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Network Vision/LTE - Chicago Market


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We can maybe get Sprint executives involved because B26 should have cleaned up all the 3G pockets. We need more information to see if it can be fixed before doing so. In those 3G pockets, any confirmed B26 from same site or nearby sites?

Email jerry.williams@sprint.com


I wouldn't be surprised if he got back to you immediately. This type of issue is not acceptable for a market like Chicago.



Sent from my iPhone 6 using Crapatalk

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We can maybe get Sprint executives involved because B26 should have cleaned up all the 3G pockets. We need more information to see if it can be fixed before doing so. In those 3G pockets, any confirmed B26 from same site or nearby sites?

Indeed. I think our market is at a point now where if you aren't getting band 26 from your closest site, you'll get it from the next. It's pretty widespread, and I'd say near 100% of the towers. I've been to every corner of this market and in between several times since March, and I've yet to not find band 26. It is possibly the phones. If signal on pcs is fading away, why isn't there an instruction to scan for 26? If you're on a very weak 25 signal and initiate a data transfer, why does it sit there and suffer when it would get better results from 26, usually falling on its face before grabbing 3G? Here's another nearly a year observation of mine, and it may be the sites are configured wrong: when sprints pcs block signal is getting low, i almost always see my phone jump to the former U.S. Cellular spectrum, which tends to be about 2-3dbm stronger on every site. It's almost always a scenario where it needs 26, and not a slightly stronger 25 carrier. That jump to the usc spectrum happens flawlessly. Maybe they're setup to grab the next carrier card slot on low signal, and that usc card is there, whereas other markets have 26 in that slot? I'm just a user and not a network technician, so maybe I'm way off.



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Email jerry.williams@sprint.com


I wouldn't be surprised if he got back to you immediately. This type of issue is not acceptable for a market like Chicago.



Sent from my iPhone 6 using Crapatalk


We can get John Saw involved that is if his team cannot resolve it.

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Move to Sponsors thread.

Site ids might be tough because of not being sure what site serves an area. How about sponsor map screen shots with something drawn on the map? If there's a way to see if we've even had an optimization team come through here, I'd love to know.



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If signal on pcs is fading away, why isn't there an instruction to scan for 26? If you're on a very weak 25 signal and initiate a data transfer, why does it sit there and suffer when it would get better results from 26, usually falling on its face before grabbing 3G?

I think I read that once your B25 signal gets to -105 or less, the phone should begin scanning for B26 (although not necessarily connecting to it, based on the load on each at that time), as evidenced by "duplicate" PCIs (which in Samsung markets should be the same for all carriers on all 3 bands from a given sector) populating in SCP's neighbor cell list.


My phone can't read GCIs yet, so I can't second your observations that the PCS B block carrier is consistently stronger than the original G block carrier, but you might be on to something if that is the case. If it jumps down to the B block carrier (which should really only be happening due to load balancing, not because the signal is better), then that might preclude the phone doing another scan almost immediately afterwards for B26. Theoretically, the B block carrier should propagate slightly better since it's on a slightly lower frequency, but the difference is negligible on paper and should not be noticed in the real-world. If it is, then the site is misconfigured.


In areas where this is a problem, how does a tri-band device behave if it's set to LTE-only mode? Is the B25-to-B26 handoff still broken to the point that it'll lose connection entirely for a minute once B25 is lost until it does another scan and picks up B26? Does the reverse B26-to-B25 handoff, or B26-to-B41, work correctly in these areas?

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I think I read that once your B25 signal gets to -105 or less, the phone should begin scanning for B26 (although not necessarily connecting to it, based on the load on each at that time), as evidenced by "duplicate" PCIs (which in Samsung markets should be the same for all carriers on all 3 bands from a given sector) populating in SCP's neighbor cell list.


My phone can't read GCIs yet, so I can't second your observations that the PCS B block carrier is consistently stronger than the original G block carrier, but you might be on to something if that is the case. If it jumps down to the B block carrier (which should really only be happening due to load balancing, not because the signal is better), then that might preclude the phone doing another scan almost immediately afterwards for B26. Theoretically, the B block carrier should propagate slightly better since it's on a slightly lower frequency, but the difference is negligible on paper and should not be noticed in the real-world. If it is, then the site is misconfigured.


In areas where this is a problem, how does a tri-band device behave if it's set to LTE-only mode? Is the B25-to-B26 handoff still broken to the point that it'll lose connection entirely for a minute once B25 is lost until it does another scan and picks up B26? Does the reverse B26-to-B25 handoff, or B26-to-B41, work correctly in these areas?

Here's an example: right now from my couch, pcs-G is at -97dbm, pcs-B is at -92dbm, and band 26 is at -85dbm. I always see B being higher than G daily. And with a signal -12dbm better than band 25, could that indicate my local site is optimized?



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Yeah, downtown Crystal Lake is a perfect storm. There really aren't any nearby towers and old brick buildings with possibly metal lathed plaster everywhere. My favorite restaurant Dukes is the same way.


What signal did you get roaming?


Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk

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Yeah, downtown Crystal Lake is a perfect storm. There really aren't any nearby towers and old brick buildings with possibly metal lathed plaster everywhere. My favorite restaurant Dukes is the same way.


What signal did you get roaming?


Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk

I didn't check field test but on my iPhone I had 4/5 bars. Likely VZW on the antenna by the tracks.. Colocated with a WiMAX tower.. That's not B41 or colocated... Take a hint Marcelo!! [emoji20]



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I didn't check field test but on my iPhone I had 4/5 bars. Likely VZW on the antenna by the tracks.. Colocated with a WiMAX tower.. That's not B41 or colocated... Take a hint Marcelo!! [emoji20]



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I am sure they will be putting up 8t8r where the wimax is, so I wouldn't be surprised if they do a whole network vision setup on it or at least a small cell.  Considering chicago is a focus city and they will be working on small cells along with 8t8r :D

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Here's an example: right now from my couch, pcs-G is at -97dbm, pcs-B is at -92dbm, and band 26 is at -85dbm. I always see B being higher than G daily. And with a signal -12dbm better than band 25, could that indicate my local site is optimized?

Based on those numbers, I'd say yes. I believe that an optimized B26 signal is typically 8-15 dB higher than the B25 signal. As far as PCS goes...



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  • 2 weeks later...

Had Pretty decent LTE service at the base of the tower. But driving in Burlington didn't really seem better.  I forgot to check if the meter was running. I think its still being worked on. That tower was sorely needed and its really good to see Sprint adding additional towers to some very sore points.   Here's to hope they also use the US Cell tower half a mile from me in Marengo. Service Sucks in and around my house and Att wont give me better the 3megs on Dsl.   :)



Is this site live yet, or still under construction?

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Had Pretty decent LTE service at the base of the tower. But driving in Burlington didn't really seem better.  I forgot to check if the meter was running. I think its still being worked on. That tower was sorely needed and its really good to see Sprint adding additional towers to some very sore points.   Here's to hope they also use the US Cell tower half a mile from me in Marengo. Service Sucks in and around my house and Att wont give me better the 3megs on Dsl.   :)



You should have full strength/bars if you right by the base of the tower, sounds like it isn't turned on yet. Either way, It will be nice to have when turned on. It should help out with coverage in hampshire too :). Let me know when it is turned on, I will add it to the premier map :D. On a funny note, I was looking at sprint coverage the other day and was like. They really need to fix that hole in coverage in burlington and hampshire. Well They are :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

A new site directly to band 41? That's nice to see. Maybe they're the norm these days, but I've yet to see one.



Sent from my iPhone 6+

Yea! All new sites will have 800/1900 antenna and a TDD 2600 band 41 antenna for every new site :D, I found another uscc converted site in Hampshire last night. For premier members, This one and new site in Hampshire are on the maps already in the premier section. I know we don't have as many people as we use to, who come on the Chicago boards. But Chicago market is becoming a fun one to watch all the new progress :D

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Oh wow, Good Job.  If Sprint Takes over most of the Uscc towers in northern IL.,  Network would be bullet proof..  


Update: Looking at Google Map again it looks like the Container has been there for a while.  Not sure when its dated. But I doubt I'm that lucky for Sprint to use that tower.   




If you ever make it to Marengo, Check on a tower for me.   Last time I was there I saw a big storage container a lil away from the Uscc tower. Didn't see any work being done. Didn't know if it belong to the owner of the house or what.  But would be a perfect location to add service. I live 5 minutes from there but currently in AZ and have no idea when I'll be back home.  Link is below if you have time...    





Yea! All new sites will have 800/1900 antenna and a TDD 2600 band 41 antenna for every new site :D, I found another uscc converted site in Hampshire last night. For premier members, This one and new site in Hampshire are on the maps already in the premier section. I know we don't have as many people as we use to, who come on the Chicago boards. But Chicago market is becoming a fun one to watch all the new progress :D

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