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How long has everyone been with Sprint?


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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 29 January 2012


I've been with Sprint for 10 years. Sprint has been my only carrier, although I had a Nextel as a work phone before and after the merger.

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 29 January 2012


Been with Sprint since September of 1999. My first and only carrier. However, I have tried VZW (which was good, but not good enough to justify the price hike) and ATT (which sucked all together). I, thankfully, kept my Sprint line active during these trial periods with other carriers, canceled ATT within the return period, and paid my ETF to get out of VZW's contract. I don't see myself leaving Sprint anytime soon.

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 29 January 2012


I joined Sprint on June 4, 2010...opening day for the Evo. AT&T had told me to hit the bricks two weeks before because of excessive roaming. Sprint has great coverage in my area and the Evo was an exciting ground breaking device and their pricing was way better than Verizon for four lines.


I never thought I would have been running a Sprint site a year later.


- Robert

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 29 January 2012


Just over 5 years. For years we were with at&t which evolved into Cingular and re-evolved back to AT&T. I had great service at work and so-so at home, but the kicker was my wife had poor service at her job and had to go outside to make calls. Checked T-Mo's coverage and its maps were the same as AT&T's. So in order to keep familial peace we tried Sprint, since even in 2006, Verizon's prices were outrageous.

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 31 January 2012


Since late August, 2006, when I became a Sprint employee. For a time I kept my AT&T phone but went ahead and cancelled (and paid their (at the time) $150 ETF) as it made no sense to keep their service and pay nearly $100/month for it (I had two lines). On my Sprint employee plan it was just $5.00/month (TEP charge only) and my 2nd line was a micro USB connection card for $14.99/month (back in those wonderful unlimited days when data even on a connection card was unlimited). In fact ,for about 3 months in 2007 Sprint was my only ISP-I had free PAM (Phone as Modem) on my Palm Treo 755p and the connection card, and had no complaints.


We had a bad ice storm in December 2007 and both Cox Cable and AT&T both went down all across the OKC metro area, but my Sprint wireless broadband connection never failed-I think I was the only person who had web access during that 3 day period in my part of the city.


While I'm no longer an employee, I still am on an Employee/Advantage Club plan as a friend of mine still works there.

Still waiting patiently for 4G LTE, but glad I can get Wimax at work, at least!

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I've only been a Sprint customer since February 20, 2011. I was with at&t before that. I started with cingular in may 2002. Haven't been able to keep my hands off a phone since then, lol.

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I have been with sprint since Feb. 2002, so its been 10 years and counting. My first carrier was bellsouth mobility who got bought out by cingular who then got bought out by att. Sprint has been wonderful for the most part even though I have been growing ever impatient with sprint's 3g woes. Anyway, this site is amazing and the information provided here makes it a little easier for me to be a sprint customer just a little bit longer.

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I have been with sprint since Feb. 2002' date=' so its been 10 years and counting. My first carrier was bellsouth mobility who got bought out by cingular who then got bought out by att. Sprint has been wonderful for the most part even though I have been growing ever impatient with sprint's 3g woes. Anyway, this site is amazing and the information provided here makes it a little easier for me to be a sprint customer just a little bit longer.[/quote']


I'm glad you find us helpful. We have a great group of members here too. Hope to see you around S4GRU.


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Been with Sprint since June 2007. I hopped onto Sprint from Tmobile because of the SERO plan and couldn't imagine at the time of using a smartphone which was bulky to carry around and using internet on my phone.

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I remember my first smart phone. The HTC 6700. I've had at least 12 different HTC smart phones in my life time lol. Broken at least 20 screens too haha. *sigh* so much money blown on phones. :(


The Android Strikes Back 4G

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Since 1993! With s4gru 30 minutes. :rolleyes:


Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk


:welcome: to S4GRU.


S4GRU is now mobile...posted via Forum Runner

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