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Network Vision/LTE - Jacksonville Market (including Gainesville/St. Augustine/Ocala)


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I think that sprint users in the Jacksonville market is getting frustrated with the slow roll out. I believe that most users had expected sprint to pick up the pace during the summer and some users aren't noticing the improvements in service while other people aren't. Me personally I've noticed how much better the network is getting on a day by day basis. On the North side where I live every site that has NV installs done are 3G/4G accepted. So even when my EVO doesn't pick up a LTE signal (because the device RF sux). I get usuable 3G speeds. Also my 1x signal has gotten stronger and I can make and receive calls inside of more buildings. Overall I think sprint is doing a damn good job and I will be purchasing a tri band device with my upgrade and taking advantage of 2600/1900/800 LTE. I may even jump on the new all in plan.


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 4



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Hey JAX market members. I'm pretty disappointed in the negativity in this thread. I just got caught up on the past few weeks. Pretty surprised. :(


Robert via Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 using Tapatalk

My bad Rob my man. It's just now that I have had the time to test a device on every major carrier in my area. I just found out that while Verizon is #1 on coverage hands down, Sprint is actually second, At&t is 3rd and T-Mobile is last but in terms of data speed and consistency Sprint is dead last even behind Metro PCS. The roll out has not been very active the past month but I just found not one but two sites in my area that have began network vision so I guess I jumped the gun a bit. Apologies. At least as a whole Jacksonville is one of the most complete Fl markets so I can complain about that.

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The good stuff is just starting. Jacksonville's actively adding 4G LTE sites on a near daily basis and the 800mhz bands will start rolling out too by the end of this year. :P


I just can't wait to see if there's any Clear wire LTE here once the G2 comes out. I'll be starting my daily site checks again.

I can almost guarentee you there is come 2600mhz goodies in the Jax area right now or will be very soon.

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I think that sprint users in the Jacksonville market is getting frustrated with the slow roll out. I believe that most users had expected sprint to pick up the pace during the summer and some users aren't noticing the improvements in service while other people aren't. Me personally I've noticed how much better the network is getting on a day by day basis. On the North side where I live every site that has NV installs done are 3G/4G accepted. So even when my EVO doesn't pick up a LTE signal (because the device RF sux). I get usuable 3G speeds. Also my 1x signal has gotten stronger and I can make and receive calls inside of more buildings. Overall I think sprint is doing a damn good job and I will be purchasing a tri band device with my upgrade and taking advantage of 2600/1900/800 LTE. I may even jump on the new all in plan.


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 4

I am frustrated but I would be lying if I say that I didn't see improvement. They normally have a tower in my area online with LTE within two weeks of work being done 

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Like I've stated almost incessantly, my Sprint network experience is great and getting better by the day, literally. I get 1.9ghz LTE pretty much everywhere I frequent now. My iPhone 5 averages 6-25mbps with bursts to 30+Mbps. On eHRPD, it's 1.5-2.5mbps and rarely ever lower than 1mbps, which honestly is fast enough to do just about anything I'd ever need to do on a mobile device. I can easily stream Netflix without issues on eHRPD. LTE is just that much better. The dark days of Sprint legacy are quickly disappearing.

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The 3G in St Augustine is getting a lot better, too. My signal strength is 1-2 bars higher than it used to be in the areas I normally visit and a "bad day" for 3G is more like 0.6-0.7 Mbps down instead of 0.06-0.07 Mbps down...I have a half dozen tests that are well over 2 Mbps, even (that is faster than my WiMAX 4G has been many times, with lower pings, too). There are still a couple of towers according to the maps that are still the red "3G only", one that is "in progress" and a few that are "4G only", so there is still work to be done and 800 MHz still needs to come out, but until I can upgrade to a tri band LTE phone, the 3G has been pretty exciting to me.

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I finally got my fiancée back on board with still with sprint after she has noticed how much better her service is in the places she visits most frequently. So we are definitely staying now she wants either the new 5s or the note 3 when its released. I'm pushing her towards the note 3 if its tri band. I may also add my 9 yr old to my plan also. Buy myself a note 3 with the new customer contract and give him my EVO LTE.


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 4



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So I am not sure how to become a sponsor so I haven't been able to look at the maps. According to Sprints coverage map it shows I should get LTE but I barely get 3g. Is there any updates to service happening in Middleburg/clayhill area ? Thank you

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So I am not sure how to become a sponsor so I haven't been able to look at the maps. According to Sprints coverage map it shows I should get LTE but I barely get 3g. Is there any updates to service happening in Middleburg/clayhill area ? Thank you

There is a link you can click on in the main forum page that you can use to become a sponsor. Without being a sponsor, you're very limited to he info that will be given to you. It's really not hard to become one and the information you will be privy to makes it well worth it.

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So I am not sure how to become a sponsor so I haven't been able to look at the maps. According to Sprints coverage map it shows I should get LTE but I barely get 3g. Is there any updates to service happening in Middleburg/clayhill area ? Thank you

Just click the donation link in the upper right corner and donate to become a sponsor. Also Sprints LTE coverage map is highly exaggerated and is probably tell you what coverage will look like soon. On the coverage map it says i get great LTE coverage but I don't get any also. Strange because their 3G coverage map is a lot more accurate.

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With the tower in progress at Beach and Kernan, things should improve. I wish that they would start something at the Town Center soon. Data is practically useless there during the day. Upgrades in that area are sorely needed. 


I was in the panhandle earlier this week and was pleasantly surprised to pick up some 4G in a couple of spots. I was also surprised how far west I had LTE on I-10. 


It is hard to be patient, but I am enjoying the 4G at the beach and it seems to be working better in the places that I visit for work. 


From what I can tell, it looks like about 50% of the sites in Jax have had upgrades, and about 50% of those have both 3G/4G finished, while the other half have only had the 4G upgrade. It will make a big difference when these sites also have the 3G upgraded. Some of my frustrations have probably been caused when using 4G and losing the LTE signal only to fall back to 3G that is not yet upgraded. The 4G building penetration leaves a lot to be desired, but I will at least be happy if I can fall back to the NV 3G with a fiber uplink and get something closer to 1Mb, rather than what we have been getting on the old saturated network.

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Ocala Silver springs shores NE side needs 3G fixed. Dies after 8AM. I work in this area and it dies big time after 8AM. I believe the fiberoptics backbone to this area is solely Verizon. I cant even locate tower 8880 being reported by my apps (Sensorly and other tower locating progs) . Is this area (Silver springs shores east) going to be addressed sometime soon. I moved from OPE and I see that they got upped to LTE and I checked sprints site for updates there and it was all supposed to be just voice upgrades..... Hard to follow where the gold "4G LTE" is going to be. Don't bash my grammer, just want an answer.


Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 4


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The tower on baseline rd just went live. You can get LTE all the way to the first Winn Dixie out there which is where the shores tower is located.

Ocala Silver springs shores NE side needs 3G fixed. Dies after 8AM. I work in this area and it dies big time after 8AM. I believe the fiberoptics backbone to this area is solely Verizon. I cant even locate tower 8880 being reported by my apps (Sensorly and other tower locating progs) . Is this area (Silver springs shores east) going to be addressed sometime soon. I moved from OPE and I see that they got upped to LTE and I checked sprints site for updates there and it was all supposed to be just voice upgrades..... Hard to follow where the gold "4G LTE" is going to be. Don't bash my grammer, just want an answer.


Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 4

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With the tower in progress at Beach and Kernan, things should improve. I wish that they would start something at the Town Center soon. Data is practically useless there during the day. Upgrades in that area are sorely needed. 


I was in the panhandle earlier this week and was pleasantly surprised to pick up some 4G in a couple of spots. I was also surprised how far west I had LTE on I-10. 


It is hard to be patient, but I am enjoying the 4G at the beach and it seems to be working better in the places that I visit for work. 


From what I can tell, it looks like about 50% of the sites in Jax have had upgrades, and about 50% of those have both 3G/4G finished, while the other half have only had the 4G upgrade. It will make a big difference when these sites also have the 3G upgraded. Some of my frustrations have probably been caused when using 4G and losing the LTE signal only to fall back to 3G that is not yet upgraded. The 4G building penetration leaves a lot to be desired, but I will at least be happy if I can fall back to the NV 3G with a fiber uplink and get something closer to 1Mb, rather than what we have been getting on the old saturated network.


Just tried to carry a call through Town Center so I feel the pain here.  With my experience with NV in Tampa we have a lot to look forward to before awfully long.  I can't image that we wont see this gap filled before the end of the year. 

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From what I can tell, they are doing a pretty competent job of managing the upgrades, they just started from way behind and have a huge task. I was pretty amazed that they had not run fiber backhaul until the NV upgrades. I'm sure they will get the hole filled as soon as they can. They have to realize that is a particularly high profile area. I would be really interested to know the reason for the delay, but unless someone has some inside information, we just have to be patient and hope they work it out soon.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4


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Just tried to carry a call through Town Center so I feel the pain here. With my experience with NV in Tampa we have a lot to look forward to before awfully long. I can't image that we wont see this gap filled before the end of the year.


From what I can tell, they are doing a pretty competent job of managing the upgrades, they just started from way behind and have a huge task. I was pretty amazed that they had not run fiber backhaul until the NV upgrades. I'm sure they will get the hole filled as soon as they can. They have to realize that is a particularly high profile area. I would be really interested to know the reason for the delay, but unless someone has some inside information, we just have to be patient and hope they work it out soon.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4



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Good news! On the Tampa thread they have reported connecting to 1x 800. It was unusable, but it's a great sign!

I saw that and was very encouraged by this. I'm also reading that people in the Ericsson market are having lots of issues with 1x800 ESMR rollouts.


Sprint needs to get 800mhz services right. This is what will give them back their "luster".

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The tower on baseline rd just went live. You can get LTE all the way to the first Winn Dixie out there which is where the shores tower is located.

I am talking about the lockheed martin area of the shores. Sprint needs to hit the county up for the water tower use at the golf course here. roll fiber or be able to micro it to the winn dixi. look at sensorly around oak road. also try and use 3g there after 8AM. the LTE is near non existent here as well. a spot here and there on sensorly. PS I mapped the new tower at Spruce Creek South HOA in Summerfield 2 weeks ago.


Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 4

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I don't know what's taking them so long to update that tower but it is taking them a while to finish the whole Ocala area in general considering that the first tower came online in mid January and its still not finished and probably won't be until December

I am talking about the lockheed martin area of the shores. Sprint needs to hit the county up for the water tower use at the golf course here. roll fiber or be able to micro it to the winn dixi. look at sensorly around oak road. also try and use 3g there after 8AM. the LTE is near non existent here as well. a spot here and there on sensorly. PS I mapped the new tower at Spruce Creek South HOA in Summerfield 2 weeks ago.


Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 4

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