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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. They look like Water tanks. lol (joking about the water tanks) actually the panels are all over the place on roofs of buildings, side of buildings and some on free standing poles here in the city. That's how I seen a few in Hawaii. TS
  2. i keep seeing him dropping his cigarette and causes a massive wildfire. That's MI03XC001 right off the Turnpike. See Map To the east of Princeton. TS
  3. Well, it seems another week there is another Samsung event. We have August 29 for the Galaxy Note 2, August 15th for the Galaxy Note 10.1 and now comes word of another one for August 22nd. This one for something cool that would be showcased for both Virgin and Boost mobile. So members, shoot away your thought, predictions of what device this event could be showcasing. My take is that it can't be a Galaxy S3 or dare I say it the Galaxy Note version 1, since both are LTE. Virgin will be offering 4G devices starting in June but its the Wimax flavor not LTE so those two devices are out of the equation. So what can it be...Shoot away your thoughts. TS
  4. Considering that Alcatel/Lucent is doing the same thing in the northeast, as mentioned in the other thread. It good seeing Samsung doing this as well. I wouldn't doubt Ericcson will join as well. Speaking of which, has anyone have a picture or a rendering of what it would look like having one of these tiny cell gear mounted on a lamp post/street signs as mentioned in this article? TS
  5. I agree, any future posts about discounts will be removed. TS
  6. Phonescoop indicates in its article that the Sprint 2013 roadmap is all but finalized, but there really wasn't any mention of what these devices are or their names. They did mention a new iPhone 5 (duh, like that was any surprise) what was surprising was to read about was the Linux-based platform from Samsung/Intel called Tizen. TS
  7. Quite understandable. and usually the spouse wins lol Good luck and congrats on the mini MadFelon. TS
  8. in Wallowa National Forest? thats the only thing i see in that area you describe. Or are you talking about Clarkston Wash? Or Wala Walla, Oregon? I see one tower on NFD road in the Park but that's not due to go LTE until late 2013 (as per the Premier Sponsors map) maybe Rob has newer data. TS
  9. AARRRGGGHHHH that word. The day that BGR started using that phrase i cringed. Now everyone is using it. They was the first to use that term and they also questioned as to why anyone would want such a beast. I guess the millions sold told them why. The way i see it, the evolution of the mobile phone has jumped from just being a small talking device to being a mini computer, allowing one to do so many things that a regular mobile phone ever wish it could do. naturally one wants to do and see more on their device thus bigger screen sizes throughout the years. Even Apple is starting to see the light of bigger screens. But call it what it is a hybrid a mini tablet, but phablet. yuck But alas, that word will eventually end up in Websters dictionary. As for the sizes in general, the Galaxy S3 is 4.8, (pretty big compared to phones a few years back) the Note is 5.3, just about right for a mini tablet and the new Note will be 5.8 (getting close to being too big, but isn't fatter, so still okay), But regardless of those three, a Nexus 7, or any of the other 7" tablets are just that mini tablets themselves. Anything over 7 is a tablet. maybe one day Apple will make a 10"+ tablet and call it a maxiPad and patent that name as well. I can see myself walking around with 5" mini tablet/hybrid and still be able to use one hand and one that doubles as a phone. Walking with a 7-8 inch tablet is pushing it but need two hands and 9" and above simply is too distracting to walk with as well as being too big. They are good while stationary but I'm too mobile. TS
  10. The Lenovo Thinkpad Windows 8 tablet looks promising. I have the previous Android version and I like it. the stylus is awesome and i can do so much with it than a regular tablet. but the Windows 8 version soon to come out has the added benefit (for some) of having the windows environment. Being that I love my smaller Galaxy Note, the Samsung 10.1 inch one from what I'm seeing is going to be a very nice contender (at least in the Android version) compared to the other stylus tablets out there (HTC Jetstream, Moto xyboards etc). Hopefully they price these new tablets well. TS
  11. So either its a XXXL HTC One or a mini Flyer. Either way , i look forward to see what it offers. TS
  12. As much as i am a fan of Android/Google/Samsung I cannot totally dismiss Apple's claims. To say its childish for them to sue Samsung can also be said the other way around. Even though i wouldn't use the word childish. More at fault is the Patent Office, that allows to give out patents for stuff that just doesn't seem patentable. Especially to items, objects that seem to be used everyday everywhere. TS
  13. I agree, but the time-frame may be a bit later than 2014, probably 2016.
  14. Considering that in one of your past posts you said you could live with that and trying to convince the wife to stick it out so you can use all the data you want, what has changed now? Chicago is pretty big urban area and it will take some time to get everything up and running. TS
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