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NYC LTE updates?


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I can confirm this. Well, not can, I am confirming this.


I sent Robert a PM incase he missed this thread. Hopefully he can compare the permissions on the forums we've found it to be working with everything else.

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I sent Robert a PM incase he missed this thread. Hopefully he can compare the permissions on the forums we've found it to be working with everything else.


I will check it all out the next time I get in front of a computer. Thanks.


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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I think that may be the reason Robert sees it and others don't.


As for the NY thread' date=' well Robert has mentioned that the reports coming for NYC are slow, but that does not mean work isn't being done here in the city.


As for NY'rs hating sprint, I've always have advocated sprint and have no issues whatsoever with their service, signal, plans etc.

And while its true that my main line is now on AT&T its only because Sprint doesn't have the Note. Even with the Note, on AT7T, i keep it connected to my Sprint Tri-Fi.


Once LTE comes to the city, not only will this thread pick up but you will see quite a few folks coming back to Sprint from the other carriers that are gauging their customers left.



I'm with u on this.

I'm on sprint with 3 lines for the past 6 years and ain't planning to leave.


Service and technology is like money, it comes and goes. For a little while new York had prime sprint service through 4g, Which is still really good. And now it our turn to wait a little. But in a little while with hd voice ...... We will be ontop again.


Even now with NV I have the evo lte and I get 2mb down on 3g.


As far what you answered about Robert, I didn't have any complaints on him. I think he is doing a great fantastic job. All I was saying is that I wonder why their isn't so many New Yorkers blogging and searching to fulfill their thirst of 4g knowledge

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I am a new yorker and I am a sponsor here and I constantly leave messages in other forums but the reason I don't comment much on 4G LTE is because I have an iPhone 4S and it's only 3G so all I care about right now is improved 3G speeds that NV will bring.


I am not eligible for an upgrade until July 2013 so by then I won't have to worry about searching for 4G LTE because i'm sure it'll be fully implemented in NYC and also, i'll be able to get the new iPhone with 4G LTE.


I don't have any complains regarding the NYC market when it comes to signal strength. I have full service everywhere. Data speeds could be improved in certain areas. In certain areas of NYC I get up to 1.4mbps down and .90-1.00mbps up and in other areas I get .10-.25mbps down and .60mbps up.


My area had get great 3G speeds but lately they've been slowing down too much. Luckily for me, I use wi-fi when i'm at home but I don't plan on leaving Sprint.

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In the NYC market, Sprint is not reporting any of the NV complete sites yet are broadcasting LTE. However, we did receive a report that a member was able to connect to LTE in the Jersey cluster around Freehold/Marlboro.


Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner


I can confirm 4g light turned on in South Old Bridge, NJ area. In the Foxboro neighborhood, which is located next to Marlboro, NJ.

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Looks like New yorkers don't like sprint...... Lol. With the improved speeds you are seeing I would guess its NV.


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


LOL...I like Sprint! Though technically I'm from Jersey

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I too am waiting patiently for upgraded 3G service, only because 4G coverage is iffy once you're mobile. I stream Pandora a lot (walking to Port Authority daily, driving through tunnel, etc.) and 3G is good enough to stream at standard quality. The one benefit to NV that not many people talk about is the enhanced 3G, which will benefit all of us immediately. Even if the LTE equipment is installed and blocked, we'll all get the 3G benefits.

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As far what you answered about Robert, I didn't have any complaints on him. I think he is doing a great fantastic job. All I was saying is that I wonder why their isn't so many New Yorkers blogging and searching to fulfill their thirst of 4g knowledge

Who's complaining (about Robert)? I don't think anyone is. :scratch:
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NY will be lit up like a Xmas tree when it is all said and done. I believe this is the proper time to be on Sprint, and in the future many will come before they try to go the way of the competitor and nickle and dime us. Sprint was better in the beginning when they let you buy a phone and had a discount for no contract. No matter what carriers tell you they are not losing money on phones in my opinion. iPhone cost about 60.00 to manufacture and carriers may pay Apple a fee for profits remember the cost is no more than 60.00. That said if we buy a phone straight out they still lock us into a 2 year contract shows that they are just greedy, and at this point Sprint is the lesser of those greedy carriers, and that's why I am here. I get service every where I have been from Massachusetts to Florida no dropped calls when driving!


SGIII, EVO 4GLTE or Nexus 3is all I want for the NY Xmas tree lighting lol.

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Interesting, I just tried again.

On xda it gives me the option and on S4GRU it only gives me send or cancel.

I'll try to reinstall it or if not ill try the link option.

I tried the same thing and I got the attachment option on xda but I don't get it here. Perhaps it is a permissions issue. Since Robert is an administrator his permissions level on the forum side allows attachments via this interface.

I think that may be the reason Robert sees it and others don't.

I randomly get the attachment button in forum runner pro, haven't figured out the trick yet


Edit in: it has to be a permission thing. I have the attachment button in Interactive Maps and Sponsor forums, but no where else that I've spot checked.


Robert can you comment?


OK, I have scoured through the permissions. For some reason, "Upload" was only checked as permissible for members in two forums. Now all the forums have been selected. However, they were all already checked for Moderators.


If someone can confirm if they are able to see the attachment button in other forums now, that would be great. Thanks!



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I am a new yorker and I am a sponsor here and I constantly leave messages in other forums but the reason I don't comment much on 4G LTE is because I have an iPhone 4S and it's only 3G so all I care about right now is improved 3G speeds that NV will bring.


I am not eligible for an upgrade until July 2013 so by then I won't have to worry about searching for 4G LTE because i'm sure it'll be fully implemented in NYC and also, i'll be able to get the new iPhone with 4G LTE.


I don't have any complains regarding the NYC market when it comes to signal strength. I have full service everywhere. Data speeds could be improved in certain areas. In certain areas of NYC I get up to 1.4mbps down and .90-1.00mbps up and in other areas I get .10-.25mbps down and .60mbps up.


My area had get great 3G speeds but lately they've been slowing down too much. Luckily for me, I use wi-fi when i'm at home but I don't plan on leaving Sprint.



I never have a problem as far as signal, but 3g speeds is another story..... I switched from a wimax phone to the EvoLTE and would love to see some LTE love soon

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hey folks, I'm a new poster here though I have lurked for a while. once I saw this thread, I really had to (finally) register and respond.


I've been a Sprint customer since 2003, living in New York City for most of that time. Sprint's voice coverage has always been fine in metro areas and it's in far less densely populated regions where (not surprisingly) voice coverage is poor. This, however, is not the reason I'm on the verge of leaving Sprint. Since buying the Palm Pre on release day, my Sprint usage has overwhelmingly been for data. I seldom use more than 100-150 minutes of talk time per month. My data, on the other hand, was commonly from 1-1.5 GB. In the past year or so, Sprint's data coverage in my neighborhood, Morningside Heights, has become a total disaster. My 3G speeds are typically beween 0.1-0.4 Mbps up and down. 4G barely ever connects and when it does it's slow and usually drops out after a few minutes.


I've literally plagued Sprint with phone calls about this for the past 12 months and it took about 10 months before Sprint dropped the pat response of, "I'm looking at the map and you're in a great coverage area!" They finally admitted that they're woefully over capacity up here and that there simply isn't adequate data for customers. What bothers me is that Sprint consistently tells me the problem is "being fixed" and provides expected completion dates. Not surprisingly, these dates come and go with no improvement whatsoever. In fact, data has only worsened in the last few months. Friends of mine who are Verizon and AT&T customers come into this neighborhood and can pull 3G download speeds in excess of 1.5-2 Mbps. If any of my Sprint friends are here, their speeds top out at 0.3-0.4. For those of us with Sprint, our 4G speeds in the neighborhood are actually slower than the other carrier's 3G service.


Obviously, other parts of the city have considerably better data than we get up here, but I've been pretty carefully monitoring 3G and 4G in most of the city for the last year and in that time speeds have consistently diminished. In the Union Square area, I could hit 0.8-1.1 Mbps consistently with 3G. Now, I'm hard-pressed to get 0.5 with any regularity. There are pockets all over the city where 3G drops out entirely and only 1X is available.


Anyway, I'm of the opinion that Sprint has received more than enough of money in the past 10 years. A somewhat competent person at Sprint has said that LTE should be available in NYC by October of this year. They're getting until then to show some improvement or I'm gone. I'm tired of having a smartphone that I can't use where I live.

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I'm tired of having a smartphone that I can't use where I live.


I hear you, I have always been less concerned with data at home because I use Wi-Fi, but when I leave the house, I expect to be able to use data.


That said, I expect people not to turn this into a rant thread. New York's rollout of LTE is progressing, however, slowly. It should start kicking into gear soon.

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New York's rollout of LTE is progressing, however, slowly. It should start kicking into gear soon.


is there any indication of when customers can expect the service to be available here? the woman I spoke with in Sprint tech support - who seemed about as competent as anyone I've spoken to at Sprint - said October was likely but it's hard to know whether she was just being optimistic.

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is there any indication of when customers can expect the service to be available here? the woman I spoke with in Sprint tech support - who seemed about as competent as anyone I've spoken to at Sprint - said October was likely but it's hard to know whether she was just being optimistic.


It depends on how soon they stop blocking access to the newly upgraded towers. I'm not sure when they will stop blocking LTE access. Could be blocking until the market "launches" which could leave NYC in the August or later timeframe, or once the Evo LTE connectivity problems are cleared up which could potentially open up some sites right away. I think October would be closer to the finish of the market, although there is a ton of towers in NYC...


Not doing a pledge drive here, but if you become a premium sponsor to the site, you would have access to an interactive map that shows the expected on-air date of all the Sprint towers in your market.

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It depends on how soon they stop blocking access to the newly upgraded towers. I'm not sure when they will stop blocking LTE access. Could be blocking until the market "launches" which could leave NYC in the August or later timeframe, or once the Evo LTE connectivity problems are cleared up which could potentially open up some sites right away. I think October would be closer to the finish of the market, although there is a ton of towers in NYC...


Not doing a pledge drive here, but if you become a premium sponsor to the site, you would have access to an interactive map that shows the expected on-air date of all the Sprint towers in your market.


thanks for the info. honestly, if you were in my position, what would you do? I'm not eager to change carriers and I'm hopeful that NV will offer significant improvements, but it's been so hard to justify the checks I've written to Sprint over the past few years.

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thanks for the info. honestly, if you were in my position, what would you do? I'm not eager to change carriers and I'm hopeful that NV will offer significant improvements, but it's been so hard to justify the checks I've written to Sprint over the past few years.


Well, I guess it depends on how often you are covered by Wi-Fi. If you can make it through a good portion of the day on Wi-Fi, you could probably limp it out for a few months... You might get lucky and have the towers in your area be some of the first to be upgraded.


Or you could go to another carrier and potentially have better data speeds, but also have to deal with tiered data or unlimited but throttled. Plus it could potentially cost more monthly and after a couple months see NYC lit up with Sprint LTE and get some buyers remorse. There is something to be said for longevity with your carrier when working with customer service. If you are brand new, they don't know if they can trust you, but a customer of 10+ years, they have a feeling that they can trust you.

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We will have a NYC Network Vision schedule update tomorrow or Friday. Stay tuned to S4GRU.com.



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thanks for the info. honestly, if you were in my position, what would you do? I'm not eager to change carriers and I'm hopeful that NV will offer significant improvements, but it's been so hard to justify the checks I've written to Sprint over the past few years.

i would open the window and take a deep breath and scream out "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore"




Other than that, I feel for you. I've been to Morningside Heights and that whole area is so iffy. between the two parks on boths sides and Columbia University it seems that signals just go into a Bermuda triangle type wormhole. I've noticed the same phenomena around City College a few blocks up from that area.

I guess you can complain to Sprint and ask to see if they can give you an Airwave for free, since a few folks have gotten them when their signal are really bad. But that only takes care of the 3g signal and only at home. While traveling it won't help.


For traveling maybe a personal hotspot, (I have the Tri-Fi one and I get a good signal in the city. I even keep my AT&T Note connected to it). But that might be too expensive having two devices too lug around.



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thanks for the info. honestly, if you were in my position, what would you do? I'm not eager to change carriers and I'm hopeful that NV will offer significant improvements, but it's been so hard to justify the checks I've written to Sprint over the past few years.


I live in Jersey, and am in NYC all the time (girlfriend lives in Queens), and can relate to the poor signal and data speeds in NYC. I'm riding it out, not just because I'm a Sprint Employee, but because I know the changes are coming.


Unless your service has degraded to a point where it is unusable, I'd stick it out. Like someone else mentioned, do you have access to WIFI for data?

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