Dave Yeager S4GRU/T5GRU Monday, October 17, 2022 - 10:00 AM PDT
In T-Mobile Goes Deeper & Wider in 2.5GHz Holdings - FCC Auction 108 Results and Impact we discussed the white space T-Mobile won. We also noted how the complexity of 2.5 GHz (band 41) kept other major carriers from competing, a true barrier to entry in strategic terms. Now we will get you
Dave Yeager S4GRU/T5GRU Thursday, October 13, 2022 - 1:20 PM PDT
In T-Mobile Goes Deeper & Wider in 2.5GHz Holdings - FCC Auction 108 Results and Impact we discussed the white space T-Mobile won. We also noted how the complexity of 2.5 GHz (band 41) kept other major carriers from competing, a true barrier to entry in strategic terms. Now we will get yo
Dave Yeager S4GRU/T5GRU Tuesday, October 11, 2022 - 8:20 AM PDT
T-Mobile asked for Special Temporary Authority to enhance capacity in 5g 2.5 GHz band 41 after the FCC extended the final payment deadline for auction 108 payments due to hurricanes. As noted in T-Mobile Goes Deeper & Wider in 2.5GHz Holdings - FCC Auction 108 Results and Impact, "T-Mobile up
Dave Yeager S4GRU/T5GRU Friday, September 23, 2022 - 3:20 PM PDT
Source: www.sashajavid.com/Auction108_TMobile_Final_Demand_Round73.png Click for interactive map covering all auction areas. (May take a few minutes to fully load, PC or tablet recommended)
The very favorable FCC Auction 108 for 2.5GHz ED results shown above should allow T-Mobile to immensely expand its rural market share, currently around 13%. The merger alone dramatically increased the number of T-Mobi
Normally the licenses with the overlapping geographic service areas "split the football" by straight line of the intersection area of the two radius circle areas for just the shared frequencies. However private deals between the parties are also possible, and have been encouraged by the FCC in some situations when the service areas overlap by more than 50%. The special conditions section on the admin page of the NW Spectrum leases can be said to support this: "This spectrum lease does not incl
My only question is what happens when EBS licenses overlap? Do we know how it's determined who uses what and where? For example in NYC, NW Spectrum (NextWave) has two leases that apply to 2624-2640.5MHz covering all of NYC but T-Mobile also leases that same slice of EBS from someone else that covers most of NYC, but not all.
Check it out here:
NW Spectrum: https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/leaseMap.jsp?licKey=4113406&parentKey=null
NW Spectrum: https://wireless2.fc
Have you seen any good speeds on b13 last time I tested it it was super slow only b25 and b41 got some speed and I wasn't in a urban area so it shouldn't be as congested but each time I connected to b13 the speedtest wouldn't run