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Samsung expected to sue Apple over iPhone 5 tomorrow


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Samsung expected to sue Apple over iPhone 5 tomorrow


The courtroom battle between Apple and Samsung seems to be far from over, and come tomorrow Apple is in for a major headache as soon as it makes the iPhone 5 official. That’s because Samsung is poised to sue the company over patents it owns relating to the LTE connectivity the new smartphone is expected to use.


All Samsung needs to confirm is that the iPhone 5 is shipping with 4G LTE and it can then apparently set its lawyers into action. As is typical with these patent lawsuits, Samsung will most likely seek an import ban meaning the iPhone 5 may not be able to leave its manufacturing plants and make it to the US to fulfill pre-orders. If such a thing ruling was made, Apple would most likely do a deal that meant it no longer pursued Samsung product bans, and might even forget about that billion dollar payout.


Source: http://www.geek.com/...orrow-20120911/

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This does not seem like it will end well for samsung, especially if their goal to to block iphone sales. FTC is already investigating google for trying to use Standard essential patents against apple and microsoft. I assume all patents necessary for 4G would be filed under FRAND terms, so they probably could not charge an astronomical amount.


I think the smarter move would be samsung using the potential for a lawsuit over apple and loss of iPhone sales from a ban to get more favorable terms in their cross licensing deal, than actually suing apple, which could get the FTC breathing down their necks.

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Interesting, but damn, all this back and forth lawsuit stuff is getting tiring.


I agree. Can't the manufacturers just get along and cross license patents so that we can just have peace. Maybe if the consumers stopped buying phones then maybe the manufacturers would start taking the hint.

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I agree. Can't the manufacturers just get along and cross license patents so that we can just have peace. Maybe if the consumers stopped buying phones then maybe the manufacturers would start taking the hint.


I'm in, should I build my own phone, or would that get me sued by both sides?

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I'm in, should I build my own phone, or would that get me sued by both sides?


I was getting ready to do that last year, but when the thought of getting sued came up, I put that idea on hold and said forget it. I was even going to build Sprint compatible phones, and had connections in China for possible production. But as soon as Apple started suing, I freaked out.

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I was gonna make one with a slider keyboard, and 2 without, but basically they were rectangles with rounded corners. :unsure:


Yeah, I would probably chisel out a 2x4 and slap the hardware in there if I was making a phone, but maybe I should innovate and use a soup can, with the screen curved around the outside. It would be pretty glare resistant.

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I was gonna make one with a slider keyboard, and 2 without, but basically they were rectangles with rounded corners. :unsure:


Starting your own cell phone network, designing and building your own cell phones... is there anything you don't do, Josh!? :)

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Starting your own cell phone network, designing and building your own cell phones... is there anything you don't do, Josh!? :)


Yeah, I never seem to get anything done. Most are great ideas, but I just don't complete it all like I should. But I still want to do the MVNO thing.

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Maybe not so much...


Apple didn’t violate Samsung’s patent rights, ITC Judge James Gildea said in a notice posted on the agency’s website. The judge’s findings are subject to review by the full commission, which has the power to block imports of products that infringe U.S. patents.



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