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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. I end up using my Note with my Tri-Fi hotspot more than anything. AT&T usage get all used up in no time flat. Can't wait for ti to be on sprint. TS
  2. Not really, I could have continued with Fraiche Yogurt, or Fraiche menus et etc, anyway... Creme cupcakes
  3. It seems like a never ending soap opera that the story-line just gets rehashed with different characters. case in point. I find it ironic that on this day, August 6, back in 1997 at MacWorld Boston Steve Jobs broke the news that one of their partners was helping them get back on track.The very same partner which was in a tough patent legal dispute with them. That partner was Microsoft, Up to that point who would have thought both would be joining hands singing. What I found most interesting were the few opening points remarks made by Steve Jobs himself in the video. "Apple lives in an eco-system, and it needs help from other partners, it needs to help other partners, and relationships that are destructive don't help anybody in this industry as it is today. So during the last several weeks, we have looked at some of the relationships and one had stood out as a relationship that hasn't been going so well but has the potential to be great for both companies." Then he mentions Microsoft, gasps from the audience. "I would like to take you through this. The discussions actually began because there was some patent disputes and rather than repeating history, I am extremely proud of both companies that they have resolved these differences in a very professional way." Going forward to 2012, with Apple and Samsung (both partners and having to rely on each other) and now in a patent dispute but this time around there isn't any resolve. I honestly believe they both need each other. The patent system should be overhauled and both parties agree to share their patents much like what Apple and Microsoft did back then. My take on the Apple vs Samsung courtroom drama. No matter who wins this round, both sides lose as well as the consumer. TS
  4. LMAO maybe they should put 4 more smaller towers 2 on each side and give everyone the finger. lol TS
  5. i am no expert in this, but seriously, if Apple were to buy Sprint for whatever price (I think AJ mentioned no less than 29B), that would not be an investment for Apple. The iPhone line is only but a small portion of all the other phones and devices that Sprint offers. What would happen with those devices. If anything, the one that would and could possibly buy Sprint would be the one company that just recently mentioned that they always wanted to be in the hardware business. and that company is Google. They already have ventured out by buying Motorola and now have cable service out in Kansas. By buying Sprint they will have the last remaining piece of the puzzle. Android OS, Google TV, cable service, a phone hardware division, and a cellular mobile network. it may not be today or tomorrow, but I sense it will happen. TS
  6. With the date getting so close for the device to be announced, I wonder if the carriers already bid on obtaining the device or is that done after an announcement. If it is before and Sprint is one of the ones getting the Note 2, then it probably is in the testing phase. Either way, i think I am going to try to limit myself from getting my hopes up. But the curiosity of what the new Note will look like or its internals is killing me. TS
  7. You know I can't find that damn ring. Probably in the drawer somewhere. Anyway... Yeah it does work. (Using a Motorola Photon as an example) sorry no iPhone. lol Package next to Motorola Photon............iPlunge next to the Motorola Photon............ Placement of the iPlunge damn, the iPlunge is actually strong........Side view of iPlunge at work TS out
  8. This is true, in fact if Wall Street is any indication, Sprint is on the right track. Not only in Chicago but everywhere Sprint offers service. Correct, New York is. MUWHAHAHAHAHA All joking aside, it takes time to build out a network with a vision as big as Network Vision and we are just starting to see the tiny seeds breaking the surface. TS
  9. Between this and Schweddy Balls. I can't stop laughing. I just might get this, shoot, if i got the iPlunge (below) why not get this. lol more pics here. lol TS
  10. I have it for a while now and I love it. It gets a better signal than my Photon and the EVO before it. The only issue with the device for me is that it will continue to update its prl and search for a LTE signal every once in a while. When it does that it stops transmitting but it only lasts for about a few seconds. I actually use my AT&T note with it and my laptop. I didn't get the cradle since it looks way too big, but I just might since it's currently just laying on its back and I like for it to be more upright so I can see the screen. TS
  11. My Sig, my Phones. TS
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