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Sprint Announces First Tri-Band 4G LTE Devices


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I think the devices in question can only be two: 


Samsung Galaxy Note III


LG Optimus G 2


Both of these should have the Snapdragon 800 that makes tri-band possible. 


Someone correct me if I'm wrong please.


I thought I heard from this forum that a re-release of the Samsung Galaxy S4 with tri-band LTE support was suppose to in the Fall time frame (maybe October along with the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 release)?  I hope that is true.  I am not sure how Sprint will convey that message if a re-release of the Galaxy S4 does occur.  Has Sprint had any history of re-releasing a device to support additional cell phone bands?


Also about the Galaxy Note 3, it could have the Snapdragon 800 chip but from looking at the Galaxy Note 2 which came with the Exynos chip, the Galaxy Note 3 may come with the Exynos 5 chip like the Galaxy S4 international versions.

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I thought I heard from this forum that a re-release of the Samsung Galaxy S4 with tri-band LTE was suppose to in the Fall time frame (maybe October along with the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 release)?  I hope that is true.  I am not sure how Sprint will convey that message if a re-release of the Galaxy S4 does occur.  Has Sprint had any history of re-releasing a device to support additional cell phone bands?


I don't know that they've ever (at least in recent history) had to enable new bands. It seems unlikely that they would shaft everyone buying an S4 now. They will probably only do the Note 3.

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I don't know that they've ever (at least in recent history) had to enable new bands. It seems unlikely that they would shaft everyone buying an S4 now. They will probably only do the Note 3.


I think Robert said in the link below that a release of the Galaxy S4 tri-band LTE model will be coming in the Fall.


Post #5222


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I hope the new iPhone is triband. If not then I'm holding off until next year or the Gs5. My upgrade is not until 6/1/2014 and I hope lte on 800/2500 is is rolled out to major markets (NYC, DC metro area) by then

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I don't either (about the iPhone), but it can't be ruled out completely.

I won't rule it out. This summer and fall should be full of surprises. I'm actually surprised that Sprint hasn't announced other phones at CTIA today. Maybe throughout the week they will announce more. (Samsung SPH-L500 anyone?)

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I won't rule it out. This summer and fall should be full of surprises. I'm actually surprised that Sprint hasn't announced other phones at CTIA today. Maybe throughout the week they will announce more. (Samsung SPH-L500 anyone?)


It seems the OEMs are taking more control of phone announcements, at least with flagships. I wouldn't be surprised to see a ZTE or something, but I would not expect an EVO, for example.

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I thought I heard from this forum that a re-release of the Samsung Galaxy S4 with tri-band LTE support was suppose to in the Fall time frame (maybe October along with the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 release)?  I hope that is true.  I am not sure how Sprint will convey that message if a re-release of the Galaxy S4 does occur.  Has Sprint had any history of re-releasing a device to support additional cell phone bands?


Also about the Galaxy Note 3, it could have the Snapdragon 800 chip but from looking at the Galaxy Note 2 which came with the Exynos chip, the Galaxy Note 3 may come with the Exynos 5 chip like the Galaxy S4 international versions.

Sprint Galaxy S4 LTE 2? It would seem kind of awkward with the extra band support and existing customers. I guess we will know for sure in the fall when they actually do release it.

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Well they only mentioned tri-band phones from LG and Samsung, but that doesn't necessarily mean we won't see a tri-band iPhone. We all know how closely Apple guards this info. I'm disappointed they didn't mention Motorola though. 


To be honest, I have been very disappointed in Motorola high end phones thus far.  I wouldn't be surprised if they flop the next Sprint LTE phone since Motorola seems to only do well with Verizon.


As a Moto Photon 4G owner myself, I was initially excited for the phone which is why I got it but the lack of software updates and the failure of Motorola to provide the Photon 4G with ICS upgrade has really rubbed me the wrong way.  Heck the Photon Q 4G LTE just barely got Android 4.1.2 in May 2013.

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Sprint Galaxy S4 LTE 2? It would seem kind of awkward with the extra band support and existing customers. I guess we will know for sure in the fall when they actually do release it.


I don't think it will be called any different than the Galaxy S4.  I am not sure how Sprint will pull it off even if this were true given that they would have to get rid of existing Galaxy S4 inventory without tri-band LTE to make room for the Galaxy S4 with tri-band LTE.  I certainly would not want any Sprint store manager to just stock non tri-band S4's with tri-band S4's and hope for the luck of the draw when I go to upgrade.


I am still a bit skeptical about it but I know everyone is going to point to Samsung's S4 announcement in March about FDD/TDD dual LTE support models coming later in the year (aka Fall time frame) so it must be coming.

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I don't think it will be called any different than the Galaxy S4.  I am not sure how Sprint will pull it off even if this were true given that they would have to get rid of existing Galaxy S4 inventory without tri-band LTE to make room for the Galaxy S4 with tri-band LTE.  I certainly would not want any Sprint store manager to just stock non tri-band S4's with tri-band S4's and hope for the luck of the draw when I go to upgrade.


I am still a bit skeptical about it but I know everyone is going to point to Samsung's S4 announcement in March about FDD/TDD dual LTE support models coming later in the year (aka Fall time frame) so it must be coming.

It could be that they will release it with more storage space and a different color to distinguish the Tir-Band LTE from the Single-Band LTE model.

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I don't think it will be called any different than the Galaxy S4.  I am not sure how Sprint will pull it off even if this were true given that they would have to get rid of existing Galaxy S4 inventory without tri-band LTE to make room for the Galaxy S4 with tri-band LTE.  I certainly would not want any Sprint store manager to just stock non tri-band S4's with tri-band S4's and hope for the luck of the draw when I go to upgrade.


I am still a bit skeptical about it but I know everyone is going to point to Samsung's S4 announcement in March about FDD/TDD dual LTE support models coming later in the year (aka Fall time frame) so it must be coming.


Galaxy S4C  ;)  C for coverage.

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I doubt that Samsung or Sprint will release a tri-band GS4 in the fall as that would easily cannibalize GN3 sales as that's the typical time frame for a new GN3. It shouldn't take too much to modify a GS4 for tri-band / dual mode operations as Samsung already has experience with TDD-LTE in their  China Mobile TDD-LTE GS3. 


Might get surprised by a late summer refresh. Probably similar to how T-mobile has a GS4 HSPA+ variant and then a later LTE variant.

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It could be that they will release it with more storage space and a different color to distinguish the Tir-Band LTE from the Single-Band LTE model.



Maybe they will release it in that ugly purple color like the GS3.

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Well, my upgrade on Aug 1 this year just got more problematic; lets count the variables here:  1) iDen shut off  2)Clearwire takeover by someone somehow  3)resolution one way or the other in how Dish plays in the Sprint sand-box  4)Wimax shutdown and/or protected sites remaining for my Wimax devices...I had decided to go S4 (single-band) until this announcement hit today now I may just sit tight with the S2 until the smoke clears on all this stuff before re-upping for two more years..can this soap opera get more convoluted than this?

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To be honest, I have been very disappointed in Motorola high end phones thus far.  I wouldn't be surprised if they flop the next Sprint LTE phone since Motorola seems to only do well with Verizon.


As a Moto Photon 4G owner myself, I was initially excited for the phone which is why I got it but the lack of software updates and the failure of Motorola to provide the Photon 4G with ICS upgrade has really rubbed me the wrong way.  Heck the Photon Q 4G LTE just barely got Android 4.1.2 in May 2013.


From the rumors I've read, they're trying to have one phone on all carriers like Apple, Samsung, and now HTC. Google is trying to make them more innovative too. But the leaked pictures I've seen don't look like flagship material.


Edit: Now LG might have a bendable display in a phone this year. Optimus G 2 is looking better and better:


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I doubt that Samsung or Sprint will release a tri-band GS4 in the fall as that would easily cannibalize GN3 sales as that's the typical time frame for a new GN3. It shouldn't take too much to modify a GS4 for tri-band / dual mode operations as Samsung already has experience with TDD-LTE in their  China Mobile TDD-LTE GS3. 


Might get surprised by a late summer refresh. Probably similar to how T-mobile has a GS4 HSPA+ variant and then a later LTE variant.


I don't think it will cannabilize GN3 sales.  The GN3 and GS4 are different phones and cater to different crowds. Perhaps those that have been waiting until October,like I am, are already set on the GN3 because of the larger screen regardless of a tri-band LTE S4 model. 

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What are the chances that the LG Optimus G Pro (the sprint version with snapdragon 800) gets tri-band support?


Also...didn't sprint say they were goin straight to tri-band from single band? So a late 2013 tri-band launch would mean they have network support for a band (800LTE) before a device?! For the past like 10 years it has been sprint's MO to release a device with support for a nonexisting network band!!!!

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For the past like 10 years it has been sprint's MO to release a device with support for a nonexisting network band!!!!


And that forward compatibility has not always panned out well.  Not to mention, the Clearwire acquisition is still up in the air.  So, tri band handsets may happen in the coming months, but I would not hold my breath.  What you basically can count on are dual band handsets, since both SMR 800 MHz and PCS 1900 MHz are under Sprint's direct control.



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And that forward compatibility has not always panned out well.  Not to mention, the Clearwire acquisition is still up in the air.  So, tri band handsets may happen in the coming months, but I would not hold my breath.  What you basically can count on are dual band handsets, since both SMR 800 MHz and PCS 1900 MHz are under Sprint's direct control.




So are we assuming dual band devices will be coming soon? I wanted to wait to upgrade so i could secure an 800LTE compatible device. Im not concerned as much about the 2600 band clear wire LTE service.

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So are we assuming dual band devices will be coming soon? I wanted to wait to upgrade so i could secure an 800LTE compatible device. Im not concerned as much about the 2600 band clear wire LTE service.

As far as I know, there will be no dual band devices. They are going straight to tri-band.

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What are the chances that the LG Optimus G Pro (the sprint version with snapdragon 800) gets tri-band support?


Also...didn't sprint say they were goin straight to tri-band from single band? So a late 2013 tri-band launch would mean they have network support for a band (800LTE) before a device?! For the past like 10 years it has been sprint's MO to release a device with support for a nonexisting network band!!!!


I would think the G Pro would not be tri-band since it's an older device. 


The rumored Optimus G 2 would be more likely I think.


Edit: Apparently the Optimus LS980 we're getting has a Snapdragon 800 so there might be more changes. They don't mention the screen size, so it could be either one. The original Optimus G was the LS970, but the AT&T G Pro is E980, which has a Snapdragon 600. Strange.

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