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Network Vision/LTE - West Kentucky Market (Louisville, Evansville, Bowling Green)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well that didn't take long! Sprint is officially the first carrier to break the 3 digit speed barrier in Louisville!






These speeds were observed on the site near the corner of Dutchmann's Lane and Cannon's Lane. [emoji1] Obviously carrier aggregation is alive on this site!


I will say though that their speeds here are hit or miss. For example they built a new tower last year and only equipped it with band 25/26. Why? And right now I'm sitting underneath a brand new site as well. Sprint equipment went up 3 weeks ago. This tower is replacing the older tower next to it so it can support T Mobile as well.




But once again, Sprint only put up band 25/26.




Meanwhile both Verizon and AT&T put up their second-layer capacity LTE networks. That boggles my mind. Why wouldn't Sprint at least hang the equipment while they're up on the tower? [emoji21]


Anyway. If Sprint can truly bring Band 41 to all of their sites, they will be a real contender in this wireless network battle. I'm excited to hear Claure say band 41 is coming to almost every site, and if it can perform as well as the site off Dutchmann's Lane, they will be golden.


I will continue to post updates as I scout the area! Hope everybody is having a great Friday!


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Sprint has different contracts for B41 install. When the new site was added, B41 was already contracted to someone else. They had to receive a Change Order for that work. That all has to be negotiated.


Eventually, once we get past the deployment stages, new sites will get deployed with everything all at once.


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Sprint has different contracts for B41 install. When the new site was added, B41 was already contracted to someone else. They had to receive a Change Order for that work. That all has to be negotiated.


Eventually, once we get past the deployment stages, new sites will get deployed with everything all at once.


Using Tapatalk on BlackBerry Z30

That sounds good. I'm hoping that Sprint has a GIS work order bundling system so that visually Sprint can see when these occur and try and proactively put the work and contracts together. I just instituted this at our company.
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And right now I'm sitting underneath a brand new site as well. Sprint equipment went up 3 weeks ago. This tower is replacing the older tower next to it so it can support T Mobile as well.

Where's the new tower?


While the speeds are awesome to see, it'd be nice to have things optimized better around town. B26 doesn't stretch much further than B25 and when I do connect to it tends to be overloaded. Overall I can't complain since I'm on LTE more than 95% of the time.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

FYI I found a second band 25 carrier in Hardin County this morning:




Wonder how wide spread it is?

Great find! They must have fired it up this week. I've been watching since they changed the PCIs around, thinking this might be coming. I'm driving back from Nashville today, I'll see if I see it anywhere else coming up 65.


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Great find! They must have fired it up this week. I've been watching since they changed the PCIs around, thinking this might be coming. I'm driving back from Nashville today, I'll see if I see it anywhere else coming up 65.


Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

Here is the curious part.  I'm pretty sure I know/knew where all the Sprint towers are in my area in relation to my office building.  And yet this new carrier signal does not seem to be coming from direction of those towers as I walk around the building.


What is even more curious, but by no means a scientific test, is that if I got to the side of the building facing a tower that I believe doesn't have Sprint but has Bluegrass Cellular, the strength increases.  Hmmm...

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Here is the curious part. I'm pretty sure I know/knew where all the Sprint towers are in my area in relation to my office building. And yet this new carrier signal does not seem to be coming from direction of those towers as I walk around the building.


What is even more curious, but by no means a scientific test, is that if I got to the side of the building facing a tower that I believe doesn't have Sprint but has Bluegrass Cellular, the strength increases. Hmmm...

Is this LTE roaming mb?! I heard LTE roaming was going live for several carriers on Dec. 6...mb this has something to do with it...

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Is this LTE roaming mb?! I heard LTE roaming was going live for several carriers on Dec. 6...mb this has something to do with it...

I haven't done enough checking around where I work yet but I find it strange that yesterday I didn't have any LTE service in my office (unless I stand next to a window) and all of the sudden a EARFCN usually reserved for a second band 25 carrier showed up and now I have service at my desk.   :idea:

Edited by AppleFanBoy
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Where's the new tower?


While the speeds are awesome to see, it'd be nice to have things optimized better around town. B26 doesn't stretch much further than B25 and when I do connect to it tends to be overloaded. Overall I can't complain since I'm on LTE more than 95% of the time.

I was wondering if other metros were also having the band 26 being useless issue. Here in Atlanta, whenever I connect to band 26, I immediately begin having data issues.


An example: Because my car is in the shop, I took the bus to work yesterday (not as horrifying as I'd imagined, actually). While on the bus, I was streaming this horrible Netflix movie (A Lonely Place to Die). Because I have SC Pro installed, I was able to watch my GS6 Edge handoff band to band as we went along our route. Most of the route is blanketed in delicious band 41 but certain parts (mostly lower elevation segments of the trip) are out of range of band 41 and so the phone is kicked to 26. However, immediately upon connecting to 26, the stream terminates and attempts to buffer. Only when reconnected to 41 did the stream return to normal.


This is just one example but I wonder if the band priorities on the Sprint network need to be reconfigured. It would seem the answer is a resounding "yes."

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I haven't done enough checking around where I work yet but I find it strange that yesterday I didn't have any LTE service in my office (unless I stand next to a window) and all of the sudden a EARFCN usually reserved for a second band 25 carrier showed up and now I have service at my desk. :idea:

So the verdict is that I believe this carrier is related to the cellular repeaters in my building and not any kind of roaming.


After leaving the building I never got connected to the carrier. Even on the way home I never saw the carrier again.



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So the verdict is that I believe this carrier is related to the cellular repeaters in my building and not any kind of roaming.


After leaving the building I never got connected to the carrier. Even on the way home I never saw the carrier again.



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I just got back to Louisville, saw the second carrier pretty consistently once I crossed the market line coming from Clarksville TN, all the way to just south of Louisville. I can't tell if its not live yet, or there's just too much other stuff that I haven't seen it yet.


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I just briefly noticed that SCP was showing the second B25 carrier at my office. It was too quick for me to get a screenshot of anything and I haven't connected to it again. If I get connected again, I'll grab a shot. It is recorded in my SCP logs and has 0A as the last 2 of the GCI whereas the primary carrier for that same sector is 02. This is over in the Plainview area near I-64 and Hurstbourne Lane.

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  • 9 months later...

So, not sure if it's related to the upgrade of the baseband of my phone that came with IOS 10, but earlier today I roamed on Bluegrass Cellular LTE:



I also got this too, but I think it was only a fluke being band 17:


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  • 6 months later...

That's f&$#ing ridiculous...in a good way!  I was just there a few weeks ago in Louisville (love that city, btw!!) and regularly stayed north of 45 mbps and even hit over 65 mbps on one occasion but as my GS6E is not 3xCA capable, I never saw anything close to this craziness.  Glad to see it though.

My first 200+ mbps speed test in Louisville:

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  • 4 weeks later...

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