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Determining T-Mobile 2.5GHz Band 41 in Your County - Traditional Licenses

Dave Yeager  S4GRU/T5GRU  Monday, October 17, 2022 - 10:00 AM PDT                                                                                                                               . In T-Mobile Goes Deeper & Wider in 2.5GHz Holdings - FCC Auction 108 Results and Impact we discussed the white space T-Mobile won.  We also noted how the complexity of 2.5 GHz (band 41) kept other major carriers from competing, a true barrier to entry in strategic terms.  Now we will get you


dkyeager in The Wall

Determining T-Mobile 2.5GHz Band 41 in Your County - Whitespace Licenses

Dave Yeager  S4GRU/T5GRU  Thursday, October 13, 2022 - 1:20 PM PDT                                                                                                                               . In T-Mobile Goes Deeper & Wider in 2.5GHz Holdings - FCC Auction 108 Results and Impact we discussed the white space T-Mobile won.  We also noted how the complexity of 2.5 GHz (band 41) kept other major carriers from competing, a true barrier to entry in strategic terms.  Now we will get yo


dkyeager in The Wall

Priority Counties for T-Mobile 2.5GHz Band 41 Enhanced Capacity

Dave Yeager  S4GRU/T5GRU  Tuesday, October 11, 2022 - 8:20 AM PDT                                                                                                                               . T-Mobile asked for Special Temporary Authority to enhance capacity in 5g 2.5 GHz band 41 after the  FCC extended the final payment deadline for auction 108 payments due to hurricanes.  As noted in T-Mobile Goes Deeper & Wider in 2.5GHz Holdings - FCC Auction 108 Results and Impact, "T-Mobile up


dkyeager in The Wall

T-Mobile Goes Deeper & Wider in 2.5GHz Holdings - FCC Auction 108 Results and Impact

Dave Yeager  S4GRU/T5GRU  Friday, September 23, 2022 - 3:20 PM PDT   Source: www.sashajavid.com/Auction108_TMobile_Final_Demand_Round73.png  Click for interactive map covering all auction areas. (May take a few minutes to fully load, PC or tablet recommended)   The very favorable FCC Auction 108 for 2.5GHz ED results shown above should allow T-Mobile to immensely expand its rural market share, currently around 13%.  The merger alone dramatically increased the number of T-Mobi


dkyeager in The Wall

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