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Network Vision/LTE - Jacksonville Market (including Gainesville/St. Augustine/Ocala)


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With Syph3r posting about the B.O.A. site going live over the Weekend, I did some Mapping and a few Speed Tests at the Avenues today With some nice results.






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I found a site on Brannan-Field Road across from the Oak leaf High school that has NV panels installed over the weekend for those of you in that area. An extra layer of coverage for all the homes in that area.


Sent from my Nexus 5

I might have caught that this morning once I was north of Old Jennings. Slightly better signal in that area. Will need to map it out.


I did notice that today was the first day in a few weeks that I didnt get EHRPD errors when I left the house and airave and finally flipped to 3G. Probably not connected, but interesting that they are working in this area.

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I might have caught that this morning once I was north of Old Jennings. Slightly better signal in that area. Will need to map it out.


I did notice that today was the first day in a few weeks that I didnt get EHRPD errors when I left the house and airave and finally flipped to 3G. Probably not connected, but interesting that they are working in this area.


Recently I seem to be experiencing a lot of hard handoffs when dropping LTE. It seems as though EHRPD isn't working properly or they are messing with something.

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Recently I seem to be experiencing a lot of hard handoffs when dropping LTE. It seems as though EHRPD isn't working properly or they are messing with something.


I still can't get eHRPD near Town Center.  Have been on Evdo Rev. A for weeks now.  

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Too bad 800 is not available yet. Thats one of the first places im checking once yhe tower around there are finished. Im just looking for 1x800. I dont expect 800 lte to fully cover everything. They need another 3 towers in the forest to make it better. Its still better than att which goes like 20 miles with no coverage at all in the forest.

Going to drive through the void that the Ocala National Forest this weekend. Very curious to see if 800 makes a difference in that area.

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Too bad 800 is not available yet. Thats one of the first places im checking once yhe tower around there are finished. Im just looking for 1x800. I dont expect 800 lte to fully cover everything. They need another 3 towers in the forest to make it better. Its still better than att which goes like 20 miles with no coverage at all in the forest.

Its truly a void in there. Around Belleview and the Villages isn't much better. The towers are wayyy to few and far between.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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Well when belleview only has 2 towers technically and the villages only has 3 while ocala has like 20 lol

Its truly a void in there. Around Belleview and the Villages isn't much better. The towers are wayyy to few and far between.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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Well when belleview only has 2 towers technically and the villages only has 3 while ocala has like 20 lol

I heard some one say OAK-UHH-LUH the other day when referring to Ocala. I died a little inside.




Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro



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I heard some one say OAK-UHH-LUH the other day when referring to Ocala. I died a little inside.




Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

It is both hilarious and painful to hear northerners pronounce Okeechobee, Kissimmee, Loxahatchee, etc when moving down here.

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I heard some one say OAK-UHH-LUH the other day when referring to Ocala. I died a little inside.




Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro


I heard some one say OAK-UHH-LUH the other day when referring to Ocala. I died a little inside.




Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

I went to D.C. for a week one time and this guy tries to tell me that I pronounce Florida wrong. 

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I went to D.C. for a week one time and this guy tries to tell me that I pronounce Florida wrong. 

LOL how does one pronounce Florida wrong. FloREEEdAH or FLeRRIDUH  or perhaps FLAHREHDAH (that one sounds like a new rap name.)

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Well when belleview only has 2 towers technically and the villages only has 3 while ocala has like 20 lol

Can't imagine a better place to see 800mhz implemented. However, not sure if two of these towers will see any updates any time soon. This area is probably fairly low priority for Sprint given their general weakness and low subs in the area.


I want to say, if I remember correctly, that Nextel subs used to be pretty happy with their coverage in the area. Still plenty of hope for a bunch back with 1x800 and LTE 800.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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Idk im in the forest right now sitting on lte

Can't imagine a better place to see 800mhz implemented. However, not sure if two of these towers will see any updates any time soon. This area is probably fairly low priority for Sprint given their general weakness and low subs in the area.


I want to say, if I remember correctly, that Nextel subs used to be pretty happy with their coverage in the area. Still plenty of hope for a bunch back with 1x800 and LTE 800.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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The tower is right across the street from walmart lol. I had lte in the whole store there when i had the evo lte

Well I got to say, This here lg g2 works much better than my evo. Lte. Was in the walmart past Top of the world on 200 and had lte in the whole store. Simply awesome.


Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

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Well, I'm here at the River City Market place and the LTE site here is bogged down this evening. So bad I got kicked from LTE back to EVDO. Which was faster than being on LTE.


Now I see what you guys were talking about when you said that band 41 is a must. I can't wait for this tri band update.


Sent from my Nexus 5



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Oh yeah anyone that thinks band 25 alone is good enough is sadly mistaken. 25 and 26 together might be enough for many markets but not the top 100. They need all 3 bands.

Well, I'm here at the River City Market place and the LTE site here is bogged down this evening. So bad I got kicked from LTE back to EVDO. Which was faster than being on LTE.


Now I see what you guys were talking about when you said that band 41 is a must. I can't wait for this tri band update.


Sent from my Nexus 5

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Oh yeah anyone that thinks band 25 alone is good enough is sadly mistaken. 25 and 26 together might be enough for many markets but not the top 100. They need all 3 bands.

Or 20x20 using magenta hair grease to lubricate the backhaul. LOL

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I'm excited to say that I'm now picking up B41 on the Southbank/San Marco side of downtown Jax. I fired-up my TriBand MiFi hotspot last night for the first time in a while and checked my debug screen and there she was - Band 41 LTE.


Now, here is the interesting part: The propagation from B41 was just as good as B25 in my house. I was getting the exact same signal from B25 as I was B41, according to the MiFi. All of the towers around me are finished with their B25 upgrades, so they all have B25 active. There is no way for me to tell what tower was broadcasting B41 or what tower I was receiving B25 on. I'm assuming they're both coming from the same tower, which would be the closest one to my house at I-95 and San Marco Blvd, but I can't be totally sure. This area was well bathed in WiMax (not that this really matters).


Now to the fun part: the speeds were decent, even with a crappy signal. Inside my condo, downstairs I got a -108 to -110dBm signal, which equated to about 18-20mbps down. Upstairs, -95 to -100dBm yielded 25-35mbps.


Because I was using my hotspot, my speeds were limited by the fact that all of the wifi channels are so saturated in this densely populated area (my home network is slower than it should be too, due to saturation on every channel). I will try a direct usb connection today and see what I can pull down.



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I am also surprised at the strength of band 41. It blows away all of the negative impressions that I had of the frequency from the WiMAX days. Jacksonville is pretty well covered in band 41 and hopefully later this year it is going to really be a game changer. This summer is going to be awesome for Triband device owners.

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I am also surprised at the strength of band 41. It blows away all of the negative impressions that I had of the frequency from the WiMAX days. Jacksonville is pretty well covered in band 41 and hopefully later this year it is going to really be a game changer. This summer is going to be awesome for Triband device owners.

Back when I had an OG Evo 4G (bought on release day), WiMax was decent here in downtown Jax. Jax was one of the test markets for WiMax, supposedly. I can tell you this, without question; B41 propagates much better than WiMax ever did, despite being transmitted on the same frequencies. I would have lost my WiMax signal by going downstairs in this condo. I'm not sure sure if it's the new equipment they're using for B41 or if they're beam forming now or if it's the fact that LTE is less fragile in fringe airlinks.


Either way, I'm excited to see B41 and B25 get the exact same signal propagation in my area. I'm just not sure what tower everything is coming in from. I would assume that everything is coming from the closest tower to me, since all of the have B25.

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