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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. The WSJ has made numerous blunders on articles, statements and rumors. Shoot, the WSJ was the one that said one of their sources claimed that the Galaxy Note was coming to Sprint, & Verizon back in Dec 2010 as the Journal. yeah that came out to be true. There are so many out there that want Sprint to fail that they will go out and spew crap hidden behind the veil of journalism. TS
  2. Pretty cool of them to exchange it for a S3. TS
  3. Thanks for making me spill my coffee. lol Wow those speeds are impressive. TS
  4. Dailywireless.org has an article on the Wells Fargo Investor event and has provided a few videos worth looking at. TS
  5. Yeah I read an article on that this morning and retweeted. As well as this one. I see Apple using this to try to force the other manufacturers to change their design and if the court system agrees it may be a disaster. And although I've seen the scroll indicator before on WinMo phones way before the iPhone, somehow someway they got the patent. And not to mention computers themselves. Seriously, It truly is getting out of hand. Google seriously needs to start going for their throat. TS
  6. I'm curious, the image shows Enable LTE Mode, Enable CDMA Mode and Enable GLOBAL Mode. I assume Global mode is for both or is that for something else? TS
  7. i agree and with that, I am closing this thread. Both sides have voiced their opinions on the original topic and before it gets further heated, I rather just nip it in the butt. TS
  8. Actually my exact words were that that area where he lives in (Morningside Heights near Columbia University) "is iffy", not that it will always be bad. Although in retrospect i guess my use of the word iffy could be construed as bad. But I do believe with NV, that all areas in NYC will greatly improve. The site here has greatly expanded my knowledge of how and why things work as they do (although don't expect me to repeat what I learned, cause i know I'll mess it up) and knowing the work that is being undertaken by Sprint to enhance the network gives me very high hopes not only in its future outlook but to the sanity of all those that are experiencing connection issues throughout the network. And while it is easy to say to others "please be patient, good things are coming", I can understand the frustration with those that can't. TS
  9. I sense you are holding back Robert, don't hold it in, let it out man, let it all out. All joking aside, I agree with the article. TS
  10. Penis Balloon TS out (trying to get that image out of my head now)
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