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Comments related to the NV Running List Thread

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Is there any info on Arizona at all? I dont even see the point of asking sprint any more because they always say the same damn thing. When i signed the contract.. "Oh, i really want this evo 4G! It looks really cool!" "Alright lets get all the paperwork up and get you on your way." "Sounds good, also when will there be 4G in Tucson?" "Its coming very soon." 6 months later.. "Hey i was told that we were getting 4G soon when i signed up, what gives?" "Oh, we are working on getting it working and will be up very soon." Sorry, just bummed. I Left verizon because it was getting expensive and they were getting rid of their unlimited data plans. Now they have 4G as well as T-Mobile, and AT&T in my area. I feel that i picked wrong. :(


I know how you feel. A similar phone plan with T-Mobile costs me just $5 more per month compared to Sprint. I know T-Mobile will throttle my data after 2GBs but with Sprint's 3G I'm getting .02Mbps in Tempe, AZ so it wouldn't matter to me. I'm considering paying the ETFs and going to T-Mobile. Paying for truly unlimited data with Sprint means nothing when I can't even stream a song.

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If everything stays on schedule, the entire Chicago market should be done in early October. I am planning a Chicago market follow up article in the next week. Just waiting on a couple of return calls.


Posted via Forum Runner


What about north of Chicago like the waukegan/gurnee area? Edit:Nevermind we will be getting some love in May


Sent From My Evo 4G Amped Up On Verizon Tower Power!

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What market did NJ jump ahead from the first round?


I don't even know if it jumped a market. A/L could have hired more subcontractors to get started. I'm quite shocked still, because I know for fact that not all the engineering is complete for this market. :o



Any word on ohio, i know ur going in order... Just curious if it's even on the map.



I know when the Columbus market is scheduled. But we are not ready to announce it. We are attempting to name these suckers in order! :wacko:


What about north of Chicago like the waukegan/gurnee area? Edit:Nevermind we will be getting some love in May



You must have found this article: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-43-samsung-network-visionlte-deployment-schedule-details-for-sprints-chicago-market/


Now that we know how testing works, you will likely not see any effects until after the cluster is complete. At the end of May or into June. If they stay on schedule.

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I don't even know if it jumped a market. A/L could have hired more subcontractors to get started. I'm quite shocked still, because I know for fact that not all the engineering is complete for this market.





I know when the Columbus market is scheduled. But we are not ready to announce it. We are attempting to name these suckers in order!




You must have found this article: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-43-samsung-network-visionlte-deployment-schedule-details-for-sprints-chicago-market/


Now that we know how testing works, you will likely not see any effects until after the cluster is complete. At the end of May or into June. If they stay on schedule.

Yep that's the article :D and that's fine I just can't wait for it to be done. I wonder what the data speeds will be like after NV.


Sent From My Evo 4G Amped Up On Verizon Tower Power!

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Do you have any more specifics regarding the NV rollout in Atlanta? I am quite curious which clusters/towers might be going up first, undergoing testing, or have already been switched on, if you are privy to those kinds of details.

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I know how you feel. A similar phone plan with T-Mobile costs me just $5 more per month compared to Sprint. I know T-Mobile will throttle my data after 2GBs but with Sprint's 3G I'm getting .02Mbps in Tempe, AZ so it wouldn't matter to me. I'm considering paying the ETFs and going to T-Mobile. Paying for truly unlimited data with Sprint means nothing when I can't even stream a song.


I dont get bad speed with 3G here in Tucson just did a test and i got 0.96Mbps but it is really late.. i get around 0.09 to 0.30 during the day. If i do leave it wont be soon because the ETA is really high. I just Hope it come soon because i really dont want to jump ship again(soooo lazy lol)

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I don't even know if it jumped a market. A/L could have hired more subcontractors to get started. I'm quite shocked still, because I know for fact that not all the engineering is complete for this market. :o



haha thats interesting to say the least there...

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Now that we know how testing works, you will likely not see any effects until after the cluster is complete. At the end of May or into June. If they stay on schedule.


I commented in the NJ wall post but wanted to be sure you saw it.


1) The point of sites being brought live in clusters.... is this specific to this market and other markets, or is this how they are going to be doing it nationwide going forward b/c it contradicts what was said about Boston being brought live site by site...OR can this just be specific to how A/L is going to do it and Samsung and others could do it site by site?


2) In the NJ article its stated:

...It will be critical for Sprint to constantly monitor the network and keep up with adding additional LTE carriers and bringing them online as capacity starts to fill at each site. Each site will start with a FD-LTE carrier on 1900, then adding a FD-LTE carrier on 800 when needed, and even more TD-LTE carriers from Clearwire when needed beyond that...


Will "adding carriers" require truck rolls each time???


If so then why are they not going ahead and adding all they have right now while they are at the tower and also putting it(LTE) on 800MHz if thats the full blown plan 100% sure? Is there not a way to have LTE on 800MHz set up and ready to flip on the moment they shut off iDEN and get FCC approval for the change over???

I'm still kinda surprised they haven't proposed the change over for the 800MHz to the FCC yet at this point...is that not still the case though, or have they already gotten approval to repurpose the spectrum there??? If not whats the hold up on this being done?

Edited by Sgt. Slaughter
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I'm really sad I haven't seen Arizona on the list yet. I upgraded from my Samsung Moment to the Epic 4g and was then charged the data fee that was attributed to 4G phones only even though I didn't have any 4G to connect to. I paid the fee thinking that one day I'd get the 4G and the little bit I was paying would help that along. Now I hear that Sprint is moving to LTE meaning that my WiMax Epic would never see the light of 4G. I had hoped that Sprint would correct this by announcing Phoenix as an LTE city within 2012 but with the recent updated from S4GRU my hopes are fading fast. I really hope I see Phoenix on the list soon....

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I'm really sad I haven't seen Arizona on the list yet. I upgraded from my Samsung Moment to the Epic 4g and was then charged the data fee that was attributed to 4G phones only even though I didn't have any 4G to connect to. I paid the fee thinking that one day I'd get the 4G and the little bit I was paying would help that along. Now I hear that Sprint is moving to LTE meaning that my WiMax Epic would never see the light of 4G. I had hoped that Sprint would correct this by announcing Phoenix as an LTE city within 2012 but with the recent updated from S4GRU my hopes are fading fast. I really hope I see Phoenix on the list soon....


The $10 per month sucks but it's well worth it to dump that moment I bet. My wife had the moment and she couldn't wait to upgrade. She hated that phone with a passion.


As far as the $10 per month being a "4G Charge," a lot of people erroneously call it a 4G charge. It began life as a 4G charge, but even 3G smartphones use mass amounts of data over feature phones. That is why Sprint decided to change the name of the $10 surcharge to a "Smartphone premium data charge." Customers have been flaming Sprint over that charge everywhere, but it really isn't that bad when you figure you have a smartphone with unlimited data.


I agree that when you come from a smartphone that was grandfathered in without the charge, it stinks. I had the Hero, the wife had the Moment and my sister had the Hero also. All grandfathered in without the charge. Add $30 on monthly, when we upgraded and it was a tough pill to swallow, but well worth it to have a phone that wasn't buggy and running an OLD version of android.


I heard of people who would bring their Hero/Moment/Optimus S in for service and replace it with a different phone (go from Hero to Optimus for example) because there were none of the same phone available and they had the $10 charge slapped on. That sucks, at least they could upgrade to a newer phone that isn't crippled...

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The $10 per month sucks but it's well worth it to dump that moment I bet. My wife had the moment and she couldn't wait to upgrade. She hated that phone with a passion.


As far as the $10 per month being a "4G Charge," a lot of people erroneously call it a 4G charge. It began life as a 4G charge, but even 3G smartphones use mass amounts of data over feature phones. That is why Sprint decided to change the name of the $10 surcharge to a "Smartphone premium data charge." Customers have been flaming Sprint over that charge everywhere, but it really isn't that bad when you figure you have a smartphone with unlimited data.


I agree that when you come from a smartphone that was grandfathered in without the charge, it stinks. I had the Hero, the wife had the Moment and my sister had the Hero also. All grandfathered in without the charge. Add $30 on monthly, when we upgraded and it was a tough pill to swallow, but well worth it to have a phone that wasn't buggy and running an OLD version of android.


I heard of people who would bring their Hero/Moment/Optimus S in for service and replace it with a different phone (go from Hero to Optimus for example) because there were none of the same phone available and they had the $10 charge slapped on. That sucks, at least they could upgrade to a newer phone that isn't crippled...


The problem with that fee is that our 3G speeds are unbelievably slow. I don't have a problem with my bill going up an additional $50/month for all 5 lines if we had decent coverage with unlimited data.

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Would it be fair to say that there is already a completed Live LTE area (Hammond, Indiana as per the article). If so why is it not listed on the NV running list? or am I reading it incorrectly?

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The problem with that fee is that our 3G speeds are unbelievably slow. I don't have a problem with my bill going up an additional $50/month for all 5 lines if we had decent coverage with unlimited data.

If u call and tell them they'll knock off $ on your bill....


Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk

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If u call and tell them they'll knock off $ on your bill....


Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk


They didn't offer me jack when I called.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

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They didn't offer me jack when I called.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


If you tell them your getting below their marketed speeds they will discount ur bill. Maybe you just for a bad rep, which is possible with any CS company.


Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk

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They opened a trouble ticket on the tower nearest my house and had me run at least 100 speed tests over a 3 day period. Then I finally had 1 result over 400 kbps and they told me that was acceptable speed for 3g. I spent hours on the phone with them. I would say you got the rare CSA, not the other way around.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

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They opened a trouble ticket on the tower nearest my house and had me run at least 100 speed tests over a 3 day period. Then I finally had 1 result over 400 kbps and they told me that was acceptable speed for 3g. I spent hours on the phone with them. I would say you got the rare CSA, not the other way around.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


I did that whole circus with my last 2 phones over not getting Wimax coverage outside when the map shows me blanketed by indoor coverage and I'm .5mi from 2 towers...

Multiple advanced tech calls and trips set to tower to check and then finally for word that....wait for it.....the coverage map was wrong and needed adjusting for my area and they were going to send a survey out to fix and redress the maps......over 1yr later and maps r untouched. Lol




Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk

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I have gotten several discounts in the past. I just send my stuff to the network support and cc the dan email address. They call me back pretty quickly. I just ask if they can take off the premium data since I am not receiving a premium data expeirence and having to roam all the time. They always say they can't take it off and offer a credit instead.

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I found the last 5 speed tests where I had written them down. Not sure what happened to the rest.

Ping. Download. Upload

183 .31 mbps .18 mbps

860 .12 mbps .16 mbps

418 .04 mbps .33 mbps

1140 .12 mbps .11 mbps

252 .54 mbps .44 mbps


They also had me get these numbers Rx signal strength 68 Rx power 68.5 dbm active set PN 279


After the last test, they couldn't get off the phone fast enough.

The conversation was something like ".54 megabits per second is within the accepted range of .40 to .70 and the tower seems to be working perfectly" click.


That is one reason my signature on tapatalk is:


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

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