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Motorola X Users Thread!


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While I definitely have more to say on this topic, can this get moved to another thread forked off of this one? This really doesn't have anything to do with the Moto X.


Never mind that this has already been done to death in the WiFi Offloading thread...

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BTW, i miss this part. Is gas prices an issue? Yes. Is it ever going to be a non-issue? No. This analogy is wrong. Now, if gasoline was like Sprint, whereby one pays a monthly fee and you get unlimited gas, then yeah, your analogy is correct. But the world does not work like that. And like above, if one pays $100 for unlimited gas the whole month, then would i bitch & moan that some guy went joyriding (legally within parameters of contract) all night long? No. That would be silly. If the company does not want that to happen, then don't freaking offer it in the first place! Simple. It is NOT my job to "police" other members of their activity...as long as it is legal.

If gas was like Sprint you would have unlimited gas but you could only pump a gallon per hour. On another note Best Buy has the Moto X up for pre-order.


Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 4


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If gas was like Sprint you would have unlimited gas but you could only pump a gallon per hour. On another note Best Buy has the Moto X up for pre-order. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 4

What about those premium 4th generation gas stations? Unlimited gas and I can fill the car pretty quick. :P


I'd really look into the moto X but I'm wanting to grab a Triband when it hits so the G2 will most likely be my next phone.

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What about those premium 4th generation gas stations? Unlimited gas and I can fill the car pretty quick. :P


I'd really look into the moto X but I'm wanting to grab a Triband when it hits so the G2 will most likely be my next phone.

In my area the gas pumps at about a gallon per 6 hours so ya. Wish I had faster speeds.


Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 4



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In my area the gas pumps at about a gallon per 6 hours so ya. Wish I had faster speeds.


Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 4

Fringe of the signal or just in a legacy area?


Either way, I can vouch that the upgrades to your local towers will be well worth the wait. Jacksonville has 50% of its towers on LTE and I pretty much always have a consistent connection to it. :P

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BTW, i miss this part.  Is gas prices an issue?  Yes.  Is it ever going to be a non-issue?  No.  This analogy is wrong.  Now, if gasoline was like Sprint, whereby one pays a monthly fee and you get unlimited gas, then yeah, your analogy is correct.  But the world does not work like that.  And like above, if one pays $100 for unlimited gas the whole month, then would i bitch & moan that some guy went joyriding (legally within parameters of contract) all night long?  No.  That would be silly.  If the company does not want that to happen, then don't freaking offer it in the first place!  Simple.  It is NOT my job to "police" other members of their activity...as long as it is legal.


You deserve a rap across the knuckles for this post.


One, my analogy is not "wrong."  It may not be perfect, but it is quite applicable.  And you simply miss the point.  You focus on gas, while my point is on roads and highways.  Have you ever seen a hurricane evacuation?  The highway system becomes gridlocked because everyone tries to use a shared resource at the same time.  Wireless data can be much the same.  Read up on the tragedy of the commons:




Two, you have been around three months, have made 100 posts, and have not bothered to support non profit S4GRU with even a small donation.  That is bad form.


Three, our editorial policy is to discourage, even "police" abuse of unlimited data.  We are not going to allow people to use S4GRU to brag about excessive data usage, post hundreds of speed tests, discuss using Sprint LTE as a home broadband replacement, etc.  If you do not like that, well, tough.


Now, that said, Koi is right.  This discussion has no further place in the Motorola X thread.  If you want to rehash all of the perspectives in this debate, knock yourself out reading the 23 pages of this thread:





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You deserve a rap across the knuckles for this post.


One, my analogy is not "wrong."  It may not be perfect, but it is quite applicable.  And you simply miss the point.  You focus on gas, while my point is on roads and highways.  Have you ever seen a hurricane evacuation?  The highway system becomes gridlocked because everyone tries to use a shared resource at the same time.  Wireless data can be much the same.  Read up on the tragedy of the commons:




Two, you have been around three months, have made 100 posts, and have not bothered to support non profit S4GRU with even a small donation.  That is bad form.


Three, our editorial policy is to discourage, even "police" abuse of unlimited data.  We are not going to allow people to use S4GRU to brag about excessive data usage, post hundreds of speed tests, discuss using Sprint LTE as a home broadband replacement, etc.  If you do not like that, well, tough.


Now, that said, Koi is right.  This discussion has no further place in the Motorola X thread.  If you want to rehash all of the perspectives in this debate, knock yourself out reading the 23 pages of this thread:





Another great analogy?  Hurricane evacuation?  Really? 


Hurricane evacuation: everyone in the city going away from city all at the same time, using the same road, and going in one direction. 


Wireless Networks using your (in)famous analogy: plenty of highways out of the city, not everyone being on at the same time, and some (other) highways are wider and faster. 


No, your hurricane evacuation and gasoline analogies are about as idiotic as your attempts to make fun of people who use their phones beyond what your little mind allows.


Like I wrote above, I have not been on a forum that asks for donation that I have not donated...because I know the hard work behind it...I created the biggest 4runner forum on the net...all using my own energy and money.  But, yeah, usually, I stay on for a few months to get a feel of it before donating my hard-earned money.  But, yeah, good job in alienating me by calling me out!  Lol...never have ever heard such desparate attempt to get money! 


Brag about excessive use?  Has anyone done that recently?  All I see is your childish bantering at other members who say that their phones are for work and pleasure...or that they fly a lot and therefore need SD card...where on earth are these members talking or even posting excessive data useage??!!  WTF are you talking about? 


Being a childish and ignorant of other members' needs/requirements is just dumb IMHO.


But, yeah, thanks for the forum.  I enjoyed it with my short time here.  You can close my account...at 100 posts.  Nice place to end. :)

Edited by Thai
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Another great analogy?  Hurricane evacuation?  Really? 


Hurricane evacuation: everyone in the city going away from city all at the same time, using the same road, and going in one direction. 


Wireless Networks using your (in)famous analogy: plenty of highways out of the city, not everyone being on at the same time, and some (other) highways are wider and faster. 


No, your hurricane evacuation and gasoline analogies are about as idiotic as your attempts to make fun of people who use their phones beyond what your little mind allows.


With increasing use of always on data applications, limited spectrum, and a finite number of base stations, if you cannot see the relevance of my tragedy of the commons analogy (which you still misconstrue as a gasoline reference), then you, sir, are the idiot.  Goodbye.



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With increasing use of always on data applications, limited spectrum, and a finite number of base stations, if you cannot see the relevance of my tragedy of the commons analogy (which you still misconstrue as a gasoline reference), then you, sir, are the idiot.  Goodbye.



Maybe instead of highways you should use a movie theater restroom right after the movie gets over. That might be more up his alley. :lol:  

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Just a word of warning, folks, no more data usage discussion is permitted in this thread.  Such is way way off topic.  If you like, we can reopen the Wi-Fi offloading discussion thread that I linked above.  Then, you can have at each other's throats there, just not here.



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Aaaaaaand back to the original topic...





So... Who here is actually getting the Moto X?

I want to so bad, but I just can't see myself getting another phone that doesn't have tri-band support.


What do you think the chances are of a tri-band version in the future?

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Aaaaaaand back to the original topic...





So... Who here is actually getting the Moto X?


I want to so bad, but I just can't see myself getting another phone that doesn't have tri-band support.


What do you think the chances are of a tri-band version in the future?

"Future" meaning a year from now? Excellent chance. But screen and camera on Moto X2 will still be not as good as on the Optimus G.


Sent from my LG-LS970 using Tapatalk 4



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Aaaaaaand back to the original topic...





So... Who here is actually getting the Moto X?


I want to so bad, but I just can't see myself getting another phone that doesn't have tri-band support.


What do you think the chances are of a tri-band version in the future?


Well Sprint already said that all devices in 2014 and beyond will be triband LTE so I would say if Moto does make a Moto X2 that it will be 100% chance it will be triband LTE.   I know I'm going on a limb here but I feel confident about this.

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Excuse me for not being more precise... I meant to say near future.


What are the chances of a revised version of the Moto X (not Moto X2) coming out with triband support.



(this is obviously pure speculation intended to jump start discussion)

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Excuse me for not being more precise... I meant to say near future.


What are the chances of a revised version of the Moto X (not Moto X2) coming out with triband support.



(this is obviously pure speculation intended to jump start discussion)

I would say pretty slim, but you never know.

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Excuse me for not being more precise... I meant to say near future.


What are the chances of a revised version of the Moto X (not Moto X2) coming out with triband support.



(this is obviously pure speculation intended to jump start discussion)


Define near?  I mean the original Moto X hasn't even come out yet so I highly doubt that a revised version of the Moto X would be in the mix od devices.  At some point, these flagship phones in 2013 miss the boat for a revised version.  Its too late to add triband LTE to the Moto X.

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I personally want a moto x because of the touchless control features, and the great battery life while still maintaining a very compact design. I went to an AT&T store to check one out and the phone is so small and surprising they packed a 4.7" screen into it, even if it is 720p. I just find it very difficult to see the difference in screen quality and unlike most of you guys I think the X8 computing system is the real deal. It saves battery and is still very snappy on an almost vanilla version of android.

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I personally want a moto x because of the touchless control features, and the great battery life while still maintaining a very compact design. I went to an AT&T store to check one out and the phone is so small and surprising they packed a 4.7" screen into it, even if it is 720p. I just find it very difficult to see the difference in screen quality and unlike most of you guys I think the X8 computing system is the real deal. It saves battery and is still very snappy on an almost vanilla version of android.

Oh goodness, please don't get me started on that X8 stuff. Don't get me wrong the SoC is pretty good but the whole 8 cores thing is just a bunch of marketing BS. 

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Oh goodness, please don't get me started on that X8 stuff. Don't get me wrong the SoC is pretty good but the whole 8 cores thing is just a bunch of marketing BS.


Same GPU as the S4 and everyone thinks it has enough power to run android and touchwiz right?

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Same GPU as the S4 and everyone thinks it has enough power to run android and touchwiz right?

Yeah, same GPU although it's running at a lower clock speed but that won't even be an issue for a while. I really don't have a problem with the SoC they chose, I just have a problem with how they're marketing it.

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