any of the 89 91 (so far) posts, I just make random comments.


OF COURSE I have been reading them.


What we have seen so far is a single, not formally released, sales slick.  What will be the exact price impact? The jury is out -- some types of new subs will pay more, some less.  At this moment, not a single current sub is demonstrably affected by this yet-unannounced "plan", because it doesn't force any current sub to change plans.


Will this stay the same?  I have no idea.


But be sure of this: If Son & company plan to increase Sprint's US market share, they know that they can't do it with big price increases.  Son is not a dummy, and didn't get to be a billionaire by pissing off his customers.  It is not reasonable to think he spent billions more so that he could be just like AT&T or VZW: That road leads only to ruin.


I hope you're right. 

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I just spot checked this sheet and this is horrible.  It would raise my bill up around $100, which is more expensive than ANY of the other three carriers.  Making me re-think Sprint....  I will spend more time looking at this when I can -- but limited to 100mb roaming data and $310/month plus taxes and fees for my five lines? No way.

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Just to play devil's advocate for those who are only looking at where this is a price increase, unless I'm looking at things wrong, this would actually be a cheaper option for many who either don't need data on all lines or don't need smartphones on all lines.  Not saying this will be a prevalent example by any stretch, but just to throw out one that exists in reality.....my gf was already on the precipice of switching from Verizon to Sprint, and she pays almost $190 a month (and that with a discount) for 3 lines for her and her kids right now.  In switching to an Everything Data Family/1500 plan (they don't need even that many minutes probably), she'd probably been about the same place before...it'd cost her $150 a month now (not including tax & fees).

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No, I haven't been reading any of the 89 91 (so far) posts, I just make random comments.


OF COURSE I have been reading them.


What we have seen so far is a single, not formally released, sales slick.  What will be the exact price impact? The jury is out -- some types of new subs will pay more, some less.  At this moment, not a single current sub is demonstrably affected by this yet-unannounced "plan", because it doesn't force any current sub to change plans.


Will this stay the same?  I have no idea.


But be sure of this: If Son & company plan to increase Sprint's US market share, they know that they can't do it with big price increases.  Son is not a dummy, and didn't get to be a billionaire by pissing off his customers.  It is not reasonable to think he spent billions more so that he could be just like AT&T or VZW: That road leads only to ruin.


There. Please address the below Sprint customer. Why would Sprint even waste the time to make this knowing how bad these prices are? I guess we'll know on July 17?


I just spot checked this sheet and this is horrible.  It would raise my bill up around $100, which is more expensive than ANY of the other three carriers.  Making me re-think Sprint....  I will spend more time looking at this when I can -- but limited to 100mb roaming data and $310/month plus taxes and fees for my five lines? No way.

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Ouch, hopefully this won't affect any of the grandfathered SERO plans ($55 with tax for unlimited data/text + 500 min on 4G smart phone).


Yup I just hope this doesn't affect SERO plans.  I plan to reupp in October when the Galaxy Note 3 comes out.

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What is Sprint doing with these new plans?  These new My Way plans for multiple lines are more expensive than the current Everything Data plans.  I wonder if those that were thinking of switching multiple lines to Sprint from another carrier will rethink their position now.

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What is Sprint doing with these new plans?  These new My Way plans for multiple lines are more expensive than the current Everything Data plans.  I wonder if those that were thinking of switching multiple lines to Sprint from another carrier will rethink their position now.


You know, it could be the case that Sprint leaked this and is reading this forum to gauge reaction.

I hope that it's NOT the case cause I want them to drastically increase prices when their LTE is not even done so millions leave for TMO et al.

But it could be a test.

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