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inside sprint later


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I think this guy should be applauded for doing customer service the way it should be done. He is not an idiot for trying to do a job Sprint hides from. I would give him money in a second to help his new site! You guys are crazy for saying he doesn't know what he is doing. He has had that blog site for I think two years but it could be a little shorter. He has always posted tons of cool Sprint info but it wasn't until the EVO LTE issue that his site started getting a huge amount of coverage and hits. I wish this site was more like his!



coverage and hits aren't everything the individual will likely loose there job now, If robert desires sources to give him information to share he has to do it in a manner that does not lead to the sources and does not infringe on sprints copyrights. releasing videos of the technical aspects of sprints network is a sure way for a law suit. I'm sure they are not happy that competitors are getting there R&D benefits

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I wish this site was more like his!


I have always been supportive of ISN. However, we are two separate types of sites. We are a network focused site. Inside Sprint Now is mostly made up of info that is available in the Sprint system for customer service reps. ISN posts very little network stuff. We post very little Sprint program and sales info. ISN is a blog, S4GRU offers forums and maps and PRL's, etc. in addition to our articles. We have a staff, he is a guy.


I wish ISN all the successes possible. However, I am concerned for him. I think Sprint is on the war path, and I'm trying to fly under the radar. I have some stories myself, but I am not prepared to discuss them publicly at this time.


If you want S4GRU to degress our features and just be a blog where I control the dialog and you guys can only comment on my posts, then you are going to be disappointed. That is contrary to the posted mission of S4GRU. Our site will continue forward based on the dynamic changes that occur, within the framing of our mission. We also appreciate the opinions put forth by our sponsor members and especially Premier sponsor members to help keep the community geared toward their interests.


Thousands of people appreciate S4GRU and the type of community we provide. And I think the majority of users like the site and its format. We will not please everyone. I guess you are one of them.


Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner

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I have always been supportive of ISN. However, we are two separate types of sites. We are a network focused site. Inside Sprint Now is mostly made up of info that is available in the Sprint system for customer service reps. ISN posts very little network stuff. We post very little Sprint program and sales info. ISN is a blog, S4GRU offers forums and maps and PRL's, etc. in addition to our articles. We have a staff, he is a guy.


I wish ISN all the successes possible. However, I am concerned for him. I think Sprint is on the war path, and I'm trying to fly under the radar. I have some stories myself, but I am not prepared to discuss them publicly at this time.


If you want S4GRU to degress our features and just be a blog where I control the dialog and you guys can only comment on my posts, then you are going to be disappointed. That is contrary to the posted mission of S4GRU. Our site will continue forward based on the dynamic changes that occur, within the framing of our mission. We also appreciate the opinions put forth by our sponsor members and especially Premier sponsor members to help keep the community geared toward their interests.


Thousands of people appreciate S4GRU and the type of community we provide. And I think the majority of users like the site and its format. We will not please everyone. I guess you are one of them.


Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner


Well said! I certainly agree. Being careful to not do the things that can and will get you shut down and/or sued is smart and appreciated by those of us that want this site to be around for a long time to come.

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Trust me when i say that even this site is in Sprints line of sight. While personally I feel that ISN is doing a service that alot want, poking at the bear will only make it get up and start tearing its paws into you. Transparency is the key, but at times copyright laws, patents and general common sense gets in the way of being transparent.

I do wish him the best, and I'll support him if I can, but at this point its going to be hard for him to make a comeback without being noticed by the bear.


As for this site and what it offers, true, alot want more info. But patience is the key, you all have to trust Robert in what he is doing and if he feels that posting a document would jeopardize the source or the site, then it just won't be published.



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I think this guy should be applauded for doing customer service the way it should be done. He is not an idiot for trying to do a job Sprint hides from. I would give him money in a second to help his new site! You guys are crazy for saying he doesn't know what he is doing. He has had that blog site for I think two years but it could be a little shorter. He has always posted tons of cool Sprint info but it wasn't until the EVO LTE issue that his site started getting a huge amount of coverage and hits. I wish this site was more like his!




In an economy where jobs are hard to come by, anyone that frivolously jeopardizes their current employment is not being wise. I don't know the ISN guy's situation but if you have a family to support that should be your priority. Not giving information to someone who cares little or nothing about you or your life. Sure you may be willing to pony up a few bucks to help his site but you aren't paying his mortgage or feeding his family. I would never encourage Robert or anyone else to do something that could put his career in jeopardy.


At the end of the day all of this is just information about cellular phone service. We aren't changing the world here. The ISN guy is not Julian Assange. We would all be well served to stop taking this stuff, and ourselves so seriously. It's just cell service people.

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You all have to trust Robert in what he is doing and if he feels that posting a document would jeopardize the source or the site' date=' then it just won't be published.[/quote']


And this is what its all about. This is why I know so much more than I am able to publish. I have to reject lots of material to keep from running afoul of copyrights and confidentially notices. I swear Sprint posts them even on their napkins at their corporate campus. :lol:


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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I have always been supportive of ISN. However, we are two separate types of sites. We are a network focused site. Inside Sprint Now is mostly made up of info that is available in the Sprint system for customer service reps. ISN posts very little network stuff. We post very little Sprint program and sales info. ISN is a blog, S4GRU offers forums and maps and PRL's, etc. in addition to our articles. We have a staff, he is a guy.


I wish ISN all the successes possible. However, I am concerned for him. I think Sprint is on the war path, and I'm trying to fly under the radar. I have some stories myself, but I am not prepared to discuss them publicly at this time.


If you want S4GRU to degress our features and just be a blog where I control the dialog and you guys can only comment on my posts, then you are going to be disappointed. That is contrary to the posted mission of S4GRU. Our site will continue forward based on the dynamic changes that occur, within the framing of our mission. We also appreciate the opinions put forth by our sponsor members and especially Premier sponsor members to help keep the community geared toward their interests.


Thousands of people appreciate S4GRU and the type of community we provide. And I think the majority of users like the site and its format. We will not please everyone. I guess you are one of them.


Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner


If I were Sprint management, I would consider the S4GRU site, with it's focus on forward-looking network builds, to be a big positive right now. After all, the NV story on balance is good news.


Projects like this have inherent uncertainties, and timelines can always slip. A public corporation like Sprint is quite constrained legally about making speculative projections in public about future rollouts. But unofficial, third-party reporting of expected network improvements can encourage customers and maybe investors. If the schedules slip, there is not much liability for the company (unless the leak of the original projections could be traced to Sprint itself).


If the news turns bad -- for example, if there are major delays -- Sprint might feel differently about this site, and be more inclined to shut down any leaks. The key to this site's credibility is to maintain independence, and report news based on facts -- good or bad.

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And this is what its all about. This is why I know so much more than I am able to publish. I have to reject lots of material to keep from running afoul of copyrights and confidentially notices. I swear Sprint posts them even on their napkins at their corporate campus. :lol:


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


I wish I could thank you more than once for this. Most all of us value the information that can be safely release more than temporary hits on the site. The consistent and reliable flow of information is absolutely dependent on sources trusting that they will not be discovered.

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I think this guy should be applauded for doing customer service the way it should be done. He is not an idiot for trying to do a job Sprint hides from. I would give him money in a second to help his new site! You guys are crazy for saying he doesn't know what he is doing. He has had that blog site for I think two years but it could be a little shorter. He has always posted tons of cool Sprint info but it wasn't until the EVO LTE issue that his site started getting a huge amount of coverage and hits. I wish this site was more like his!




Yep, I bet he/she gets a big round of applause from all the other Sprint employees when they fire him and escort him/her out the door. When documents have Sprint's logo on them, they appear official. He has been posting things and allowing people to take stuff out of context.


I swear Sprint posts them even on their napkins at their corporate campus. :lol:


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


Nobody can know what Dan Hesse wipes from his mouth. If America knew that he was on the Walt Kowalski diet of birthday cake, beef jerky and pbr, they would know how much of a BMF he is. Sprint wants him to be seen in a softer light.

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Nobody can know what Dan Hesse wipes from his mouth. If America knew that he was on the Walt Kowalski diet of birthday cake, beef jerky and pbr, they would know how much of a BMF he is. Sprint wants him to be seen in a softer light.

OMG, I almost spilled my morning coffee on the monitor again after reading that. lol



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Yeah, I read it earlier today. He cannot fight the request, because he would have to reveal his identity. And he would be terminated. Which makes you wonder why he'd do it. Eventually they are going to start giving out misinformation to small groups of people inside Sprint to start narrowing down when and where it pops out. You can smoke out a mole easily if you are looking for one.




Robert, this works if Sprint, as a company, has effective internal controls and for the most part I would say no they don't and even if they did, the confidence of this person is so high that I really believe that whoever this person is, they are definitely very high up on the sprints food chain......and I mean way up in upper management of the company. If it was some lower level person then it would pretty easy even with crappy internal controls to catch this person.

his employment is over. its just a matter of time until they catch up to him.


Like my response to Robert, whoever he or she is, this person is way up there in the company. Time will tell though if he or she ever gets caught but it won't be easy.

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upper management dont need beer money, and they don't act in this manner. upper management would not have enough personal time to create a website that may doom his hard earned career. there is nothing upper management about this guy, and i dont know how you come to your conclusion.

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Reading that blog, I doubt the person was at a really high level in the company. Although, level is relative to the group/position.


And I will tell you, Sprint Corporate Security takes leaks very seriously.

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I also disagree about upper management. He releases information that is available in bulletins to mid level management at call centers. Nothing that is of the caliber of behind the scenes upper management stuff.


Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner

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upper management dont need beer money, and they don't act in this manner. upper management would not have enough personal time to create a website that may doom his hard earned career. there is nothing upper management about this guy, and i dont know how you come to your conclusion.


Well first of all, we are here giving our own objective opinion on this situation. Upper level management has lots of time to do whatever they have more responsibility not necessarily more actual work, the lower down you are on the totem pole the more work you actually have to get done. How much money he makes has nothing to do with whether or not he wants to pay for this himself or not. Taking random donations from total strangers versus funding it yourself creates less of a paper trail. If you take what this guy is saying and doing at face value alone then you may not think much of this person which is what he or even she may have intended all along. The art of deception is one hell of a tool.


I also disagree about upper management. He releases information that is available in bulletins to mid level management at call centers. Nothing that is of the caliber of behind the scenes upper management stuff.


Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner

That's true but lets say he is upper level, why would he release any info on that level? That could easily narrow the field as far as finding out who this person could be.

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Well first of all' date=' we are here giving our own objective opinion on this situation. Upper level management has lots of time to do whatever they have more responsibility not necessarily more actual work, the lower down you are on the totem pole the more work you actually have to get done. How much money he makes has nothing to do with whether or not he wants to pay for this himself or not. Taking random donations from total strangers versus funding it yourself creates less of a paper trail. If you take what this guy is saying and doing at face value alone then you may not think much of this person which is what he or even she may have intended all along. The art of deception is one hell of a tool.


That's true but lets say he is upper level, why would he release any info on that level? That could easily narrow the field as far as finding out who this person could be.[/quote']


Executives do not get call center updates. If they are signing in to get them, it will look very suspicious and will lead Sprint Corporate Security right to their office. It is someone who gets those bulletins automatically.


Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner

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What's your definition of upper management? Just curious :)


Executives do not get call center updates. If they are signing in to get them, it will look very suspicious and will lead Sprint Corporate Security right to their office. It is someone who gets those bulletins automatically.


Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner


Before I started working as an accountant full time I used to be a manager(store level aka lower level management) for a national retailer. I worked for that company for a decade and I have seen some things that are eerily similar to this situation where information was basically getting leaked to those that did not need to know. So my last few posts were basically coming from personal experience dealing with secured information as well as seeing the level of detail and the steps taken to find out who the "mole" was. Years had went buy, many people terminated, so many controls in places that didn't even need it all because the level of deception was so great that the "powers that be" kept looking in the wrong direction. To make an extremely long story short, the person ended up getting caught but it stemmed from a totally unrelated situation years after the fact and all along he was a person that was a part of the" powers that be". Now maybe I am giving this insidesprintnow person too much credit but you know never really know.

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Before I started working as an accountant full time I used to be a manager(store level aka lower level management) for a national retailer. I worked for that company for a decade and I have seen some things that are eerily similar to this situation where information was basically getting leaked to those that did not need to know. So my last few posts were basically coming from personal experience dealing with secured information as well as seeing the level of detail and the steps taken to find out who the "mole" was. Years had went buy' date=' many people terminated, so many controls in places that didn't even need it all because the level of deception was so great that the "powers that be" kept looking in the wrong direction. To make an extremely long story short, the person ended up getting caught but it stemmed from a totally unrelated situation years after that fact and all along he was a person that a part of the" powers that be". Now maybe I am giving this insidesprintnow person too much credit but you know never really know.[/quote']


You're right, we don't know for certain. And I respect your background and I can see why you would figure things the way you have. And I guess my background, dealing with Sprint employees at all levels gives me an understanding how things work at Sprint. I have to intentionally respond vaguely sometimes or using improper internal Sprint vernacular to protect my sources.


I often get the types of documents that ISN posts from call center and technical support employees. But I do not run the info unless it is network or device related. And if it has disclaimers on it, I just read it and move on.


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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You could' date=' but then we would have to take care of you ex-KGB style




Hahaha! That's funny!


Sent from my LG Viper 4G LTE using Forum Runner

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