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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. hmmm i got prime and i only see it for 61.73 where does on get it for $50
  2. lol that sounds like the AT&T store near my job. lol Usually but not always i use Sprint online, twice at at Corp Sprint store and once at a best buy and once at a Radio Shack. I may try amazon in the future if I see a better deal but most likely will still deal with Corp. TS
  3. Speaking of such things, whatever happen with Samsung hiring Steve Kondik. has anything beared fruit from that hiring? As much as i like CyanogenMod, it seems that most of the phones I've bought just can't use their roms. Something is always not working like I lose 4G, or the camera isn't working well etc etc. TS
  4. I think this image below actually shows what it may look like and compared to the 1st generation Note. They took the digitizer photo that was posted on the web this week and did this side by side. here is a preview Source: versusio TS
  5. At the NYC event, I tested it and the call quality was superb. Noise cancellation at its best. Super clear call, But if I remember correctly it could only be used between two EVO LTE devices. TS
  6. Nice phone overall, but (you knew it was coming) The part that bothers me, and not only for this phone or this manufacturer but numerous others, is that you have a good thing going and then out of the blue you change it to something totally different that really does not make it a followup to the previous model. Case in point. This device now has a keyboard. ok good, great for those that wanted the Photon to have one. But the previous device did not. It is now the only high end Android World phone on the Now network. What Moto should have done was to make two follow ups, one with a keyboard and one without. But noooooo. Another case in point... Lenovo in their ultimate wisdom, updates their Android Thinkpad tablet with a Windows version. Really. The list goes on. I'm all for improving devices and thinking out of the box, but those two are thinking on another planet. TS
  7. I think it has to do with all the talk of Sprint lately from numerous sources within the last few days/week. Investors are noticing the trend and those that didn't jump when the stock was lower are now doing so. Nice seeing this trend. Go Sprint. TS
  8. How the hell did that jump happen? anyway... Finger Porn TS
  9. In the How a Sprint Phone is born thread, the link takes you to the phonescoop article. In that article they showcase a Sprint roadmap shown in this re-post. You clearly see that for the 1st half of 2013 there is a device for a 5.5 inch display, there is no othe 5.5" display talk of late other than the Note 2. Then you notice for the 2nd half of 2013 that it states "Phablet" limits/TBD (to be determined) that to me indicates the third generation Note (which coincides with the 3rd year anniversary). So if that road map is true then Sprint will get the Note, but it looks like no sooner than Jan 2013. I myself was hoping it would be sooner like Oct/Dec. TS
  10. I'm only showing the Google map location of that house. The Sponsor map outlines more detail of that site. TS
  11. alot of interesting points in that article. wow. But phablet by mid 2013. NOOOOOOoooooooo i was hoping it would be sooner. Oh well, beggars can't be choosy. Edit: Wait a minute, on the roadmap (shown below) it shows 5.5" display for the first part of 2013 that does fall into place with the rumor of end of year for the Note which is to be 5.5" The "Phablet" limits/TBD is set for the second half of 2013 which could be anything over 5.5" Image Source: phonescoop TS
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